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It only matters if anyone does something about it. Really there should be a few traitors kicked outta congress as well but they haven't been.

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that sounds like what an idiot would have for a password.

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“I’m not…for the time being, but I stand with them! They are coming for all of us, eventually."

Rofl yeah when you are part of a conspiracy to commit a coup you deserve to be rounded up and jailed til trial.

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I disagree. Russian on Russian violence benefits ukraine.

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These things take time. Even for regular people it can be a while between being charged and going to court.

Now should he be arrested and held like he was anyone else who's a flight risk, yes. But I doubt any of thsse cases will goto court this year.

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I watched some predators kill their prey and then just left it. Didn't even have an animation to eat it.

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His administration stole supplies meant for liberal states and gave them to conservatives.

So, ugh , yes.

So he's gonna keep intimidating witnesses and the judge and prosecution. Great. If he was poor and trying this shit he'd be locked up yesterday.

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He's a whiny little snowflake.

better question is why isnt the rest of the world joining the french?

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oh no... anyway.

Hey dumbass they ain't prolife they're procontrol of women's body and reproduction.

"Why can't we be blatantly corrupt without getting called on it? "

There's only one platform fascist deserve. A platform that's gonna drop out from under them, good thing they have a rope or they'd fall to the ground.

They were somewhere over Las Vegas when James made his suggestion that they were in batshitcrazy country.

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I'm shocked that Jerry Jones would say something like that. Shocked. Well not that shocked.

what in the fuck. this is why younger people hate religion.

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can we stop measuring phones at there thinnest and start at their thickest? im tired of camera bumps. i can deal with the extra width, i have a folding phone in a case already. make it thicker so we can have more battery, or add some features back like a 3.5mm headphone jack.

At least biden isn't gonna brag about beating a cognition test.

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Alito: congress can't regulate us. But we can regulate congress and the executive branch.

Founding fathers: the fuck you just say?

if youre giving it away than you wont mind paying more in taxes so that more people can use a help up to get healthcare or go back to school.

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not paying his taxes makes him smart. or so i was told.

If Kevin wanted someone to uphold a deal he should've upheld his own.

Of course putin would side with his lap dog.

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Botulism can kill you, botox can kill your wrinkles.

So the tough on crime Republicans want to defund the prosecutor?

You mean the same milo y that came out in favor of teens getting molested in gay clubs?

yeah unless youre prepared to deal with the amount of snow that falls in the rockies and hunt/gather for food during that time its beyond reckless to try camping in those conditions. i knew someone that moved to alaska to do that with a buddy. they were way more prepared than these people and they came back within a year with their tails between their legs from mother nature kicking their ass.

No fucking shit. He's a flight risk. He's intimidating witnesses and judges. If it were a poor person just being a flight risk would land them in custody with no bail.

Why is it always framed as the employees costing money? Employers that come to agreeable terms don't cost the economy money.

I don't even remember buying premium for it it was so long ago and its been my go fo app forever. I miss it but I just have to remember spez killed it not the devs.

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I'm thinking it increasingly likely that those with the power to stop him will do nothing. As evidenced by the traitors still being in Congress.

I'm not trying to defend what it has become but social media can be good to keep updated or in contact with people. You're not gonna email everyone pictures of your vacation or whatever. Or to keep up with people you don't see nearly as often as you'd like because of, well, life. People do take it way to far and either post way too much info or take everything too serious.

it took them less then a week to go from "were a community" to "shut up and do as your told". fuck that and them. whether kbin or lemmy works out only the future knows so far but im done with reddit.

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Same people who lose their mind over hunter ignore jared and Ivanka actually being hired into the white house, a crime, not filling out their sf86, a crime, and profiting off of what they knew from being in the white house.

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But I thought we were a community. Spez said we were a community. Ho wouldn't lie would he?

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That like all of Wagners brains wiped out in one shot. Hahaha fuck em.

Maybe he should've complied with police orders. Or whatever conservatives say when a black man is killed by police for their pinky twitching.

For real. He needs to be in custody right now to ensure he doesn't flee. And no I do not trust the secret service here.

yeah. im fully against the death penalty but if were gonna do it lets make it as humane as possible. rather odd that alabama is leading in this though. especially with how inhumane the alabama prison system is overall.