
5 Post – 305 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

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Reddit did way worse than losing and worse than dying directly.

Reddit is dead inside and that's all that matters to me.

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developed by socialists

I thought only capitalism drives innovation?

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Will Ash be able to defeat his rival Garymander?

No amount of health-risk sharing is able to get me to think twice about quitting vaping, this shit tho.. wow I might actually quit so I don't get grouped up with this twat.

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George Santos ousted from Congress after fabricating life story

No no no, the fabricated life story happened first, he was ousted from congress after a fucking year of lying.

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What if my $300 PC is better than your $400 console?

What if it had more utilities than just gaming and streaming?

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My favorite technology is bronze smelting.

What about you guys?

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I'll watch spez digg this grave. I'm not shocked, we have all seen it happen before.

This place feels real, and personally that's all that matters. Reddit has been plastic for a while now. I'm happy to watch the ceo handle it like such a stooge, it almost seems like he wants to tank the company before tencent eats it all up.

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Sudo switch to linux

Oh, so theft?

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Maybe the IT ministry of India can do something about all the scam call centers and Botnets running out of sector 5..

Republicans when they find out they can't blatantly cheat:

Fine, I didn't want to win anyway

They want for so much and act like petulant children wether or not they get it.

Truly losers.


Who gets the 3m? I'm gonna go out on a limb and say it isn't the people who were deceived/lied to.

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That's what happens when citizens break the law and retain their rights in the eyes of the state. They don't disappear or get mulched into the soil to increase yields.

Here's a fun article on Survivorship bias

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Sure the ceo is skilled enough to blame waning interest, but is the ceo skilled enough to ask why interest has waned?

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I'm conflicted because trump is a remnant of the turd reich

Wow china seems less and less like a place anyone should respect.

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personal life

In public at an event with other people around.

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You know every time I've had something stolen and filed a police report I have not even once had my stolen shit returned. They don't even call back after weeks to say "hey we didn't care enough to follow any leads, good luck".

And yet they take every fucking chance they can to write my as many moving violations as possible, whether or not they apply.

The police don't serve the people, never have.

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Oops hahah the guillotine went off haha it was just a joke, stop rolling away haha lmao.

What's the term, is it 'gaggle'?

A gaggle of terrorists.. idk it fits but doesn't sound quite right.

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I hope they try turning the wheels a bit while they do their testing, I'd hate to have another diesel emissions scandal involving explosive batteries and their efficacy.

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I wasn't aware exploding Santos was an option. Does congress know?

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My favorite theory is that they realized their similarity to hexbears and tankies and joined that chapter of 'people who can't handle living in a mixed society'.

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Above you can see 'Exhibit a' in my case that hexbears, magas and incels can't handle free will.

Notice the mention of a "mixed society" immediately forces them to analyze skin pigmentation and make wild claims in an attempt to regain normality.

It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.

Stay triggered by the world's opinion of your existence 🤙🤙

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Trust me guys, we have all the evidence on this laptop which totally exists I swear trust me bro it's on the laptop.

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To be fair, a blind person probably wouldn't know the difference.

These aren't marketed as "handicap accessible seating" but rather as "yall poors can't afford my $900 stadium seats, so I have to capitulate at the request of my management team".

I appreciate your optimism, though!

I'm watching the GOP very closely with this Epstein list that's about to go public. I don't think this is unrelated.

Oh no, we're all gonna be totally dead in 3 days. Remember how they took Kiev in 3 days? Flawlessly.

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Your mom might be everyone's dad. Shit is real.

Yes for real, something tells me they pocketed more than $17 per victim.

Been using brave for a few years on mobile and desktop.

They uses to give away BAT, but they have refined their system to not give any unless you spend hours jumping through hoops and linking shoddy Chinese financial apps and crypto wallets.

I still use it for the privacy, but after reading this I will likely switch back to firefox or another chrome based browser.

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Wow government so small it fits in your pocket, so convenient!

Sorry you have to deal with that bs

A person who works in government administration (the governing body that decides the laws you have to obey) is relevant, even if unlikable.

Edit: also 'yelled at'? Lol I saw that thread. It was you ignoring 12 people talking sense to you.

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Do you think the pentagon has EVER passed an audit?

Do you think a government paying for black projects would discuss these black projects with an accountant just to pass an audit?

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He went backstage to finish feasting on the infants.

You don't live to be 1350 by not drinking the blood of the innocent.

OP discovers countable infinity

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