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That’s not feasible in a FPTP system. Best you can do is keep voting for the least bad between the two “real” candidates and shift the Overton window overtime.

Or have a violent revolution, but that’s a bit more difficult to coordinate.

Would she? I’m not that informed on her politics but I think Bernie supported her, and Bernie is definitely a progressive even by rest-of-the-world standards.

I don’t know how viable would that be on a large scale, but they could just ban all China-based companies from operating outside like the US did with Tiktok.

I think that would deal a decent blow on their economy, but I’m far from an expert in those fields so someone who knows better will probably come and debunk me.

Just a correction, it isn’t entirely certain whether he killed himself or not. The apple wasn’t tested for cyanide and the chances he just inhaled too much while working are considerable.

Well, not that it changes anything about the horrible treatment he received because of his orientation though.

I’ve always thought being “proud” of your race, any race, is a weird concept.

Like, you didn’t do anything to be white, or black, or asian. Why would you take pride in something you had no agency in?

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“Gee, I wonder why kids these days don’t trust law enforcement!”

To be fair, they can’t see the future. People can change their minds. Better to write something like this than say “we will definitely always support Lemmy” and then in 5 years say “lol that was a lie”.

“Lmao, the Onion really is on a roll these days!

…oh for fuck’s sake”

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Yeah, just let me head over to the local 20k-member community for a mobile game that hasn't been updated in 5 years real quick. You know, the one that every city has.

Rainbow background would’ve been the cherry on top

a key Achilles’ heel was its basically non-existent customer service and unwillingness to ever engage constructively with users the company fucks over. At the time, I dubbed it Google’s “big, faceless, white monolith” problem, because that’s how it appears to many customers.

Hey, sounds like pretty much every corporation in 2023!

I hate so fucking much how little customer service companies are allowed to have.

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Being in the EU is like the one good part of the Italian government, if you take that out I guarantee we’ll somehow manage to be even worse neighbors than Florida

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I’m sorry, this is fucked up and I shouldn’t be laughing, but you really can’t make this shit up

What’s more, in his body cam footage you can clearly see the acorn fall into frame and strike the roof of his car. When asked if this was the sound he heard, Hernandez had this to tell investigators:

“I’m not gonna say no, because I mean that’s, but what I, [10 second pause in speaking] what I heard [3 second pause in speaking] sounded almost like [12 second pause in speaking] what I heard sounded what I think would be louder than an acorn hitting the roof of the car, but there’s obviously an acorn hitting the roof of the car.”

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“Mr. Billionaire Tech Company CEO, what was your detailed reasoning for the removal of a highly important feature that benefits way more users than the ones it harms?”

“It makes no sense”

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As someone with a right-wing father and a left-wing mother: for fuck’s sake date people with your same beliefs. Deep disagreement on something like that is NOT something you can build a trustful relationship upon.

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“Jewish men have small cocks because they can’t use them after they get married,” Giuliani said, according to the transcript. “Whereas the Italian use them all their lives so they get bigger.”

…I REALLY don’t think that’s how penises work, mister

I pray to God (or whoever I have to) that the .world admins rethink their federation decision.

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The thing that pisses me off the most is “””eco-friendly””” companies doing shrinkflation. My guy, you can tell me it’s recycled plastic or whatever, if the portions are smaller you’re still pumping out more plastic than before, asshole.

Normal people reading dystopian fiction: “wow, the author really portrayed well the downfall of humanity if we were to go down the wrong path”

Billionaires reading dystopian fiction: “hey, you know what…”

Full stats by the way:

Among women, 63.3% reported being the target of sexual harassment versus 23.7% of men

29.9% of women had been sexually assaulted versus 6.9% of men

10.9% of women experiencing forced physical contact for career opportunities (a form of sexual assault) versus 0.7% of men

Being raped by a colleague was reported by 0.8% of women versus 0.1% of men

Not sure why it keeps being framed as “versus” like it’s some sort of competition and it doesn’t mean both sexes get sexually harassed and that’s not fucking okay for either.

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Trump melts down


on Truth Social

…oh. Guess the celebrations will have to be postponed again.

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I love how it starts saying Piracy is illegal and unethical, then proceeds to describe one of the piracy sites as “awesome”.

I’ve literally had a conversation like

“the fediverse is too complex”

“It’s actually pretty simple when you get the hang of it, it took me like 5 minutes to understand it”

“That’s 5 minutes too much, everything is simple once you get the hang of it, actually simple things are intuitive from the start”

As if when you’re born you already have the knowledge required to browse Facebook in your brain. You have to “get the hang” of everything you use, there’s just more complex and less complex stuff (and 5 minutes is very much on the lower end).

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Jesus that’s depressing. Thank god for the Internet or wonder how much of that 87% would already be lost forever.

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A police victim’s family definitely has the right to see the footage, imo. Otherwise they can just mark everything as “accidental” or “unavoidable” like it already happens.

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It honestly depends. It definitely harmed musicians before streaming platforms arrived. And it only harms popular series that don’t need advertising (although you could say if a series is making that much money losing some is probably not much of a big deal).

Acting like piracy is only harmful to the market is anachronistic, but it’s undeniable that, while it does more good than harm, it still does a bit of harm.

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Failure to comply with the European regulations around illegal content could result in fines worth 6% of a company’s annual revenue.

“I remind you that following the opening of a potential investigation and a finding of non-compliance, penalties can be imposed,” Breton wrote.

The second might be just talk but the first one is very much “something”.

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I love this! Finally there’s going to be actual statistics to see how much their games are actually dying.

Don’t forget he basically said Charlie Hebdo had it coming.

Dude’s still an ass, he’s just a comparatively smaller ass than his predecessors.

“May God strike them dead. We will on November 5th”

…is a “win” missing or are they openly saying they’ll kill them on election day?

Admittedly, we’re not in the US so the divide is much smaller, but Jesus Christ listening to them arguing over half the stuff that came up on TV has definitely not been a pleasant experience.

Completely normal behavior for peaceful supporters of a law-abiding citizen. Who wouldn’t do some friendly doxxing to support their absolutely innocent leader.

The video in question, since links in the article lead to nothing

He’s a whistleblower. Corrupt corpos/countries hate whistleblowers. Reddit/Lemmy users hate corrupt corpos/countries. There.

It’s as easy as that, no need to bring out conspiracies.

And give money to Reddit? Hell no. Let’s see how much time they take to refill those ad slots by themselves.

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What the FUCK? Is there any uncorrupted government left on the planet?

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Can anyone remind me of Matt Gaetz’s stance on BLM protests? Judging by this affirmation he must’ve loved them right?

Trump already violated Engoron’s gag order twice, costing him $15,000.

I gagged. That’s less than the cheapest car on the market. For violating two gag orders in a civil fraud trial.

Man, and that's before the protests. For "spam" lmao, there's entire communities built on self-promotion, those are fine I guess?

B-but in 2020 they told me he was a filthy jew who wanted to further the agenda of the jew reptilian deep state! How is this possible?!?

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