
3 Post – 133 Comments
Joined 1 years ago


I hear you but we can still celebrate progress. It's really disheartening if you shit on every time somebody does something in the positive direction

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bets on his real height and weight?

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So that means no taxes I guess?

Yeah fuck them. I'm tried of them thinking they are the 'silent majority'. Show them just how small they really are

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They really do be bitching about absolutely nothing huh?

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I definitely held out thinking they would change their mind about the API but day finally came and I made a Lemmy account and didn't look back

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But who else will make a PowerPoint about how much work they don't do?

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Allowing Nazis to be in society is a slippery slope

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Yet I've still seen many people clamoring that we won't have jobs in a few years. People SEVERELY overestimate the ability of all things AI. From self driving, to taking jobs, this stuff is not going to take over the world anytime soon

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Wow this is literally against her first and second amendment rights!!!1!

When will the Biden/Clinton/Obama's end their reign of tyranny???

The Biden crime family made him say this!!! This is just 5d under water back gammon to make us forget the real enemy!1!!

Truly Americas mayor

A times B times C equals X… I am jacks something something something

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but but but elon sleeps on the floor!!!!!1!! hes so hardworking when hes tweeting literally all day and night!

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Shame how many needless deaths this will lead to years after the conflict is over

yea this is just a good joke regardless of opinion.

The ad is too small. They need to make it much bigger to maximize profit

He said they only need $20 billion to feed everyone .... well fuck that daddy bezos want to go to space!

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Who cares if it’s legal….. the Muskinator thinks it’s ‘cool’ 😎

Something something free market something something capitalism

You are thinking of "E pluribus unum" , which was our original motto from the civil war until the whole communist scare in the 50s. So.....

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While I agree, it's good to know these ridiculous actions he takes. It's not like it's positive for him

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Putin complains about Nazi in Ukraine, then wants to stop Israel from doing business... Hmmm.. 🤔

sounds like your jealous of how cool they were

There is No Hate Like 'Christian' Love

See! You're just confirming that they weren't targeted!!!1!

They already do this. With chat bots and phone trees. This is just a slightly better version. Nothing new

This is the outcome of the republican strategy. the liberals are the literal antichrist and will stop at nothing to destroy America and take your kids. Fostering that mind and bombarding them with it everyday makes people do crazy things...

Not unlike religion.

Yea that's honestly worse than begging for advertisers lol

He did mention “good” open world fantasy game

Just a little sweet Schadenfreude at the man chanting to lock people up to the last few years

Which he is doing with the subscription model. Put your money where your mouth is in that case. Have you supported Lemmy or the 3rd party apps in any way?

For a BMW that's pretty good

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I feel called out. I swear it's just to engage the community more!!

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Yea in not tryna brag but I got a couple upvotes earlier. Suffering from success

That's too many bits for him

I mean all your can do is engage with the community and actually work to get it up to what you want. I've commented more in the last 3 days then I did in 8 years on Reddit cause I want it to thrive

I feel the exact same way. It was cool for a bit. But the mods I have helped make it cooler and more enthralling in the world

Yea that's a good point. I want it to be popular enough to have a good time and business to thrive but I don't need it to have all the users from previous places. A smaller, more involved community is good for me

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I mean yea kinda... They provide virtually all the mass entertainment for people all over the world.