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Lemmy is much less US-centric than Reddit.

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Knowing they're visible on kbin made me realize that most Lemmy users probably weren't aware, as it's non-obvious.

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As much as I like my thin devices, all batteries should be user replaceable without the need for disassembly of any kind.

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and not interacting with anyone else.

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Nothing. It’s one of the alluring aspects of using third-parties. You pay a flat fee, people do work. You avoid all the overhead of HR, benefits, workers compensation and unemployment insurance. If you want someone gone there’s no process, you simply tell the third party that Joe doesn’t need to come back to work, ever, and you’re done.

Amazon and Google are not alone in this practice, nor is it exclusive to Fortune 500 companies.

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Not sure if it's actually XSS. did have an admin account compromise so it could've been done locally.

It actually looks like it may be being propagated via comments. I received more than a handful from and it appears they were in the process of deleting them before they went dark. I nuked the remaining ones by hand but you can see that still has the same few remaining...

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Aka PATA or IDE hard disks. Basically consumer grade kit.

The statement that the kernel would only ever handle IDE was basically a confession that this would never be a product suitable for enterprise or professional use where SCSI was the typical interface.

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Like it or not, this is the curse of modern media and, in particular, social media (including Lemmy). Boring details don’t get clicks or upvotes. Hype does. If you spend much time being exposed to one sensational headline, article or discourse after another, you’re going to have a much different view of the world than those who don’t.

If you don’t believe me, walk away from internet media and cable news networks for two weeks. I guarantee you’ll notice some change in your perspective and, possibly, an even see improvement in your overall mental health.

Senior management made the case that my unit didn’t have the appropriately documented KPIs to work from home. I made the point that we’d been operating under the existing KPIs for the last 15+ years in the office without issue so the only obvious metric missing was “butts in seats”.

While nobody clapped I’m still employed and the team does have WFH agreements in place.

Somebody needs to find whoever was responsible for the original NT task manager and learn a thing or two. That thing was bulletproof. I had servers over the years that were so broken nothing else would run but you hit CTRL-ALT-DEL and tada!

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Who had “side with Zuckerberg” on their 2023 bingo card?

No, me neither.

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More desirable domains available and significantly lower costs are a couple of reasons that come to mind..

It won’t be anything even close.

Indexes are unique to each instance. Post ID, Comment ID, Vote ID. There’s no way to correlate this information between two instances other than to do a full text match, post by post, comment by comment, vote by vote, to determine if what is being imported already exists on the new instance or is “new”.

Even if you go that route, then there’s the quandaries that follow… if you import what is effectively a “new” post to your new instance, do the comments (which aren’t yours) come along, or do you simply end up importing your post with no interaction history.

Then there is identity. You most likely have a non-local identity on your new server, as a result of federation, how does the new instance know that you are who you say you are, givimg you ownership of any of that existing content as it binds it to your, now, local identity?

That’s just off the top of my head.

If you’re lucky you’ll get to keep your cake day.

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Which has always been an asinine point of view. By the time a site has blocked the paste the password is already in the clipboard. No security has been added in that regard, only frustration.

Because every OS they ship with they need to support. Lenovo already has a viable, cost effective, support model for endlessos because they ship and support it for educational customers.

It’s not commercially viable for them support other OS that there is near no demand for relative to their overall sales.

It’s not a component aware system. The last phase is generally the spin cycle. The controller knows to trigger the spin cycle, it knows to stop the spin cycle after a period of time. What it doesn’t know is whether those things actually happened. Particularly, it doesn’t know that the drum has actually stopped spinning. So, it just wait a predetermined amount of time before unlocking the door.

In the case of my own device the door actuator uses a wax motor. Put simply, current is changed to heat which melts the wax, pushing a pin the locks the door. To open the door, current is removed, the wax cools, hardens and shrinks and the pin slides back. Now the door can open. So, even if I remove power during a cycle the door will eventually unlock as the wax cools.

Acting skills.

I’m going to get crucified for this… for a desktop end-user it’s basically Linux with completely different syntax, lesser hardware compatibility and limited support channels.

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Some people take unkindly to downvotes. On Reddit they’d just add and “Edit: fuck you guys and your downvotes… pussies!” And be gone.

On Lemmy they can target you personally. Maybe search your post history in an attempt to dox you. Redditors would expect this possibility if they commented and might refrain from doing so to avoid the potential harassment. Most people would never suspect that it could happen as the result of a simple upvote.

