Blaster M

0 Post – 306 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

The Post Ninja

There is also a one man wonder effort to improve the sound work of simulated engines by "simply" simulating the flow of air

Exactly! Like, take a basic car, and make it an EV. It doesn't need to be a spaceship. I just need speed, charge level, maybe a tach or electrical load indicator, and a range estimator, all of which already exist on a basic car's dash. The head unit can remain a separate device that connects to my phone for navigation and phone. That's it.

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The Veloster was a Hyundai, a Korean manufacturer, and the car was made and imported from Korea, according to the VIN and all the little "Made in Korea" stampings on every part. I got it because it was an economy car with a Dual Clutch transmission.

quite a few models

Nearly every japanese automaker's cars for several years. Takata airbag recall was a big deal

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I put the most miles on a Veloster compared to any of my other cars so far - the difference in build quality is still quite noticeable. The car was well designed, but it wore out / disintegrated a lot faster.

My big metric for cars that last is the "stay fixed" metric. On the Japanese cars, typically they "stay fixed" once you do maintenance. I was repeatedly replacing the same parts on the Veloster that no other car I've had would ever experience failure on.

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My friend, have you ever configured an LED signboard before? If not, what you will learn will shock you...

...a lot of these boards are controlled by proprietary chinese software that only functions on Windows XP.... even today.

As to why they don't have a more modern OS connected to a signboard that obviously supports at least VGA and probably HDMI.... I don't know. Especially since the BSOD is a Windows 10 BSOD... XP did not have QR code sad face BSODs at the time.

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Meanwhile in the UK...

"White Cliffs"

"Green Park"

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It's a nAtUrAl CyClE


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You're supposed to uncheck the save storage space and download files as you use them option.

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A literal Bolivian Army Ending

How much time do you want to spend on linux os maintenance?

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Depending on the model and how you maintain them, some Japanese makes very much last a long time with a minimal of expenses.

Having daily'ed American, Korean, and Japanese cars, thw Japanese cars have been the most reliable as long as they are maintained.

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While everyone here is screeching about jerbs, I would like to point out that using AI voices to voice an AI is an artistic genius in itself.

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Doctor-patient confidentiality is a serious thing. It doesn't matter what you think, you never leak info about people's medical.

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Meanwhile, Youtube engineers and uBlock Origin volunteers are in a war of attrition, updating both the website (youtube, to block ublock) and uBlock Origin (the ad blocker, to unblock the ublock blocker) multiple times a day every day

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2024 Year of Godot?

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AI hallucinates stating it phones home when corrected, user did not wireshark it to confirm.

They bother because they are US based and can be hounded by the patent trolls holders

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Minimizing the NIMBY effect by corner placing the reactor plant.

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Running the diesel engine extra rich so it vomits extra sooty exhaust instead of properly burned, cleaner exhaust, because they feel the need to compensate for their small member by annoying everyone else.

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Oh no, another complicated way to jpeg an image that an ai training program will be able to just detect and discard in a week's time.

As long as they have the line

"Well Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Princess!"

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This is like a scene in a Leslie Nielsen comedy

Takes image, applies antialiasing and resize

Oh, look at that, defeated by the completely normal process of preparing the image for training

Reminder that due to the chicken tax, these vehicles have to be 25 years old before they can be imported.

The big problem is, these vehicles were built to 30 year old safety standards - no vehicle from the 1990's (except maybe a SAAB, and even then they're not strong enough anymore and will fail a small offset frontal) can compete with a modern car in safety requirements.

There is also the fact that these vehicles have been around for 25 years, and have that amount of age and wear on their platform - they won't be as strong as they originally were off the production line.

14 more... they're encouraging the escalation of peaceful protests into actual riots... in Texas... where at least half of the pop is armed... sure, that'll go well.

Interesting, considering I haven't noticed... and gaming benchmarks have shown a minimal if any difference in gaming performance between Windows, stripped down Windows, and Linux. You'd have to split hairs to find it.

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"chains required except 4wd"

4wd driver: "I can ice skate on worn all season tires because 4wd"

Also 4wd driver: "Halp ice is slippery and 4wd is not enough"

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Someone forgot to clear their clipboard

Ooooh, I could give you a while list of things, but I am not one to set fires intentionally.

I will say that a lot of people have been trained to use their feelings as a moral compass before letting logic and reason do the talking. This includes "treating the symptoms" of a problem and not digging down to the root cause. A lot of root causes are byproducts of the industrializaton of the modern era, but it's an unforgiveable sin to produce research that makes a company look bad.

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High chile consumption

So, don't eat an entire country. Got it.

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I find this funny as I remember the first 5 years of Windows 10 be like everyone hates it because it's not Windows 7

So Microsoft is no longer sending third party printer drivers thru Windows Update. You'll have to download the drivers yourself from the manufacturer, or hope the printer supports PCL/PS generic drivers (which they all should, but often don't).

If your first response is "but Linux", remember that PCL, PS and TXT drivers are the majority of printer support in Linux, seconded by the HPLIP driver.

Most of them are owned by one company. The only independent ones are Mullvad, Proton, and IVPN. For the most part, you want to Tor and never sign into anything if you are being ultra private about your browsing.

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This definitely won't be misused in any way that would completely destroy the good name of the person taking/in the frame of the image. It's just one "probable cause" search from a bad day.

Windows Defender. The W10+ version outperforms most third party antivirus softwares. Also, antivirus software increases the attack surface and becomes a vector for infection, especially the free ones that come with shovelware to market your pc usage improve your privacy or something.

Funny thing about reverse cameras, they became a safety standard and requirement since 2020. Too many toddlers getting run over because you can't see when they run behind the car below deck, even in an old car with a low trunk.

Entire profile set to private These are not the games you are looking for. Move along.

ReactOS. The "We have Windows at home" OS.

Maybe then it will see proper development to become that which it should be.