My whole night is booked now

The Picard Maneuver@startrek.websitemod to Lemmy – 1126 points –

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That video is dope. Dude hadn't posted on YouTube in 2 years and then drops a 6 hour video on EVE Online. We almost lost him to that fuckin game, lmao.

As someone that played that game from 2014 to 2021…

Don’t play that game..

My character turns 10 next year, and I’m planning on doing a charity livestream where I spend all of my money on shitty fleets, getting blown up a lot, and when the ISK runs out, biomassing the character.

I played with Goonswarm back during their rise to power in 2005-2010, probably the most interesting time period in the game.

I agree, avoid it like the plague and just read about it instead. The game itself is a boring grind and playing at the top level is basically a full time job.

You cannot announce something like this and then not post a link ;)

I want front row seats, I'll download and login to the game to watch it live, maybe join you in biomassing my dude who'll be barely hours old

Fuck yeah. For charity I’m thinking an animal shelter or something else literally no one could be upset about.

Pretty funny that the currency is the same abbreviation as the currency of the country the devs are based in (Íslensk króna). I had no idea even though I walk past their headquarters every week.

This was low-key one of the most exciting moments when I actually visited Iceland. First thing we did was stop off at a cash machine and I was giggling like a child at the ISK. Also found a shop called Aurum (the name of the premium in-game currency) so clearly that's an Icelandic word too although I could never figure out exactly what it means.

He hadn't posted because of how much work he and his team were putting into the EVE Online video. They wanted to do justice to the topic and I think they succeeded.

During that time he was still streaming on Twitch regularly so he didn't just drop off the planet.