
3 Post – 705 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

I beat Mario Lost Levels once. On the SNES with saves, but I beat it.

What? Ukraine is nowhere near Israel...?

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Exactly! You get to be surrounded by nature, and not concrete and pavement like that other city.

The Luxor casino in Vegas apparently took about 6 months between starting construction and opening.

Well I'm in Tucson, AZ right now. It's a pretty liberal city in a decidedly purple rural state. Mountains and wildlife are gorgeous.

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Better than it handles my long post.

I just had a concrete floor cut for plumbing, and neither of the guys wore a mask or respirator which is insanely unhealthy. I have a feeling it was "not manly".

Which makes that quite literal Toxic Masculinity.

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Hawaiian pizza is good.

Not that it's the best pizza, or even my favorite. It's just a fine option.

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Wow. The look of utter and genuine surprise at how our government functions is absolutely priceless.

But as you just read, this judge has been predictably sabotaging this case.

Can confirm, it's still the top result under the sponsors. And it's an amusing read.

For anyone in the same mood as I am today, I think I'll rent The Beekeeper later, where Jason Statham kills scores of evil motherfuckers, because they drove his friend to suicide. It is a very cathartic and satisfying film, and trust me when I say the themes are very relevant.

Shouldn't he be in prison for when he tried to murder that poor pregnant woman a couple weeks ago?

....what's the dark reason? Was there something new, or the same "end of democracy" we've known very well about for about 8 years now?

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Q-tips were very clearly designed to clean ears. They just have to cover their ass now, and tell people it's not safe. (I do not personally have very gooey ear wax and don't use them much at all)

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Guys, I hate it too. But we can't just remove every single piece of art we find objectionable. Yes, I am using the word Art liberally. Do you really want to live in that world?

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I chose it because it sounds general, honestly. Joining a more specific sounding instance just seemed kind of arbitrary and confusing. I love Star Trek, but I still don't want that to always appear with my name, for example.

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Kind of weird, considering they're a major competitor, but so what? Why is this something they need to "admit"?

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"Because I won't recognize the number and therefore never answer a call."

It's not the right time to be sober

Now, the idiots have taken over

Spreading like a social cancer, is there an answer?

Mensa membership conceding

Tell me why and how are all the stupid people breeding?

Watson, it's really elementary

Industrial revolution

Has flipped the bitch on evolution

The benevolent and wise are being thwarted, ostracized What a bummer

The world keeps getting dumber

Insensitivity is standard

And faith is being fancied over reason

Darwin's rolling over in his coffin

The fittest are surviving much less often

Now, everything seems to be reversing, and it's worsening

(guitar riff)

Someone flopped a steamer in the gene pool

Now, angry mob mentality is no longer the exception, it's the rule

And I'm startin' to feel a lot like

Charlton Heston

Stranded on a primate planet

Apes and orangutans that ran it to the ground

With generals and the armies that obeyed them

Followers following fables

Philosophies that enable them to rule without regard

There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated

Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred

Majority rule, don't work in mental institutions

Sometimes, the smallest softest voice carries the grand


What are we left with?

A nation of god-fearing pregnant nationalists

Who feel it's their duty to populate the homeland

Pass on traditions

How to get ahead religions

And prosperity via simpleton culture (ah-)

The idiots are taking over

The idiots are taking over

  • Fat Mike
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"And so we drew Superman instead. Same diff."

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I thought we were Gen x or y?

Anyway, this entire album is fucking banger.

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Sydney Sweeney

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Well you could not connect it to the internet...

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The AI questions and answers that almost never seem to be answering the question in my search.

Q: Best tool for removing a nail

A: The most common tool used to take out nails is a hammer!

No, Google. I fucking know what hammers are. I'm asking you for NAIL PULLERS. JESUS CHRIST.

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Why are you talking in 3rd person?

Guys, they wanna take our freedoms.

It's been reduced and extended. We've been fucked in the ass and lied to yet again.


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Everyone should start talking about CSI incessantly.

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Clifford was pretty popular for a dog book.

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Just FYI, I know English is hard, but "a" means one not two.

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Downvoted not because I disagree, because this might be the most pointless set of words ever written.

... yes. I know because you've told me 25 times in the last week.

Shatter their kneecaps? Oh wait, I mean "vote". I always get those two mixed up.

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............what the fuck is Channel 1?

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Dies from possible drowning.

TMZ: New details are surfacing about Matthew Perry's death

So basically these clerks were probably more qualified than their boss?

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Why do we call it "retiring" when we all know he'll be CEO of some other company in 2 months?

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