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Joined 12 months ago

me me big boy

literally 90% of human history has gone unrecorded, and what has been recorded usually gets destroyed, ransacked or deliberately destroyed, Caligula's pleasure barges, Tower of Babel, Library of Alexander. Humans have tried to keep knowledge retained. and some people take that personally.

remember when ISIS was at its peak they were just destroying artifacts like it was a kid in a candy store. And that's just been in the 35 years I've been alive.

when Rome fell it took another century for civilization to rediscover the technology and applied lessons used then.

and im a dumb idiot, I'm just making a broad skim, if you could ask a historian they'd likely tell you all the things humans have lost, purposefully destroyed or forgotten along the way.

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Imagine not being able to return 'home' because you took your hat off. 🤔

I hope her friends and family wont catch any retribution for her 'escaping' shitty islamic justice

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"Shes not a woman, she is a literal piece of flare, FOR MY Institution REEEEE"

Excuse me, Real Life? pump the brakes.

My take on this is simple.

All that Money, Apple used what i can only presume to be mountainous sums of money to do a "miss me with that regulation"

dont forget to round up for charity on your next purchase from a multi million dollar company

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"The physics package contained within the B83 has been studied for use in asteroid impact avoidance strategies against any seriously threatening near earth asteroids. Six such warheads, configured for the maximum 1.2 megatonnes of TNT (5.0 PJ), would be deployed by maneuvering space vehicles to "knock" an asteroid off course, should it pose a risk to the Earth.[10]"

...If you have even half the comprehension to understand that amount of force. fuck...that's a lot of damage.

We saw the footage live. is he dumb? more angles of the same event doesn't change that it happened when it shouldn't have

and honestly that's kinda fucked up. a lot of those capital officers committed suicide. you're just going to watch videos of people who are already in jail or not with us any longer.

tactless, cowardly. might as well upload em to just more material to hang on humanity's wall of shame

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the guy is unraveling, every public appearance his tone and verbage become more desperate as journalists pick apart his garbage. but you know what he won't consider? stopping, going home and maybe focusing on his own life instead of worrying about how he can manipulate all of ours.

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This is ingrained with my DNA base coding.

"Why is no one having a good time? I specifically requested it. Gina, why aren't you dancing?"

God speed and fair weather on your unearthly travels, you will be missed.

Zelensky didn't want the job either but he packed up his actor clothes and has so far been putting on a damn fine leadership show. I can imagine plenty of wealthier families are trying to dodge. who wouldn't...10k seems low for bargaining ones potential life. not that any of this or that in ukraine is good right now. I just hope zelensky's soul isn't so blackened that he turns this into a teaching moment rather than punishment.

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Tucker and Dale vs Evil

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I'm partially impressed Desantis 1. had the gall to show up. 2. was likely expecting not to get booed. Plz someone get this clown out of my state and exile him to one of those plastic islands out in the center of most Seas

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competition. You like Brand A? and dislike Brand B? both are owned by C

No. he would have used a more appropriate metaphor, His choice of words underlines his thoughts at large.

i would never refer to anyone as a fucking hood ornament. that's dehumanizing.

His brazen attitude to speak about his thoughts and not consider them to be objectifying is scary.

title as it should be: 'google did not die a hero, it instead lived long enough to become the villain.'

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Gabes replacement will be the tell all. and as much as i want steam to exist over multiple generations..i dont think it can survive turnover, greed, opportunistic bastards.

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i worked in sales long enough to know that No, No sweet older lady ever spoke those words to you "setup on linux mint" and include the capacity for understanding hardware compliances? did everyone in the store clap too? would be a nice fantasy ngl

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As someone who used to run a louis rossman electronics repair business for a couple years before i burned out.

LG G5 was and still is my point to for perfectly fixable devices.

Motorola is trash because you have to dismantle the phone from the back layer by layer just to reach the front screen.

HTC was even worse with two tier motherboards and octopuss ribbon cables were a nightmare to navigate.

iPhone was/ is possibly the easiest fucking phone to fix, ironically...however by the iphone 8 and onwards apple found increasingly shitty ways to make 3rd party repairs nearly impossible.

windows phones, nokia, and others were hit or miss. tablets were long winded affairs but generally easy due to their inherent size.

ive been out of the game since 2019 when covid dropped. id really like to hear the inside baseball on any current operators running repair business.

i used Repair Shopr software to manage my customers. idk if thats still the go to or if another has bested it.

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That is playing with fire my dude. and i'm someone who slits the throats of businesses to make jobs tennable for myself and customers.

Uhaul for example...I dont give two fucks if you committed a heist with one of their trucks and there was blood and bullet holes upon check it. ill just mark it in the system as prior damage and uhaul sends a mechanic to fix it. done...some uhual dealers are fucking douches tho, you'll know because of the 'prior damage' stickers all over. fuck those gougers. Its free money for no effort, no reason to jam the customer up or take more time out of my day 'inspecting'. that's the job of uhauls mechanics.

Both my wife and i wanted to go equally. I wanted to thirst on Ken and I did...but on the serious note, its a good movie for both genders to see for seperate but equal reasons. Barbie gotta stand up and step out, be herself. and Ken has to learn what it means to be Ken without Barbie. This movie would of helped me not be such an incel in my formative years.

