New far-right “vision board” outlaws trans people and imprisons all pornographers

HLMenckenFan@lemmy.worldmod to politics – 399 points –
New far-right “vision board” outlaws trans people and imprisons all pornographers

This is blatantly unconstitutional.

That's pretty much the Republican party at this point. Project 2025 either convinces you the Republicans are going to far and avoid them like the plague or it speaks to all your petty fears and hates convincing you that only the Republicans are the party for you.

The real problem, in my experience, is the large number of people. from all over the political spectrum, who will say, "Oh, that's not what the party wants, that's not what the politicians will do, it's just some people saying things." and just like, NO THEY REALLY DO WANT TO LINE ME AND HALF THE PEOPLE I KNOW UP AGAINST THE WALL AND SHOOT US DEAD, really seriously truly they do.

And even if they don’t it’s what they’ll try to do. I heard that exact statement about overturning roe for my entire life

It's "surely they won't actually do those things..." to, "well, it's still better than being a Democrat" then vote for them giddily.

The fact of the matter is that it's been the Republican party for decades, at least. It's just now, with donnie Bin Laden and those who now feel emboldened because of him, the mask is off.

It's now very difficult for the corporate bothsiderist "liberal media" to pretend otherwise - though they sure do continue to try...

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Brought to you by the traitor cunts who want to install fucking trump as dictator.

Is it? What would Thomas Clarence Clarence Thomas say? What about Sam Alito? Because that's who they'll be asking if it's illegal or not.

I once had a philosophy professor that said "The only black person in America that hates other black people is Thomas ClarenceClarence Thomas." And, aside from the fact that Candace Owens exists, Clarence is one of the most far right...errr...injustices on the court.

Unless it's being used to protect school shooters, why would Republicans care about the constitution?

It somehow violates two seperate parts of the 1st amendment, which would be slightly impressive if it weren't being used to kill people

sorry for texting here but idk if theres another way to dm, why am i banned from atheist memes (if you know why, not sure how ban logs work)

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Wait wait, all pornographers??

yes has a very successful history good luck let me know how it goes yes okay have a good evening thank you

They hope that this is generic enough to appeal to mom and pop voters. ‘Finally someone’s taking it to those..checks notes, pornographers. Yes Raphael Cruz is my man.

good luck getting pr0n off the net

This headline had me guessing wether it's about the US or some middle east state

It’s really just any conservative country that doesn’t believe in progress, change or reform. Just hateful people really. The good news is they’re reeeeeally easy to pick out so that’s nice at least

Bill I really think it's time we form a committee to discuss ways to punish people whose life circumstances aren't described in the bible!

Bad headline, no one has actually outlawed these things it's just a batshit crazy proposal from a far right think tank

It's not really "batshit crazy" when there's prominent figures in a major right-wing party who would enact the proposal in a heartbeat.

The fact that some right wingers want to enact it doesn’t make it any less batshit crazy. It means that they, too, are batshit crazy.

Once, people on the internet thought I was crazy for thinking Roe v. Wade would be overturned. And all the laws ALEC got passed were once just “crazy proposals from a far right think tank.” If we underestimatr the right, they win.

That title made perfect sense to me, the term "vision board" describes everything in your comment

It's not "far-right" if all conservatives are voting for this shit. These people aren't "the fringes" of their party. They are their party.

Conservatives are vile sub-humans who seek to oppress and harm the vulnerable. They genuinely delight in the misery of others. Every act of bigotry, misogyny, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, and antisemitism comes from conservatives. They are not "the extremists" of their group. They are their group.

Teach your children why we don't do business or keep relationships with conservatives. Marginalize hate by marginalizing the hate group.

The problem is that the Republican party isn't a "center-right" party anymore (if they ever were). They are now a far right party. In the past, Republicans would give dogwhistle support to far right causes, but would moderate their stances to get widespread public support. Now, Republicans have decided that there's no need to moderate. Instead, they'll simply remove democracy so that they can remain in power no matter how unpopular their views.

Philip Wallach of the American Enterprise Institute called the visioning effort an “authoritarian fantasy.”

When the center-right is like "slow down, too far crazy right", you know it's bad.

I think the center right is more like "Don't say it out loud yet, we don't have enough public support."

When it comes to Republicans, I don't think there's actually a divide between moderates and radicals. There are the people who want to impose a Handmaid's Tale authoritarian theocracy right away. Then there are the people who also want a Handmaid's Tale authoritarian theocracy but think they don't have enough public support for revolution and want to gradually move America further to the right by taking over school boards and sabotaging liberal public institutions and so on. The destination is the same, only the strategy differs.

Poilievre will be bringing this to Canada if he gets the opportunity.

Title suck, it's not happening right now but rather what Republicans are gearing up for.

The far-right wish list is part of the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025, laying out policy positions for the next Republican president, and led by a cadre of former Trump administration officials.

Right wing thinkers are circulating a chilling 920 page blueprint for the next President to declare the mere existence of trans people pornographic. These are not cranks, this is the Republican policy establishment.
— Ari Drennen (@AriDrennen) September 7, 2023

The title didn't day it is happening right now. It said that is what is on their "vision board".

'"vision board" outlaws' is pretty unambiguously saying the board is doing the outlawing.
They didn't say "wants to outlaw" or "would outlaw"

Maybe you just don't know what a vision board is?

You're right, I'm a member of the general public who has never heard the term before.
So I have

  • the general understanding that a "board" is usually a group of individuals with some sort of authority.
  • An unknown adjectival noun "vision". And
  • the present tense verb "outlaws"

The headline could have replaced "vision board" with the word "proposals" used in the first sentence of the article and been more clear. But I feel like the choice may have been a deliberate one to drive clicks. (outlaws -> propose it should be outlawed)

If it's supposed to be this sort of hokey motivational poster, is this really a common term now? Maybe I am too old.

Edit: Very interesting. This term has a definite trend in January (New Year's resolutions?) but the trend only seems to have kicked off around 2011.

Old confirmed! There are dozens of us!

Or you don't watch it's always sunny.

I made some vision boards back in grade school but I don't remember them having too much political power

It would also define anything "transgender related" (and possibly anything LGBTQ related in general) as pornography.

"Jimmy decided that he really was a woman and so traditioned to being called Tina and used she/her pronouns." According to their vision board, this would be deemed pornography and I would be arrested for having written it.

Obviously, it's not porn, but they are combining their hatred of porn (at least public hatred of it) with their hatred of LGBTQ and want to make both criminal offenses.