Grateful to be here. to Lemmy – 757 points –

After 10+ years on that Other Site.


Lemmy is a breath of fresh air.

To me, going from Reddit to Lemmy feels similar to way back when, going from Digg to Reddit.

back then, there was a sense of superiority among Digg users, and when people suggested "maybe try Reddit", it was quite often met with criticism and scorn, "Reddit sucks, the UI is ugly, only nerds use it", and similar types of of criticism.

and yet, Digg continued to falter from its shortcomings, and Reddit continued to exist as a viable alternative. Initially it wasn't appealing to everyone, but a large enough number of people gave it a try that it continued to grow, and as it grew it became more attractive to a larger number of people, and then became an equal competitor Digg, and Digg continued to falter, and eventually Reddit emerged as the superior alternative.

the transition from Reddit to Lemmy has many similarities to that story. Reddit is faltering from its shortcomings, a common sentiment encountered on Reddit when mentioning Lemmy or the fediverse is met with a similar arrogant sense of superiority, and yet Lemmy continues to grow and attract new users.

as the days go on, Lemmy will continue to appear as the more attractive alternative against the backdrop of Reddit's shortcomings to a larger number of people. to me it seems that we've already crossed some critical thresholds and it's only a matter of time before the fediverse becomes mainstream.

glad to be here with you all


spez is nothing more but a man who is corrupted and blinded by his money. he only cares about profit. he is the human embodiment of the 🤑 emoji.

True embodiment of the 🤡emoji

actually, he's more of a mix of the 🤑 and 🤡 emojis. his greed (🤑 emoji) has made him resort to 🤡 behaviour, all in the name of more money.

I don’t know what kys means but in context I’m gonna guess it’s “kay, you suck”

It is an appeal for reddit to commit self-die

I think Reddits been doing a bang up job of self-dieing.

Reddit thinks autoerotic asphyxiation is a competitive sport.

After today's update, Lemmy runs like a dream. Happy with my move. I only use Reddit for work and in a desktop browser now.

Lol what work do you do that requires Reddit?

I work for an online retailer for computer components. Reddit helped/helps give me perspective of what people think about tech products, what they're looking to buy, and I used it to keep up with the news in the hardware-focused subreddits. Reddit's community is sufficiently large enough that there are opinions you can read from enthusiasts to homelabbers to people who don't know what to do when Windows screws up their Radeon Software installation.

As a former technical writer, it helps fill in gaps about things I don't know enough about, like where people on lower budgets actually choose to spend their money in a build, and whether or not the RTX 4060 is actually terrible, as opposed to it not meeting expectations of an audience that it's not aimed at.

Never going back again. I see no reason to. This is better in every way.

The instance I am admin at is financial focused, specifically looking at Direct Registration, if that interests anyone!

What’s the thingy? Link? Name? Sublemmy? What are we calling the things? Where do I go to access your stuff, guy?

This place is the shit. It's like everyone who actually was active on Reddit moved here. The content is great. The community all hates that guy who banned APIs. It doesn't matter what differences you have. It's anger that causes better things to bloom.

Kind of like potatos. Like I forgot I planted them. I'm constantly finding potatos. I swear I ran them over with a lawn mower. They came back. We came back.