Can money buy happiness? Income may boost emotional well-being more than we thought to World – 211 points –

Money does indeed buy happiness, and it increases with a bigger paycheque more than economists previously believed, a recent analysis has found.


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This statement is only ever said by the truly rich.

At a point, more money can't buy more happiness.

Guess what, economic stability and security buys quite a lot of happiness.

Hapiness is defined differently by different people. Some will be happy by buying trinkets or experiences. Some by having a happy family. Some by being remembered by others. Some by helping others in need. If you aren't the person that wants to buy their hapiness, then no amount of money will help.

Then again, it helps a shitton in all of the above, up to a point.

I think it's better said as "money enables happiness". If you have enough money that your needs are met, then you are free to pursue whatever makes you happy.

Not everybody needs money for happiness though