93 Post – 165 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Natural, healthy, positive growth! Not growth for growths sake

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Everyone else: 311223

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Company: You need to have everything ready before the start of your shift.

Me: Do I get paid for coming in early?

Company: No

Me: Okay, if I'm starting before my shift time then I am going home early to make up for the lost time.

Company: If you leave 1 minute early we have to deduct an hour from your wages

Me: leaves

Company: nobody wants to work anymore.

Companies have normalised wage theft but call it what it is. It's theft.

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It's fucking annoying, admittedly edge is good on its own merits, but you know what pushes me to not want to ever use your product? Anti-consumer practices.

I have been very happy in using FF for my main browsing. It has adblock, NoScript and SponsorBlock. Since I use NoScript I jump on Edge when I want to use a trusted website for payments but I really want to use it less when it does this shit.

I can't wait for the excuse "OoOooh wooooops, that's a bug! Sowwy EU we did not mean to do anti consumer pwactices" as a way to dodge blame

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I think it's a lot more because the internet was a niche. It's something your parents/family or weird creepy uncle wasn't on. All these old memes still feel "untouched" by facebook and it feels like an in-joke. In other words memes felt more special.

4chan was onto something, once memes became mainstream they died... a little hyperbolic but they do lose their fun factor being more popular now.

Wholesome ending - they got vaccinated so the mother fell out and doesn't see them as her kids anymore and the kids moved out with their much cooler and less antivax father and lived happily ever after.

It's the best and worst thing to happen to the internet.

Best because - Twitter is a toxic site, with toxic people and a system that encourages ragebaiting means it breeds it.

Worst because - These negative people need somewhere to go... And it will only force them onto alternatives and fester in new places. Potentially here.

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So they should, child labour laws should apply to these kids just as any other business. The money earned from these videos need to be paid to the child. Even if it's in a trust fund where the kid can take it out when they're old enough and can make better decisions. Like child tv stars they need to only have to work a set amount of hours, no longer.

When I say this I'm talking about toy channels, I'm not talking about the mumfluencer channels. This kind of constant forceful filming of their childrens every moment should be stopped, kids need to have privacy, it's known to be detrimental to their mental health when they're constantly documented, and they are also far more likely to get bullied because of it.

I can't begin to imagine all my bad childhood memories being immortalised thanks to a pushy parent who saw me as a money machines more than a person.

Whilst Lemmy is growing and trying to compete in content against the goliath that is reddit it needs to be reposted so to speak. I'm not about taking original or potentially original posts and claiming them as my own so it's good practice to source the location of the original.

We are competing with a platform that has existed since 2005, it's no easy task. You may find posts that are original posts. Just again best practice. Source the original.

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Not even just that... Alienates all potential leftwing/brand friendly advertiser's through changes and being the spokesperson for the platform.

"We're down 50% how could this have happened?????" - Elon Musk

Dude needs to stfu, make an alt account. He has chosen to be the spokesperson for the platform. Spouting off conspiracies and controversial takes. You can't be surprised nobody wants to associate with him.

He is a liability and a brand risk. Sure he can have his opinions but here is the problem...

He has chosen to be extremely public and force those opinions onto the average consumer feed due to his narcissistic tendencies and it is biting him in the ass.

No sympathy. He wanted free speech, (albeit it isn't because he is okay as long as it doesn't criticise him or his affiliates.) now he has his free speech platform but in the same way advertisers can chose not to engage with it.

That annoys me, they lost because "might be AI" are you kidding me? The photo does not look AI to me at all. If the photo was edited through photoshop or went through an art program couldn't they have just asked for the original? That must've been infuriating.

So much of that in England. I get people don't want to block the road, but when you are sitting on the entire footpath so nobody can get passed. You're an asshole.

I was so cross when a van didn't bother to park just a few metres away in a designated parking spot to go to the corner shop and just decided to sit and block the entire pavement at a point to close to a hedge that meant we were forced to go out into the road.

Laziness. Just laziness.

Something rather cringe and obnoxious in hindsight was the over use of the word "ocd" It was quite common in media and in my circles for somebody to say "I'm so ocd" when referring to some perfectly normal thing they do like tidying bookcases and organising things.

It's pretty cringy now and I'd never say it now. I feel bad for saying it... but hey personal growth I guess. I was in school/college at the time too so it was a long time ago. There were a lot of things that were common at school that I used to say that are definitely not pc nowadays and I accept that. I don't pretend to be a perfect and morally righteous invidual. I have flaws as much as the next person

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In fairness, I have just been doing this when mildly infuriating was born (5 days ago) and I want to ensure I am doing enough in terms of respecting the original poster. It is a good suggestion though.