As a 35M, with a healthy sex life to my wife 40 (2-3times a month)

When does getting a dry handy in a public venue ever constitute legitimate foreplay, also the wrenching and single handing her breast like it's a stress ball? its like watching teenagers figure it out.

I would have to be full on crank 2 with my wife taunting me to even keep it up with that many people around...but, hey good for Boebert, she's definitely finding 'quality' sexual intimacy in her continuous selection of partners.

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I think having children when the world is already overflowing with unwanted children is pretty fucking selfish. how about you do humanity a favor and stop for a round or two, eh? maybe pick up all the lost and forgotten children society has strewn across the way.

(only child unwanted by both parents, dont know who my father is. left my mother at 18, but she made sure to remind me how much her life got fucked up because she had me...Currently married to my lovely wife going on 10 years at 2024 and 12 years together total. and we have considered a child. but...i cant stop thinking about the ones already here, unloved. but as a bastard only child with no real parents, i could be bias.)

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the neat part is the American health care system always finds a new way of disappointing everyone.

what's truly upsetting is that the few trans people that may need to go to that hospital for the fastest health care are going to find out the shitty way they've been blacklisted.

there is probably a good legal case against this misinformation but how many trans have the time and energy to fight backdoor politics?

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so much fuss over a hat,please muslims, make it make sense. why is it a female's job to worry about your stupid ass erections?

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My Favorite human phenomena is that most drivers will use the horn when their safety could have been secured by applying the brakes

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Do not begrudge getting few get the opportunity.

4 year old wiped off this world because a 25 year old woman shot her in an attempt to intimidate and scare her. there was no firearms safety class being taught; if my mother wanted to "show me something" it was always to rub my nose in the proverbial piss of some mistake i had made in her eyes. That is what i see here for this "gun class"

This is a good debate about copyright/ownership. On one hand, yes, the authors works went into 'training' the AI..but we would need a scale to then grade how well a source piece is good at being absorbed by the AI's learning. for example. did the AI learn more from the MAD magazine i just fed it or did it learn more from Moby Dick? who gets to determine that grading system. Sadly musicians know this struggle. there are just so many notes and so many words. eventually overlap and similiarities occur. but did that musician steal a riff or did both musicians come to a similar riff seperately? Authors dont own words or letters so a computer that just copies those words and then uses an algo to write up something else is no more different than you or i being influenced by our favorite heroes or i formation we have been given. do i pay the author for reading his book? or do i just pay the store to buy it?

He just Floated the idea, its not like he actually,um-Quick, Buzz, Biden Jr's Laptop!!!

The industry did this to itself, and while i cannot imagine the pain and stress of working 80hrs+ and hitting dead one pulled the brakes on the train, covid revealed how absolutely deficit heavy the gaming community was operating under. this happened once before, history isn't repeating but its dropping and spitting hell fire rap bars

they once searched my car when i was a new driver and i was so nervous about getting rodney kinged. they were so proud when they showed me the empty liquor bottles and a couple .22lr rounds left over from ages. They wanted to charge me with something so bad. it was written across their faces and behaviour. all because of an out of state license plate.

What is going to come from this is Panera settles, and then sticks the charged lemonade behind the counter and enhances warning labels.

What may indirectly come from this is Solid Numbers on Caffeine overdose. and what is a safe amount and what is playing with fire.

It's a modern day created problem. energy drinks flood the market, other companies compete and boom, someone died. I've seen reports that she had some medical issues and caffeine was like her version of a bee sting or peanut allergy , but I've yet to corroborate that narrative.

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Why does he care so much what kids identify as? its a little C R E E P Y

He certainly has been depraved, of fulfilling his dark fantasies since epstein got clocked out and the new ranch owners snuffed him, i bet.

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The combustion engine. I know technically it's not but ultimately we as humans found a way to harness the power of explosions and make them do our bidding. honestly, one of humanity's finer achievements. yes, it's not without its barbs like emissions, but that's a small price to pay for the workload any vehicle can provide.

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caught? this is his open rhetoric, caught lol

Is this a new trend? like Johnny depp and Amber heard !? twitch ttv would melt if they added a 'court room' tab

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Google: Wanna see me create another great app and space then do no advertising and deep 6 it like, well whenever. wanna see it again?

they are like the bad version of valve with their IPs.

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as a life long gamer who has had to 'grow up' and learn trades to survive and pay bills. it would be hella fun and possibly cathartic to mess with a free game engine. I've been playing games for 30 years. Maybe it's time i take all that knowledge and frustrate myself on a passion project. Thank You Unity for showing me GODOT.

IDF just loves killing Hamas. These civilians obviously contracted a case of the Hamas and had to be exterminated like when the Nazis were systematically killing off that one group of people..ugh, tip of the tongue, they wear tiny hats, practice early Christianity. starts with a J...Im sure its all above board with Israel. they have an excellent track record with allies and human rights practices

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i hop between geico, progressive, and allstate. after the 6month bait deal ends i just call and move over to the next competitors 6 month sweet deal.

It's easy to maintain, just 3 tabs on my browser and now you don't even have to talk to a person.

i learned after graduating in 2006 and walking face first into 2008s bullshit. if they want to hot potato lumps of debt, ill just hot potato competing services.

beyond need. Begging, literally drowning. the sheer will she had to muster to survive that encounter alone will haunt her..and not the drowning, the look of indifference in those soldiers eyes, watching her...

You can't take money with you when you die.

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