
1 Post – 252 Comments
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I wonder how undergrads would do on the same exams given unlimited time and internet access but with LLMs blocked. That's essentially what the LLMs have.

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I don't think they really query one another. Maybe they do though?

I don't usually use much profanity but this is a fucking travesty and the six conservative justices are traitors to the American people. They should all be impeached for blatant corruption and for being bought and paid-for by industry interests. They're not even going to be embarrassed about their scientific mistake except that they got caught out on not understanding what they're ruling on. They know they aren't the experts in everything. They just want corporations to have free reign and for them to be able to trample the rights of citizens.

This is going to allow the courts to rapidly unwind decades of progress that has been made on some of the most important subjects including environmental regulations, workplace regulations and employee rights, antitrust law, and anticorruption law to name a few. Between this and the Jarkesy decision we're going to go back to the days of burning eyes in Los Angeles and Lake Erie on fire, deadly workplaces and no employee right to organize, anticompetitive corporate practices with no oversight, and rampant corporate fraud. There is no longer a reasonable enforcement mechanism due to Jarkesy and there is now no real rule-making authority.

As I said before, all six conservative justices should be impeached for blatant corruption and working against the best interests of the American people. I'd settle for impeaching Alito and Thomas, but they should all be impeached. They are traitors to the American people.

Does anyone know where I can find a time line of this case? I'm really curious how it took four years to litigate something this egregious. Four years to reach a settlement, not even a litigate court ruling.

I don't understand why companies who commit blatant fraud like this aren't required to disgorge all fraudulently earned money. If someone defrauds banks they get fined based on their earnings in a way that hurts. If someone defrauds consumers for "tens of millions of dollars" they are only fined $16M.

Well, actually I do understand, I just don't like it and don't like what it says about this country's priorities.

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I don’t understand how 40 years of prison for a non-violent crime isn’t considered to be both “cruel” and “unusual”. It is objectively cruel. I certainly hope that it is also unusual. I certainly hope that there aren’t many more like him, imprisoned for decades for what amounts to personal-use levels of pot. 5.5 lbs of pot when you include the stem and roots isn’t that much and certainly sounds like a personal supply to me.

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It is worth noting that US authorities participated in the investigation and raid according to the article.

Oh, look, a republican who doesn't have compassion unless he has experienced similar adversity! Imagine that!

None of these people care about anyone who they don't have a personal relationship with but, as soon as something impacts someone they care about, they suddenly have compassion. And, of course, the rest of the discompassionate right wingers condemn him for having even that little bit of self interested compassion.

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How is this different from a tenant taking their patio furniture with the? "It's worth more with the patio furniture". "The new tenants are expecting the nice patio furniture to be there!"

Plants cost money and effort and, in many cases, can be successfully transplanted to a new location. It seems to me that the tenant simply took their property with them when they left.

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How does he not just topple over? Does the shit in his diaper act as a counter balance?

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I came here to say the same thing. We don't judge Gone With The Wind by current standards. Why judge Star Wars by current standards? It's half a century old and societal morals and norms have changed significantly.

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I think it says something that one of the books they were trying to ban was Called Themselves the K.K.K: The Birth of an American Terrorist Group by Susan Campbell Bartoletti.

It's nice to see a republican admitting this. It would be better if he would name names and admit that it goes beyond taking the propaganda bait. It would be nice if he would say "Congressman _____" regurgitates Russian propaganda and may be compromised.

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So, did ANYONE here read the article? It's not the LCO decided not to pay. Barclays froze their accounts without warning in an effort to weed out fraud. It happened to several other non-profits as well.

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Insider was unable to independently verify the claim.

Look, I side with Ukraine in this conflict, but this info is coming from a Ukrainian human rights group. I think I'd assume that this is propaganda that might contain a grain of truth.

I agree with you. Just a note, though; Alex isn't a billionaire. Even the plaintiff's lawyers estimated his wealth at only "as much as $270M". It still makes me sad to realize how many people he grifted, defamed, and otherwise harmed to make that much money...

I am so fucking tied of all of these headlines from both sides that take 22 seconds of a 90 minute speech/ramble and turns it into something. How about we talk about the fucking vile shit that comes out of Trump's mouth and the reasonable things coming out of Biden's? It's such low effort garbage clickbait.

  • "Trump muddles through speech" because he's fucking exhausted and old as shit.
  • "Biden gives deluded speech" because he mispronounced something in a way that could drastically change the meaning.
  • "Trump forgets the capital of a country"
  • "Biden forgets which country he's talking about"

It's so fucking tired and boring. Why can't we talk about the content of what they are actually saying rather than their mistakes? That's what is important. None of this gotcha stuff is going to change minds. It is just going to make people more entrenched jn their positions because they see their candidate being attacked and smeared for obvious mistakes.

