16 Post – 419 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I learned absolutely nothing new from the debate. Trump is a habitual liar and Biden is a doddering old man. Out of our two wonderful choices I'll be voting Democrat but I still wouldn't trust either of them to drive a car I'm in let alone run the country.

When is it not?

We'll see what the supreme court has to say about that.

I can almost hear the music.

Well that'll slow your roll.

Me a money needing a lot wow

I accidentally shifted from 4th to 1st instead of 3rd when I was first learning. Shit happens.

I don't know but I'll bet your ice smells a bit off.

TIL it's antisemitic when you object to the wholesale slaughter of unarmed civilians.

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Eh, could use more fuck spez

Hahahahaha, do they know that using it without the ad blocker is worse than whatever else they're going to do? I'd rather stare at 30 seconds of black screen than a 5 second ad, lmao.

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We weren't allowed to have him, some rich people would have slightly less money.

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Not if the DNC had anything to do about it, and they did.

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If anyone wants my genetic information just come to my door and I'll supply it to you directly 😏

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Don't worry, the bot will still respond and it will get 10,000 upvotes from other bots and replies like "grond" and "15 years is 7889400 minutes" and "pass me the breastplate stretcher!" and the one real person left on reddit will smile and think "I love being part of such a large and thriving online community".

Please don't take Plan B, bros. It'll make your balls fall out your arsehole, don't ask me how I know.

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"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."

Jean-Luc Picard

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Does it count as a new tradition if we don't poop all weekend?

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Bean go in, memes come out. You can't explain that.

This one hit so hard my monster dong dipped into the toilet water.

They're not expecting to actually pull it off, it's just posturing for their dumbfuck base.

It's probably still young and learning everything doesn't just get vomited into your mouth when you grow up.

It's milquetoast for anyone curious.

Fuck Putin. Fuck war.

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Damn that's a good spot

A good pair of headphones and a decent amp and dac to power them. It's like discovering music all over again.

My personal recs: Modhouse Argon Mk3, Hifiman Sundara, Sennheiser hd6xx

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Fuckin hell, too true. Have a lemon 🍋

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Money is your god. Marry and reproduce.

I have a family member who had a wellness check called in for her and the cops came in and immediately beat her ass. Don't let these fuckers into your house. Ever.

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My answer to both is "not much".

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Let's go together.

That video is dope. Dude hadn't posted on YouTube in 2 years and then drops a 6 hour video on EVE Online. We almost lost him to that fuckin game, lmao.

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Everything Everywhere All at Once, Interstellar, Fight Club, Arrival, The Sixth Sense, Primer. I'm sure I could go on but all of those are great on a rewatch.

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Off topic but I've never seen a more horrible beard on a man.

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Kim Bong-Un

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Star Trek: The Next Generation

It's my comfort show so I've probably watched it all the way through dozens of times, but it's still the best tv show ever put to screen.

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