New far-right “vision board” outlaws trans people and imprisons all pornographers

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 399 points –
New far-right “vision board” outlaws trans people and imprisons all pornographers

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That's pretty much the Republican party at this point. Project 2025 either convinces you the Republicans are going to far and avoid them like the plague or it speaks to all your petty fears and hates convincing you that only the Republicans are the party for you.

The real problem, in my experience, is the large number of people. from all over the political spectrum, who will say, "Oh, that's not what the party wants, that's not what the politicians will do, it's just some people saying things." and just like, NO THEY REALLY DO WANT TO LINE ME AND HALF THE PEOPLE I KNOW UP AGAINST THE WALL AND SHOOT US DEAD, really seriously truly they do.

And even if they don’t it’s what they’ll try to do. I heard that exact statement about overturning roe for my entire life

It's "surely they won't actually do those things..." to, "well, it's still better than being a Democrat" then vote for them giddily.

The fact of the matter is that it's been the Republican party for decades, at least. It's just now, with donnie Bin Laden and those who now feel emboldened because of him, the mask is off.

It's now very difficult for the corporate bothsiderist "liberal media" to pretend otherwise - though they sure do continue to try...

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