Attack the policies. Attack the intent. Attack the motives. Don't attack the stupid mistakes. It just divides the country further.

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Don't forget threatening to sanction the ICC over the Netanyahu arrest warrant.

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The statement that "There is no such thing as a real picture" isn't wrong. It kind of missed the point though. It's true that, even when a photo attempts to make the most faithful representation possible, it can only approximate what it sees. The sensors used all have flaws and idiosyncracies and software that processes the images makes different decisions in different situations to give a good image. Trying to draw a line between a "real" picture and a "fake" picture is like trying to define where the beach ends and where the ocean begins. The line can be drawn in many places for many reasons.

That said, the editing that the S24 is going to allow may be going a little far in the direction of "fake" from the sounds of things. I'm not sure if that is good or bad but it does scare me that photos can't really be relied upon to give an accurate representation of a scene anymore. Everyone having access to ti's kind of AI is going to make it tremendously difficult to distinguish between realistic and misleading images.

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How is this different from a tenant taking their patio furniture with the? "It's worth more with the patio furniture". "The new tenants are expecting the nice patio furniture to be there!"

Plants cost money and effort and, in many cases, can be successfully transplanted to a new location. It seems to me that the tenant simply took their property with them when they left.

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The Republican party cares about us and our families. They're protecting us from this obvious overreach. We, as Chinese hackers, have a right to remain anonymous and undetected. We have a right to use the information that we find and it only harms us when consumers are notified that we have their information. Stand up for your rights! Pay off a Republican today!

The argument that I've heard from some prominent lawyers is that "preserve, protect and defend" was intended by the framers to be a stronger oath than "support" and that it should be construed as including "support". Hopefully the courts agree with that reasoning.

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Part of her deal was a written statement describing what she will testify to. They don't give this kind of deal unless the subject has already provided sufficient useful information and sworn to its truthfulness. She's bound to her statement now and, if she retracts later, I'm sure they can both pull back the plea deal and charge her with perjury.

These prosecutors aren't stupid nor is this their first plea deal. They've already got the goods.

What a crappy headline... Poorly executed click-bait that misinforms more than it informs.

I'd forgotten this trick. It works for large numbers too.

122,300,223÷3 = 40,766, 741

1+2+2+3+2+2+3 = 15

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Every time a program like this is pushed through and people say that there are safeguards to prevent abuse, remember this. They claimed there were safeguards here too.

Wait, measles resets your immunity? Your immunity to what? Measles? Everything?

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Has his staff managed to insulate him from memes like this or is he just realizing that they're not going to be able to weed out everyone who thinks that way? Surely not every potential jurer who dislikes trump has publicly posted memes about him.

The name comes from the name of the person who first proposed the Julian Calendar, Julius Caesar.

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I actually had forgotten that Leela is Katey Segal. I thought it was funny without that extra context.

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My guess is that AAA developers will just negotiate individual contracts that are more favorable for the developers. They're not going to sue when they can just work out a special deal.

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I do buy some items without free returns but I will NEVER buy things like clothes or shoes without free returns or an option to take them to a physical store for free.

There is a reason that brick and mortar stores have changing rooms.

Likewise, there is a reason that, back in the day, mail-order clothing companies like L.L. Bean had ridiculously good return policies. They wouldn't have gotten any business without them.

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Oh, do you mean X the window manager or X the social media website?

The fact that a clarification like that needs to be made shows that Twitter has a branding problem.

Now, tell me which is which:

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It's crazy that I've never seen this picture before but the expressions on their faces immediately told me that this was Of Mice and Men.

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If errors are so frequent that secret shoppers can find them there are systemic problems that need to be addressed. This isn't a grocery store.

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So, is everything that comes out of this woman's mouth bullshit? Even the examples of climate change policies that she gives are wrong. We aren't banning new gas stoves due to climate change. We're banning them due to indoor air quality issues and increased incidence of respiratory disease.

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I looked through the article for a link to the ad, but couldn't find it. It is also not linked in other publications. Here is a photo of the ad that I found on Twitter:

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Do you need to live somewhere to understand their macroeconomic policies?

A Polaroid is the best representation that can be made of a scene on Polaroid photo film. The lens, the paper, and other factors will always make the representation, to a degree, not real. That was the Samsung exec's point. It's a little disingenuous, though. The discussion shouldn't be about "real" vs "fake" it should be about "faithful" vs "misleading".

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A not-guilty verdict can't be appealed, but the length of the sentence resulting from a guilty verdict can be appealed, at least in certain situations.