5 Post – 656 Comments
Joined 13 months ago

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It's hard to feel sorry for anyone who fell for a very obvious art grift. Even harder to be sorry for those caught grifting.

Even a cursory understanding of value would have told these people that pretty looking receipts are a piss poor investment, but no, they were convinced that NFT's (a tech they obviously knew nothing about) held intrinsic value despite having nothing of value backing them.

Everyone caught up in the NFT art grift did so because they thought they could make a quick buck being ahead of the wave of the next big pump and dump like crypto and got fucked by their hubris. The grifter's meanwhile were out here selling them graffiti'd up CVS receipts and saying they were worth the Mona Lisa.

The result? A perfectly valid and valuable technology has been completely disregarded by the public because 90% of people were too stupid to think before they bought into a tech they didn't understand and they all lost money to grifters. Worlds most widespread art grift and everyone was played a fool, and a valuable tech has been discredited, misunderstood, and shunned.

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Damn, he missed.

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Chinese underwater weather balloon.

Only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

These studies really need to stop asking racists if they think they're racist.

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Try to look like a retro futuristic evil corporation speed run any %.

Most progressive pride flag

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These same people drive into lakes because the GPS said so.

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Apple is trying to claim it's the fault of regulators that usb-c to lightning cables will be useless e-waste despite being the wankers that chose to use lightning instead of usb-c in the first place.

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Firefox is now faster than Chrome as of the latest benchmarks.

No, the cop managed to murder just fine.

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Owning the libs will become the most common cause of death of conservatives.

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Don't start shit, won't be shit.

When the low int character keeps rolling critical success on skill checks.

If you want to understand his action look at those who paid for him to act.

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But not USB as a standard it doesn't. They still chose proprietary over standard because wankers.

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It stops their instance hosting CSAM and removes their legal liability to deal with something they don't have the capacity to at this point in time.

How would you respond to having someone else forcibly load up your pc with child porn over the Internet? Would you take it offline?

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Fuck scientology, but honestly, props to Ron. It takes a significant amount of rizz and a good lack of fucks to go from being quoted on how lucrative it would be to start a religion while he was a well known science fiction author, only to make a religion and gain untold wealth.

I mean it's one thing to grift an idiot, but when you tell them to their face that you're going to grift them who's fault is it really?

He's a wannabe Steve Jobs who has chased his own one letter legacy for 30 years, pathetic.

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True, 42% of the population thinking that way seems scary, but half of them are right.

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Not just that but due to the randomness of white noise data it can't be compressed, so the bandwidth is much higher just because of that factor alone. Think 30mb for a white noise file the same length as a 3mb song.

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Obviously something too far beyond your meager comprehension.

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These gymnastics are an embarrassment to people that what police reform, you make is look like idiots.

If self awareness was a disease you'd be the healthiest person alive.

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After witnessing one of the most successful RPG releases in recent history

They better be referring to the release of BG3, because if they're talking about D4...

When you have the mental acuity of a microwaved hot pocket anything can make sense.

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That's like saying Digg isn't dead because the website is still there. But what was once the front page of the Internet is a forgotten footnote that now stands as a bot content farm. Reddit will go the same way.

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They literally bought out one of the best apps, brought it in house, and actively made it the worst app. It's almost amazing how consistent reddit's management failures have been.

Look at Digg, history may not repeat but it sure rhymes. Dying takes time.

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Nope, see the problem is that our civilisation has used all the most readily accessible natural resources, oil, copper, tin, iron, coal, gold, silver, etc. The problem now is that if our civilisation collapses and there's a significant loss of technological capacity, any emergent civilisation may never develop the capacity to reach or process adequate amounts to enable a technological rediscovery. Yay.

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I'd take it back too after that condescending bullshit.

Fuck that, gitmo his ass.

Both sides, eh?

Yep, the e-waste conversation is bullshit apple propaganda because they aren't happy about playing nice with competitors and losing proprietary control of their connectors despite it being the same e-waste as if they were upgrading from or to any other standard.

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You have a new Conservative party, it's called the Dems, what you need is a new progressive party to catch up with the rest of the developed world.

Silver lining.

Keep the pithy sad sack comments on Reddit.