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Joined 1 years ago

I was sure you editorialized the title but you didn't.

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You have to convince him first it is what he wants to do. He seems very fixated on being a cyber criminal at this time and money is unlikely to sway him.

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I'd rather let a crack addict manage my money than let Musky any near it.

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"We all will have to provide answers to what happened on Oct. 7, myself included — but only after the war," said Netanyahu.

So he wants more time for war crimes before anyone charges him with war crimes. And he's referencing biblical prophecy and all but calling it a holy war. The man has lost his mind clearly.

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Just disgusting. Completely, utterly and horribly disgusting. Even worse is the fact that if the bill doesn't pass all the rightwing talking heads and every single politician will use it as a stumping point. Especially if Biden takes executive action at the border they'll say it's because he couldn't make a deal, even though he did.

May bees and wasps find their genitals in need of stinging.

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All RTO mandates have stealth layoffs as a key positive reason to do them.

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Authorizing sending arms/aid to Ukraine is not the same as voting for war in Ukraine. No one wanted Russia to invade Ukraine either time but it did. Russia chose to start a war Ukraine decided to defend itself.

It's hard to believe so many peoples heads can fit up Putin's asshole while simultaneously sucking him off.

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Trumpet is the most fragile man-child in existence.

Everyone knows it's genocide just most don't want to admit it.

Really any solution that doesn't end in genocide has to start with the US actually doing something other than enabling.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. On. A. Pike.

That's horror novel levels of disgusting.

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And there is no way in hell either of those justices will do the right thing and divest themselves or recuse themselves from.the decision.

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Of course the NYPost fails to include such a useful and relevant bit of information.

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"It is a very dangerous proposition to hold someone criminally culpable and send them to prison without a finding that he or she ever acted in any way that he or she believed was against the law or wrong. That is what happened here," Schoen said.

What utter and complete garbage. Ignorance doesn't make you immune to punishment.

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I buy disc.

I rip contents of CD to computer.

I sell disc.

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Garbage in, garbage out.

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That's pretty much the Republican party at this point. Project 2025 either convinces you the Republicans are going to far and avoid them like the plague or it speaks to all your petty fears and hates convincing you that only the Republicans are the party for you.

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"Centrist" aka "I'll still vote for racist fascist misogynists instead of anyone else". Fuck off!

P.S. And he thinks welfare is a problem like some blubbering Reganite reject.

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If you are at the point where paying $499+ a month looks like the only way you'll ever have a significant other or even just sex just invest that money in therapy or drugs or a super high end sex doll or a high class hooker but not in fucking Tinder. Jesus.

The images show war crimes CNN. War crimes.

I'll take one that actually does something about it's pedo problem.

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So he's going to start going by Rafael now right?

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It's $3500 of course there wasn't a "mob scene" for it.

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So very much all of this. Just because corpo America, the 1% and the fake numbers stock market are doing good means nothing for the average American.

Our wages are stagnate. Our healthcare either kills you or bankrupts you. Our housing is prohibitively expensive. Our food is to expensive to eat. Our education system doesn't educate and is slowly privatizing. And our police are killing us in lieu of protecting us.

But we've got guns for tot's, piles of dead school children, an insurrectionist running for president, insurrectionists in congress facing zero consequences, a fading separation of church and state. Rising hate crime numbers. And a corrupt Supreme Court openly accepting bribes to destroy democracy.

Yeah Joey everything is sunshine and rainbows.

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Worker solidarity is lovely to see. Good luck Sweden!

They are arguing that the oath doesn't include the word "support" not that he didn't take the oath. Not saying it's a good argument but that's what they are actually arguing.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Emphasis mine.

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The only union I've ever wanted dissolved is the police union.

Cities should have just defunded the police departments that refused to wear body cameras.

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By unsubscribing and taking to the high seas?

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More than half of the Supreme Court are corrupt liars. Expand the Supreme Court and institute term limits ASAP. If I thought there was a snowballs chance in hell of it working I'd advocate impeaching the rotten bastards as well but that ain't gonna happen.

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Not paying is very on brand for Trump.

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Do I care about EVE Online? No, not at all. Did I watch a 5hr+ video about the history of EVE Online? Oh boy did I!

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I love how the man continues to give reasons to not vote for him every time his mouth opens.

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I may be unenthusiastic about voting for Biden but I'm extremely enthusiastic about voting against Trump.

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OR they could stop bombing hospitals. Absolutely weird idea I know but just a thought.

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None of them are accused of engaging in any violence or destruction on Jan. 6. But prosecutors said none of them have expressed sincere remorse for their crimes.

And none of them will if judges hand out flimsy sentences like community service for participating in an attempted insurrection.

I assume court martials are also up and coming for these three and hopefully there the proverbial book will be thrown at them. Hard.

If there is something dumb to be done it's guaranteed the MAGA Trumpers are gonna do it.

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And none of the numbskulls who consume his hateful rhetoric will ever believe that.

Long term rental or at-will ownership for US people.

As long as three different religions all think important fiction occured in Jerusalem I don't think there will ever be peace in Israel. Does that mean a Palestinian state should not exist? No. It absolutely should and could.

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Because they get your data as long as you install Windows and your data over time is worth more than you would pay for the OS.

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This is like instructions on "How to be a human and totally not a robot (PROMISE!)" but for a presidential debate. And shows just how little substance there is to DeSantis besides "woke bad" "gay bad" "trans bad" "SAVE KIDS" "slavery good" "shoot brown people". Do you think he mumbles these things to himself when he's masturbating?

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