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Funny how he repeatedly uses phrases such as “the extent that they were profiting off of our API” but has never used the phrase “the extent that we rely on freely provided content and freely provided moderation. If it weren’t for the tens of millions of people who are giving us free stuff we wouldn’t even exist.”

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There's a difference between a federated identify and single-sign on. Your identity /u/ IS federated. You don't need to have a separate login for each instance. You can use that identity to interact with any instance much the same way I am using my federated identity to currently respond to you.

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While I’ve used PayPal for, holy shit, decades… my recent need to move cash around with my Gen Z children caused me to venture into Venmo and CashApp. While I’m skeptical of the proper execution of anything new the federal government introduces, I can’t imagine they could create a WORSE experience than these new-age, middle-man processors. I’ve had to call my bank more times in the last two weeks to unlock fraud alerts than I have in the past twenty years. Then, after doing that, the damned processors themselves start declining $5 transactions for no apparent reason. I’d sooner poke myself in the eye than try to make a payment.

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They’re implementing new chat infrastructure and only replicated 2023/01/01 forward. It’s in the article.

Not just YOUR server admin... Anybody capable of setting up a Lemmy instance has access to this data.

While most people at may assume that /u/milan and /u/erAck can see this type of thing, it may not be obvious that so can /u/ or /u/ and every other instance admin in the world can, as well.

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Lack of karma is a fallacy. The default Lemmy UI doesn't display it but the karma system appears to be fully built.

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Only because I can read the whole thing significantly faster than Reddit.

Done. Thanks for setting me straight and the very polite manner of reminding me to RTFM.

To those of use who understand how it works, yes. Five minutes in Lemmy support makes it obvious that there are many people who DON'T understand how it works. Hence, YSK.

During preheat the pan is never going to be warmer than the air around it so it won’t have anything to radiate into the air. If anything it’ll slow the process as it’s going to claim heat from the air.

It will cause a cooling oven to cool more slowly as it WILL be hotter than the cooling air and radiate heat into it.

Mine just thinks it’s a continuation of the same thing they haven’t really been listening to for the past 30 years.

"Most" people are going to be annoyed, more than anything. While extremely tech-savvy, my brother isn't an avid Redditor... only ends up there for one or two niche things or when a Google search gets him there. All of a sudden he can't get there and doesn't really understand why. Even reading the various synopsis doesn't make it particularly clear to a newcomer. Once I explained what was going on an answered a few questions he got it, but he's still irritated by the fact that he knows there an answer behind that locked sub that he needs.

Those of us who have arrived thus far are not "most people".

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USB-C is a connector and, by itself, says nothing about the protocol in use. That’s the important part.

To put it simply, so what?

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I feel for all the devs in any way associated with current activities. We need this and this and this and this. Bloody, hell, man. I know, know. Me too!

Thanks to all the amazing contributors out there!

That information is not tracked in the application itself. A "home instance" admin could correlate their web access logs with the database to draw this kind of conclusion but it's not federated info.

Which is why I find the whole banning TikTok concept absurd.

It’s picking one easy scapegoat company to rally around, completely ignores the thousands upon thousands of other applications that collect data on us.

It’s not security, it’s security theater. It’s lazy and designed to distract us. It’s to keep us from not asking questions about any company’s practices that might hurt someone politically or financially.

We don’t need to ban TikTok. We need to ban Tik Tok and thousands of others like it. We need to have real conversations and put forth real solutions with regards to privacy, globally. It won’t happen though. Because it’s going to cost somebody money.

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Apparently something in the 18.1 upgrades made a mess of it. I noticed someone providing a script to fix up the databases this morning

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Achievement unlocked… now try this…

Epic has never been about innovation in the retail space. Sweeney talks a good game but it’s always been consistently out of his ass. He launched the Epic game store framing it as some sort of crusade on behalf of consumers, “Apple bad”, “Steam bad” but the reality is he just didn’t want to split money with others in the stack. I don’t blame him for that but his marketing was disingenuous and it’s quite obvious, now, that his business plan was inherently flawed.

His performative crusade against Apple has now led to 20% of the company looking for new jobs. We all stood by cheering, selling our souls for a bucket load of cheap games that, for the most part, we wouldn’t actually have paid for and will never get around to playing.