
15 Post – 252 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

That is what a magic rope that makes you tell the truth does tho

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Will it get renamed to wfce?

As long as something that might get me in trouble if my boss saw it is marked as nsfw (and so blurred by default) i don't care. So i think any level is fine so long as it's tagged appropriately

Edit: I wasn't thinking about gore. Personally i'd prefer that not be allowed but if it is and blurred i can accept that

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It's not just high school -> college. I remember in elementary school they were always like "oh you think this is hard wait till you're in middle school"

and then in middle school "oh you think this is hard wait till you're in high school"

And then in high school "oh you think this is hard wait till you're in college"

But each step it felt like some things got easier and others got harder but in general it felt like a pretty smooth progression with no major change in difficulty


Jesus was supposed to return before all the disciples died. All current christians conveniently forget that part

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Just chiming in to say that if organizations price fix, it's pretty rare a 3rd party can sustainably undercut them. The price fixers can agree to drop prices way lower, sell at a loss until the 3rd party is forced to price fix too or go out of business, and then resume the fixed price

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Better off with a used pixel and grapheneos

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Used pixel, install grapheneos

used because it's better environmentally than buying new

grapheneos because it's more secure and private than stock android

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Yeah it's tricky. I don't want to start a niche community cause i don't want to be a mod, but i guess maybe the best thing to do is start the community i want, pin a post saying "mods wanted", and post it to !newcommunities@lemmy.world

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Except when they vote against their own interest

Why would 3rd party #2 even try if they just saw 3rd party #1 just get stomped in that way? Why would you start a business, a very expensive endeavour (monetarily, mentally, and temporally), if you knew how and why it would get driven out of business pretty quickly? In the scenario you describe, the pressure is for prices to be higher on average, with dips here and there.


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That and supporting grapheneos would do it for me

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Did you read the rule?

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If you like the taste of wine but don't want to consume alcohol

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as a general rule I avoid eating hair, from dogs or otherwise. Thanks tho

Where can i get some of this water?

Consider that patriarchy hurts men too. There's a lot of pressure to be a certain way in order to "be a man", no crying or expressing emotions beyond anger or happiness, gotta be tough, that sort of thing. We can and should liberate ourselves from those toxic expectations

Edit: i'm sure someone else might be able to word it better, that's just off the top of my head/how i interpret it

That's just morally-superior brained, based, and basic-empathy-pilled

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  • yeah no headphone jack is a bummer
  • a used pixel is cheaper than than
  • my pixel 5 seems pretty small, but idk what they are now or what that is so you're probably right
  • even bigger bummer than no headphone jack imo
  • I don't think those are that important, a piece of tape over the camera is fine imo
  • you're probably right there too, I wish fairphone could run grapheneos 😞
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pebble stopped making watches years ago

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Also you can put the url bar on the bottom 😍

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I grew up in a religious home and was always pretty religious myself. In college i ended up leaving the church and religon entirely. I think the last straw was that there are so many mutually exclusive religions, but only one or none can be right, so how did all the "wrong" ones form? Turns out humans are very good at creating religions and cults, and it's way more likely that my religion is no different.

Leaving the church set me on a path of having to actually think about ethics rather than just going by "whatever the bible says", but besides not going to church on sundays my life didn't change a whole lot. But in thinking about ethics the only thing that seemed to be able to solidly root ethics was pleasure/pain, or more broadly wellbeing/needless suffering, not an in-the-moment stereotypical hedonistic view of it but broader, factoring in long term results and the impact on others.

That was fine for a while, until an argument with my dad where he pointed out "if that's what you base ethics on, why don't you include animals in it" and at first i was like yeah obviously kicking a puppy is wrong and that's captured by my view, but it got me to think deeper about it and my actions and i realized that all sentient beings are morally relevant, and i could no longer eat them for my own pleasure. After that i also learned fish are sentient and that the dairy and egg industry are very cruel too, and i couldn't support them either, and i went vegan.

Now my perspective is more refined, i would describe my ethical views most succinctly as sentientism, an antispeciesist extension/improvement on humanism

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another banger from crackermilk (check them out on youtube)

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No, I'm talking about Matthew 24:34. Spoiler alert, that generation has been passed away for a while now. You read the bible more lol

And before you try to twist Jesus's words, keep in mind that god is not the author of deception, so if he got caught lying that's a big problem for Christianity.

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Crazy how pigs are as intelligent as a three year old and nobody cares when they're killed for food but all the carnists get mad when i go looking for my next meal at the local daycare. All of a sudden low intelligence isn't a good excuse to kill sentient beings

(/s if it isn't obvious, i'm strongly against killing anyone from any species, especially when it's for pleasure. And let's be real, if you're reading this odds are you don't need to eat dead animals to survive, so the real reason boils down to the pleasure you get from their dead body)

Yep, i really wish grapheneos supported the fairphones. Other than that, used pixels is where it's at 🤷

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"(G)ive m(e) back the aux so I (c)an play (21) pilots"

dogwhistle, he potentially supports 21 gecs. Still not good, but the lesser of two evils?

Religion do be kinda sus tho 🕵️


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I'm sad for the fish. Imaging being forced into a massive pile of others just like you while being crushed by the weight of them and suffocating to death. It's fucked up

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If psychedelics have taught me anything it's that experiences tend to come in waves


Baobab is good too for the more manual process of finding the largest files/folders

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To be fair though, some ethical views do have a high ground to others. People against murder have the high ground over people ok with it for example. People against dog fighting or any other form of animal abuse have the high ground over people ok with it.

Any time there's a victim being harmed, people ok with the injustice have lost the high ground

In that case, secure wipe should be more than enough

also, if you're getting rid of them, there might be a charity you can donate them to rather than just tossing them. Idk any off the top of my head, but it seems worth looking into

jokes on you when you get canadian nickels