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They just need to make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy. High earners who can afford their student loans will be dismissed like any bankruptcy court applicant who makes enough money to pay their debts, and the people who are actually struggling will get relief at the penalty of 7 years very bad credit.
Bankruptcy works for every other kind of debt, it was written into the Constitution by the founding fathers, and it's the perfect system designed exactly for problems like the student loan crisis.

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Pseudoephedrine definitely works though right?

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Why would you trust an oligarchy of politicians (the State) to decide which goods are useful “for a community” and which don’t?

Because we voted for them. We didn't vote for the board of directors of private companies. There's plenty of waste and corruption in private enterprise. It's not voluntary if they lie cheat and steal just like bad politicians.

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You can still get it, you have to go to the pharmacy in the back and give your ID though. Limited to like 5 packs a month which is more than plenty unless you're making meth with it

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No, and that's why people want a net neutrality law.

Yeah that's huge, why pay full price for a buggy game when i can buy the patched/optimized version of the game for half price a year later??

The problem is when crooks privatize these things they steal billions of dollars worth of taxpayer money. Yes Argentina is messed up, but it's because of corruption. Privatization or socialization, both will fail because of corruption.

Like, private school or public school, they both fail if the principal is stealing money, this isn't a leftist/rightist issue.

It's not unreasonable but at the end of the day, we buy these games to waste time. There's not a whole lot of justifying why im going to spend more on something i use to just unwind when i can buy plenty of 20$ games that will give me hundreds of hours of entertainment

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Just doesn't make any sense. First of all, the whole concept of the complaint is absurd.

Claimed: It should be illegal because anti-abortion doctors might have to take care of a patient who suffers a complication from the medication?

What? No, seriously what the fuck?? This isn't a claim.

Second, federalist society wants low taxes and regulations. What the fuck does this have to do with taxes and regulations? What does this have to do with the founding fathers? Why are they the federalist society if they oppose pretty much everything in the federalist papers explaining why we needed a federal govt and couldn't rely on the state governments doing everything?

Clarence thomas regularly writes super short opinions that just point to the tenth amendment and scotus doesnt have jurisdiction.

Idk man, it's just all so dumb it's like a bad movie fml.

So you like clones of 90s games lmao, that's cool ill try a couple of those out but like a doom clone lile hrot is not goty2023.

android has all those features, and most of the world uses whatsapp anyway

I think they meant DOS 1 & 2

They'll be worse, as qe abstract computer code more and more, less people actually have any idea how they work.

Yeah, it's reall not even about the prices. It's just so inconvenient to go between all those apps, and then login forgot your password, rest, 2FA so i have to get up from my couch and grab my phone.

All these paid services could be totally free from a monetary perspective and I still wouldn't sign back up for them. It's a worse service than cable TV used to be at this point.

On average sure, but putin probably has more than 3.5% subverting democracy for him, it's not so simple for the people.

It's the same thing as trump in the US, they just say things angry people want to hear, and they get elected and end up being the selfserving lying pieces of shit they always were. The difference in Argentina is all the choices are lying pieces of shit. Yeah Milei sucks but so does Kirchner and Fernandez.

I get that and i bough baldurs gate full price on release, but as the games start creeping up past 70 to like 100, it's like for what? I can just not spend this money. It's not like a car i need to get to work and car prices were skyhigh last summer and fall for example, or food, etc. If gaming companies cant compete on wages with other tech businesses that need programmers, they're just gonna have to make do with less manpower. Long winded way of saying inelastic market.

Yes we have self ownership but i would also want my family and friends to stop me if i got irrational for a moment and tried to burn down my house. I do believe we should have a right to euthanasia but if im not terminally ill i absolutely want my family to stop my from committing suicide in a moment of desperation.

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It comes down whether you find that having a gun is a fundamental right or something. I just don't think it is. Yes, it's a perfectly acceptable cost for a random acquaintance to make a fake complaint and get my gun taken. It would be only a mild inconvenience to have my gun taken away even permanently. I do like going to the range and shooting, it's a fun sport for sure, but it's not my identity.

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The court has jurisdiction regardless of what country the plaintiffs are from.

The same reason parallel parking is done backing in.

Yeah lemmy can do the same, but begging redditors to switch won't help anything. I was part of the digg migration, nobody on reddit ever posted on digg to go switch. I just searched for something else, and reddit was there. I certainly didn't spend a second thinking about digg afterwards, and i wont think about reddit either.

Sure, and they can have AI moderators in lemmy instances. Whatever problems are concerning about corporate AI admins also apply to corporate human admins.

If they sucked dick instead of going to war, there'd be nothing wrong with that and the whole world would be much better off

Well sure, and the country did alright for 200+ years before this change. Since then, the student loan industry has become a monstrous disaster.

Because you submitted a top level response, not a reply to any comment

The phones have wifi hotspot but the carrier blocks it. Yes the phone manufacturers in US allow the data carriers to block hotspot.

Sounds like a comment about a problem you dont have XD

Court jurisdiction can become a really complicated question, but citizenship of the parties has nothing to do with it. If a court has jurisdiction, doesn't matter if the plaintiffs reside on Mars.

They'll know about it when it's a good product. And , they do know about it, every fuck spez thread had lemmy memtioned as an alternative. At this point, any redditors who cared about the api changes know about lemmy. And that's fine if you want to go on reddit and spam lemmy links.

But it makes no sense to go to current reddit mods who are committed to volunteering for reddit six weeks after all this shit went down. They like reddit and dont plan on leaving, if they did they would have six weeks ago.

I suppose, but that's a different crime under a different statute Im guessing. (Tanking the company because gou have a scheduled sell, versus selling because you tanked the company.)

It's basically watered down meth. It's no joke! That said, it doesn't make me feel bad at all but everyone's different and it is a powerful drug.

Then dont subscribe, they're not planning on making money selling to people who already on it on PC. Netflix is making it available to people who didn't buy this on PC.

If enough people dont play it, they'll lose money and they wont do it again. If a lot of people play it, then who the fuck are you to tell other people the right way to enjoy playing games?

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and if they don't buy the dairy farmers get their subsidy anyway. like yeah i can make myself poorer buying unsubsidized milk, but kinda sucks you're putting the problem on me.

Naturally meaning make lemmy a good experience and people will come. Begging redditors to come won't help anything. Hell, OP and anyone else is free to just set up an instance where a bot reposts whatever gets posted to reddit front page, or a specific sub. That's a fine idea i think to help lemmy grow, as is any idea that will improve the Lemmy experience. But there's no need to spam reddit mods and ask them to help grow lemmy.

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Lauren Pazienza spent the night of March 10 gallery-hopping with her fiancé in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood in celebration of 100 days until their wedding

honestly, this is just piece of shit person, living off someone else's money, running around contributing nothing to society. fuck her

Rehabilitation and revenge are two out of the four aims of sentencing. There's also deterrence and prevention: sending a message to everyone else that this is not okay, and simply keeping the convict away from the public so they can't hurt anyone else.

Oh sure there's definitely bias in AI, same as selfdriving cars. They make mistakes, but make far fewer than humans.

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I guess the instructions of a quest are just the tip of the iceberg. The goal of mario was just to go right all the way. The real design was the obstacles in the way.

Exactly, a bunch of made up problems in his own head is the worst that can happen to him