I guess a template of "Repost from [username] on [insert website]" would do fine." Good comment!

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That's why I'm on Lemmy.World. I made a new account as soon as I found out they were removing posts from people for orientalism. It's great the modlog is so transparent. The greatest thing about having instances run by different people unassociated with each other is you can just do that... go to a different instance where things are much more aligned to you morally.

You have less to worry about here than you do on a place like say Reddit where they can do it pretty discretely and you'd be none the wiser until it happened to you.

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As an enjoyer of puns, I agree

Have you checked behind your shoulder recently?

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Click the elipses and block the user, you won't see their posts anymore. Because of how the fediverse is, some people post their content to multiple communities and it results in spam. Currently blocking is the only way to get rid of it.

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who me..? noooo never, I would never put a lemmy banner together with the purpose of infuriating people!

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It's not a shitpost, but I'll allow it Here is my shitpost as tribute.

It isn't, I do not remove posts for "Orientalism" like and that certainly won't be done by Lemmy.World Admins. Happy shitposting

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As someone who uses and really enjoys Youtube Premium this upsets me. Feels very counter-to what is agreed on purchase:

I wonder if it's possible to file a complaint as false advertisement. As part of the subscription it even says in the FAQ "ad-free" which this is definitely not. I'm not a lawyer though and this is not legal advice.

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Wow, this is worthless lol Not tipping is better than this, at least not tipping can't disappoint you more than this can

They really want to tv-ify web content huh? People left TV because they were sick of ads.

I only have YouTube premium because I do not want a TV license and one is definitely cheaper than the other but the fuck man.

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Some information I have posted to Lemmy.World:

I am not a super code-literate person so bare with me on this... But. Still please becareful. There appears to be a vulnerability.

Users are posting images like the following:

And inside hidden is JavaScript code that when executed can take cookie information and send it to a URL address.

Among other things. At this time if you see an image please click the icon circled before clicking the link. DO NOT CLICK THE IMAGE. If you see anything suspicious, please report it immediately. It is better a false report than a missed one.

I have seen multiple posts by these people during the attack. It is most certainly related to JS.

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There best way to stick it to spez is to not take part, it's business as usual here

This, and the ability to use flairs would be really useful here on Lemmy. Flairing posts was such an essential way to organise posts on a lot of specific subreddits.

That kind of feature is so needed

Wtf are you talking about, repeatedly posting the same post across multiple communities in short succession would be called spam. What else are you calling it?

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This is the way, we did it... - u/spez

I'll be honest. I really do feel their argument about open registrations is a weak one. Reddit is effectively open registration. The only thing you need on Reddit is an email and then you're in.

The moderation tools are a fair point. I really do feel like they really want to make in their eyes a safe space. Which is their perogative but not something I personally vibe with given how much they are deleting and removing. I've rarely had to step in as a moderator in the places I run, most people are behaving. One total person I had to ban and they were not from Lemmy.World.

That should be illegal, throw it out

Looking at the post, it didn't fit the community, but it would also have broken Rule 1. Lemmy Shitpost is for Shitposts. Instigating discussion on heavy topics is not the purpose of this community

There are places for those kinds of posts, this is not it. I pride myself in keeping this place respectful, no matter where you stand politically. Posts that break the rules will be removed and I stand by my moderators decision on this one.

You're welcome to to your opinion and I will not be removing/locking this post unless it devolves into rule breaking.

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I used to like LG products they were often really good quality and lasted a long time.

That's pretty much over now, not touching new LG products anymore. That's for sure!

I had an LG CRT and it was as old as me. Never died. It's a real shame the planet is suffering because of greedy business practices. They put climate change on the consumer but more needs to be done to big corporations to punish this kind of behaviour.

This is why I like dumb products. The smarter they are the more they tac on this kind of crap to them.

This is the fucking dress thing all over again isn't it?

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If minecraft has taught us anything. The children yern for the mines.

I'm sorry to hear that, that's strong of you to share that. Christmas is already hard enough for a lot of people who lose their family. I can't begin to imagine your situation, I wish you the best

If the mods of mildly Infuriating want to jump ship they are more than welcome to have their old positions back!

I am also sure for those of mildly interesting they also would find it easy establishing a mildly interesting community here on Lemmy. I know I would join it!

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