14 Post – 601 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Nobody has any idea where these people are coming from…

…and we know they come from…

Ok, logically, at least one of these is guaranteed to be a lie.

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I already knew it was a cult, but wow, it really is a cult

People thought I was dumb, but I proved them!

When the dog came up, I was expecting it to go “and the dog agreed it was a good stick”

Better that than a “controversies” section

I actually thought this was fake because it was posted here

Ok time travelers are fucking with us

Who is this person and why do his comic keep getting posted here?

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Wow they remade a game as big as starfield in only 48 hours? Just recording all the dialogue during that time would have been intense

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Took him thousands of years to realize “wait, what if I just told them to love each other?”

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You mean you don’t hyper fixate on a few uncomfortable moments from your past and hold grudges based on those?

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Reminds me of a Noah’s ark tv special where they claimed to have found the ark and that there was a bunch of gold jewelry in it, including crucifixes. But…why would Noah have crucifixes?

I don’t see any reason for me to use Linux

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As far as I’m concerned it’s still just Facebook

I love how the dog thought “no they just don’t understand because I couldn’t explain it properly”

Websites already sucked by 2013

It always fucking was. I remember the first time I heard of climate change, it was an ad suggesting that planting trees could help counter the greenhouse effect, and that’s when my dad told me that the whole thing was made up to trick people into supporting higher taxes. This was the 80’s.

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Hey, they’re harming old people’s mental health too!

Wow, maybe the taliban really will be defeated by capitalism

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That junkie looks like he’s in pretty good shape

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There’s a band I heard of called “:(“ and I’ve never been able to find it since

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Using Pringles as a tuna scoop isn’t a bad idea, actually

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Also, they’re idiots for just taking his word for it.

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I like to say “acknowledged!” like Picard

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I still don’t trust chatgpt to tell me anything true on purpose.

In this scene, everyone is annoyed at Homer because he put on his weird music. “Don’t play your weird music“ is definitely one of those rules I keep defying

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They could have clarified that in the headline

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I’ve only ever hear people refer to their chat as “chat” (like, “hey chat” or “look chat”) in those weird ads where twitch streamers I’ve never heard of order McDonald’s

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Everyone acting in good faith all the time. Yeah, it’s impossible.

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That’s right. Stick it to Reddit by checks notes using Reddit.

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Gen Z hasn’t had their name changed several times yet

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Ok I cut out the front of my tank but then all the water spilled out

Buying a new car fixes your old car

I always thought Mario and Luigi should have been the knights. You know, the only pieces that can jump.

Block the community you coward

Wow, thanks! I’m not sure this is even them but it’s a band called :( so I’ll take it!

Bye bye ties!

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I’m getting pretty sick of people saying shitty things because they’re bad at metaphors. People who are bad at metaphors should just not use metaphors.

The thing that bothers me the most about this meme format is apparently, one of the things people want most is to have to constantly have your head turned to watch tv

Why would anyone trust tik tok ad a source for ANY information at all?! That’s like watching the Sifl and silly episode where they dance to the Du Hast video to learn German.

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