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Joined 1 years ago

She looks like she's wearing a human suit.

It's a technicality. The parents have the authority.

There's no mention of the minor's choice.

It's not paranoia if they really are trying to kill scam you.

IMHO you probably now have the right amount of scepticism.

ARM won the mobile/tablet form factor right from the start. Apple popularised ARM on the desktop. Amazon popularised ARM in the cloud.

Intel's been busy shitting out crap like the 13900K/14900K and pretending that ARM and RISC-V aren't going to eat their lunch.

The only beef I have with ARM systems is the typical SoC formula, I still want to build systems from off the shelf components.

I can't wait.

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NVIDIA spent many many years doing a very very poor job of providing drivers for Linux.

Many people have not forgiven them for that.

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They have guns, just like police where I live have guns.

Locked in the car, not on their person.

If a situation requires a gun, they can go and get it.

Afterwards, they have to account for every round fired.

But then, it's harder to kill "n****rs" extra-judicously then.

Isn't that a cello?

Seems reasonable and proportionate to me.

In Judge Dredd.

Banks' system are probably already compromised and don't even know it.

Astrophysics! And it's part of the New Horizons mission team.

Among my favourite takes on the Culture is, I think, from Consider Phlebas: that the Minds basically keep humanity as pets, and everyone is just fine with that thank you very much.

It's "world's smallest violin" where I'm from. Are there regional/cultural variations on this saying?

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I was there, Mr Anderson, 3000 years ago...

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Thinking about it, the SoC idea could stop at the southern boundary of the chipset in x86 systems.

Include DDR memory controller, PCI controller, USB controllers, iGPU's etc. most of those have migrated into x86 CPU's now anyway (I remember having north and south bridge chipsets!)

Leave the rest of the system: NIC's, dGPU's, etc on the relevant busses.

I haven't wanted an Intel processor for years. Their "innovation" is driven by marketing rather than technical prowess.

The latest batch of 13900k and again with 14900k power envelope microcode bullshit was the final "last" straw.

They were more interested in something they could brand as a competitor to ryzen. Then left everyone who bought one (and I bought three at work) holding the bag.

We've not made the same mistake again.

Intel dying and its corpse being consumed by its competitors is a fairy tale ending.


The glockenspiel thread was worth it though.

The films were as perfectly cast as possible, and the elves were portrayed perfectly too. You definitely got the feeling that they all were immortal, ancient, and dripping with the arrogance and composure that would bring.

Cycle infrastructure, even.

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SELinux enters the chat

Sure you own it, your groups owns it, its permissions are 777, SELinux says GEEEEEEET FUUUUUUCKED.

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Take an article from a reputable publisher, an article for a subject that you are expert in.

Read it and make note of facts they got right and got wrong.

Now apply that same ratio to articles where you have little or no expertise.

These guys are just speed running th at to its inevitable end.

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X* predates almost everything still in common use.

Which is, frankly, amazing.

It's also why Wayland took (is taking) so long. It has to compete against X11 with decades of development.

That's a tall order.

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And don't have a federal sense of humour.

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I switched to DDG merely to get rid of Google's irrelevant paid results up top.

If I'm searching for brand model manual I don't need every competitor's marketing detritus.

Likewise contact details etc... it's maddening.

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rm -rf ${var}/ is a disaster waiting to happen.

Always do rm -rf "${var:?}/" so that the script aborts if the variable is empty. Or better yet rm -rf "./${var:?}/".

Edited to add quotes. Always quote a path: it might have spaces in it, without quotes that will become multiple paths! Which would also have avoided the particular bug in question.

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I really don't like that underscore.

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This statement is only ever said by the truly rich.

At a point, more money can't buy more happiness.

Guess what, economic stability and security buys quite a lot of happiness.

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Nah, just a giant compiled binary blob. That's what all the cool hackers do these days.

Atheist here. But I'll put a Christian hat on for a sec.

Humans are fallable. God isn't. Human interpretation of God's will is fallible. Therefore the church must adapt as humans become better at diving God's will.

Hat off.

I don't think that's a contradiction. Now I'm going to stand in my garage for an hour and sing, hoping it'll make me a good car.

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It's OK, they're just billion poorest people.


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Clearly he forgot to bring his Good Guy Gun.

Or didn't and simply flouted the law.

There's a stereotype of people who own those breed(s) for a reason.

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You're missing that the police etc and the proud boys etc are the same group.

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Other Pacific islands: seething jealousy they didn't think of that first.

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I'll go give you a hint: you made some crap CPU's and rather than binning them as lower spec'd units you sold them as is and then claimed they were performance units.

This meant that the spec overhead that previously MB manufacturers relied on to stretch the performance wasn't there anymore.

TL;DR: greed

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Of course they relieved themselves of the resource (human) that negatively impacted the share price.

Same way they relieve themselves of a resource (bolts) that negatively impacts the share price.

It's ok, they can just unexecute him later when new evidence comes to light, or an appeal finds that a mistake was made.

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Freddy Mercury.

Or David Bowie

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Seems like they've "over hired" in marketing.

Rather, I bought from the vendor who contributed their GPU drivers to the Linux Kernel. It just so happened that's AMD.

NVIDIA sycophants hate that one weird trick.

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