So, apparently shit post mods will just remove posts with positive upvotes without any mod mail or explanation.

Cabrio@lemmy.worldbanned from sitebanned from site to Lemmy – 15 points –

As per title, submitted a post here that as far as I'm aware met all the rules, it had positive momentum before I went to bed, wake up and no post and no messages or notification that it was removed or why except that it's just gone. Discuss.


Looking at the post, it didn't fit the community, but it would also have broken Rule 1. Lemmy Shitpost is for Shitposts. Instigating discussion on heavy topics is not the purpose of this community

There are places for those kinds of posts, this is not it. I pride myself in keeping this place respectful, no matter where you stand politically. Posts that break the rules will be removed and I stand by my moderators decision on this one.

You're welcome to to your opinion and I will not be removing/locking this post unless it devolves into rule breaking.

That's perfectly fine. I'm just trying to identify that there is a problem because as a new user to a new platform none of that is made apparent, lack of communication and information about this has just made me less likely to even try and enagage due to a lack of clarity on how the rules are enforced.

Without some notification, as a new user I don't even know for sure that it's mod action and wouldn't have without making this post.

this is a teething issue with lemmy as a platform. It would certainly help to have a place where notifications go when posts are removed or banned. Currently that place is the modlog which is viewable by everyone

I'm aware of this now, but mod log is not something new users are made aware of, nor is it accessible through the apps, at least not Jerboa. There's a significant number of new users who will never touch the web interface.

new user to a new platform

Yeah. We’re all just starting here. These fedi apps are barely holding together. Techs been around for a bit but never this many users. We have a lot of work to do. Everyone from the devs to the hosters and the mods. Honestly maybe it is best to just walk away if you’re getting this upset.

I'm not upset, just seeking clarification.

going to go with the mods on this one, if you think that was a shitpost you need to take another look at the other posts in the sub.

you can make that joke I bet, just don't do it badly and remember, divisive stuff has a high likelyhood of being nuked on most of fedi.

these rules are broad and common.

I forgot that reality was divisive.

I still don't see which of those rules my post breaks. I still don't know why my post was removed. You can make assumptions, we both can, but until I understand the reasoning it just appears like my post disappeared due to a bug and I'll probably be tempted to repost it to make sure it isn't.

pretty sure its #5, that one is usually big enough to drive a truck through.

That would be akin to saying that removing my post is the same as "inciting terrorism" because it makes me want to act out.

But again, missing the point. We can both make assumptions but u less I'm told by a mod why my post was removed I can't even be sure it was mod action and not a bug in the system.

I'm going to assume it's a bug until I do have clarification because I wouldn't want to assume incompetence.

id more presume lack of time, its a shitpost community after all.

Great, so because of a lack of automated notification I'm left to assume whether it's a bug or mod action? How does that resolve the problem for anybody?

If I assume. It's a bug and I repost I risk a ban, so I stop contributing.

If I assume it's a mod removal, but don't know what rule I broke or why, I don't have a clear understanding so I stop contributing.

Neither of these things allow me to understand why my content was not suitable and dissuade me from contributing, and if this is happening a lot it is probably damaging the ability for new contributers looking to engage.

This was my first post after all and I don't know why it was removed. Why should I try to contribute ever again?

oh its a mod action, i can see it. first post, new to lemmy gets removed. seems pretty normal imo, shitposting is a risky place to try to FP that topic.

You can, but I can't. As a new user trying to figure out a new platform a lack of information availability and communication of mod actions feels kind of counterintuitive to understanding when I am encountering a bug or crossing a line that I don't understand. Neither of which is going to make wanting to contribute to the new platform I'm on out of uncertainty.

I don't disagree though as a 16+ year reddit user, I can't say I haven't seen exactly this on more than one site in the past (including reddit). I'd also suggest that not every instance is "just like reddit" what might fly there will get you banned or censured on some instances, moderated on others.

might want to run your own instance or switch to one that aligns with you, does not prevent posting here and if you find one with modlogs on you too can see the actions.

I don't have any issue with the rules or the actions taken, just the lack of transparency for new users who aren't provided anythin except a post counter that's one less than earlier.

You have been given the answers you seek. There is no place for mod actions to be viewed except for the modlog which is mentioned in the instance rules and about. On Lemmy, you always want to read the rules before posting because of events like this. I'm not saying its good we should get a notification. But you are beginning to repeat yourself and the answer has been given, satisfactory or not.

Well the situation doesn't change unless the discussion is had, I fail to see your point?

My point is this isn't really a discussion. Its people answering your frustrations and mentioning it is known and you replying that the feature isn't there in recursive fashion.

It's not known to literally hundreds of thousands of new users though is it? You knowing something doesn't help everyone else does it. Or are you ignorant of everyone who isn't you?

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Hi. I am the mod who removed your initial post. Frankly, It didn't fit the content of this sub. Allowing it to stay would set a bad precedent for future posts. There has to be quality control in a place. As Aer said below, we want to keep a light hearted atmosphere around here.

Positive momentum doesn't factor for posts that do not fit. If anything, it only encourages sooner action because leaving it up will have more people making similar posts.

I stand by my decision to remove your post. I hope you understand. There's other places where you can post it.

That's fine, I'm absolutely OK with that decision. It would have been nice to have some sort of notification of the mod action that I could see and access from Jerboa to prevent confusion, and I'm now aware that it's a limitation or oversight of the current state of development of the fediverse.

It just would have just been nice if all this information was made more readily available rather than having to go through having a post removed and left in the dark as a new user.

Read the modlog: "I don't this fits the content of lemmy shitposting."

What mod log? How do I view this on jerboa? Why don't I receive a notification of mod action?

There's no facility to be notified on mod action. If you care, you can read the modlog.


I only engage through Jerboa, how do I know that an action was mod action to then go to another access portal to hunt down why my post has disappeared? Seems counterintuitive.

You can always write the code required and create a PR.

Sorry, I'm just a new user trying to make sense of a social media platform.

keep "beta" in mind here. its all volunteer made, originally by just a small group. its going to be clunky initially. so was reddit.

It's on the bottom of the page on web, it's a log of moderator activity. Can't view on jerboa, and probably nobody programmed a notification like that, either not having time or just nobody thought to

What was the post?

I'd repeat it but I don't know if it was removed by a mod or by a bug without clarification and prefer not to risk a ban if it was mod action.

So, apparently shit post mods will just remove posts with positive upvotes without any mod mail or explanation.

Given your topic it seems like you're pretty confident that it was a mod action.

Educated assumption.

I had a particularly shitty post of my own shadow-removed as well.

Trust me, the post was plenty shit.

Also i agree that the mods are a bit quick to delete posts, there was a post about anti-abortion people or something that i was having a good conversation in which got deleted too

I just checked and all my previous posts here have their image contents removed (but not the posts themselves). This is without notifying me in any way, and I just realized this after seeing this post.