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Joined 1 years ago

The void destroyer seeing me across the map filling void batteries as Acrid.

I finally got around to watching it. Biden did not look like a corpse. He looked and sounded like a fucken eighty year old man because he is. Trump's unending torrent of lies was unhinged and that doesn't get covered. Biden looked as fucken pissed as an old ass dude can when he clapped back about his son not being a loser and that was pretty good. Everyone is clamoring over the obvious. Biden is fucken old. We know this. This is what Trump will be like at the end of the next presidency if he is elected but far more insane.

We all know what their intention is with this.

Gameboy and Walkmans

The ones that aren't forced to face the wall, anyway.

Kinda wish you hadn't

Personally, that has been the only way I've ever been able to fucken vote and I'm sick of it.

Fucking embarrassing use of our fucking taxes. Let's exhaust the next option so we can do the right thing for the 15 remaining Palestinians.

"Gabe boy" color scheme lol

Nope, the social contract is broken. Organize immediately, protest everywhere. They want savages we can provide.

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The worst piece of tech I currently own is a small server that must have hard drive issues cause it forgets everything when it restarts and I have to set it up again.

The worst piece of tech that I have ever owned in my life is a CD Cleaner I bought from GameStop back in the day. That shit was straight up a sacrificial altar. It never cleaned. Only consumed.

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You still need to organize. One dude throwing Molotovs doesn't get much done besides getting arrested. A crowd of people? We know they're terrified of those.

Either way, no scary big protests, no going back to a sane reality. Shit, it might take pulling them from their seats if we dont want Christofascism setting in.

Doing what we are now? This country is lost. Those debates were embarrassing. Its up to the people now.

Sure is a lot of church and state mixing together here.

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Fuck the genocide deniers. Block all the info you want. Those of us who are sane, and aren't bought by AIPAC money see through it all. All your attempts are transparent and ultimately futile. We know what Israel is doing, what info we do have clearly paints them as genocidal. Innocents dont murder journalists. Your reputation is shredded, Israel. Hopefully we can stay mad at this and AIPAC long enough to end lobbying. Destroying a lot of the incentive to be a complete piece of shit.

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Thats me. My car, teeth, hair, and some parts of my rental house (thanks landlord) are falling apart and I can't afford to fix any of it cause rent and bills are due each month and they keep going up. Its fucken madness, its making me insane.

Both of those faces are crying to be memed.

This is one of their Project 2025 goals.

I checked the CMOS and ended up replacing it. I thought that was it too. Same issue.

I paid 100 bucks for this server 5 years ago, came with 4TBs. Only thing I ever did with it was run private game servers on it for my friends. Maybe I'll try replacing it again just for laughs and poop.

The web isn't open because we have to pay to access it.

And could you imagine what that does to you mentally? Trying to square the circle? I'd imagine people that subscribe to that ideal have vastly higher domestic abuse rates. As long as they aren't murdering small animals and hurting other people, your kids and family are growing fine.

Yes! RIP Dinocrisis. My Gauntlet: Dark Legacy survived the process though. Thing still runs today with a fucking trench etched across the bottom, it doesn't make sense really.

We livin as nomads or in the swamps. Bending or not doesn't matter. Though if I can't bend I'd rather be with the swamp people than air nomads.

Fostering societal systems of greed and competition rather than of cooperation and compassion.

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She's mad that true Queens can be so beautiful while she doesn't know how to contour her Neanderthal facial features.

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I dont think free speech is free when you are the richest man in the world. If you dont like the weight on your shoulders give away your wealth.

I took a music business class and I vaguely remember this subject. I'm pretty sure dude was actually in the hole from frivolous spending, and also partially due to the way the music rights worked out.

Ah, so we're upping the ante to Extinction Cult now? This is over the top cartoon villainy. 'If God wanted those animals they wouldn't be in-" shutthefuckup

Nothing but disaster and uncertainty

Protest every day until they collapse or the system does.

Israel definitely has to have some form of contact though. There's absolutely no way they dont.

You fucken think Israel has no contact with AIPAC? Really?

I'm so tired of the rich just controlling everything with just money. They aren't smart or special, they just have enough mammon juice to inject in whatever they want.

Its just out in the open. Corruption on full blast.

So no newer announcers can do this? No room for new humans to take the reigns? Just the same voice generated for eternity?

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Its far past time to riot. Blatant corruption at every turn.

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Far too many wealthy people have forgotten the alternative to these processes of checks and balances. And too often they get away with little to no damages done to them. As QoL continues to plummet, they will eventually push someone with nothing to lose.

What's your thoughts on the debate, Ozma? You have a pretty different outlook than I do so I'm interested. Good? Bad? Footgun for one or the other?

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Actually pretty close to what I think, plus the possibility of any tiny slip up being ate up by the media.

This is off topic but imagine if we had two Gen X candidates up there. Around early to mid forties. We might actually have a worthwhile debate that doesn't come off as "Grandpas are fighting again and they want us to hear their presentations" but without the cuteness of a gay old couple.

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I always wondered if she was lactating and she took the piercing out if it would spray in multiple directions like a titty shotgun.

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Isn't it more about getting vitamins you might be missing? Not really about living longer?

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