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Joined 1 years ago

They're more likely using "wakefulness promoting agents" like modafinil and armodafinil (Provogil/Nuvigil respectively, or probably some better shit in the same class) which are actually kind of amazing and I have zero issue with them taking it.

Non-euphoric, and as far as I'm aware, not physically habit forming; it just keeps you awake and alert, I don't know how else to describe it. Essentially none of the side effects (pleasurable or not) of traditional stimulants. After about 8-10 hours you sleep pretty ok.

I'm really not sure why these drugs haven't become more popular over the last decade or two... Probably the whole "not habit forming" thing.

I've got a stash that I've had in a drawer for 5+ years and I'll take one like three times a year or something as needed.

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I don't think anyone anywhere is claiming 8GB RAM is enough for software and AI development. Pretty sure we're talking about consumer-grade hardware here. And low-end at that.

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Public funds should not pay for private for-profit education where the government has little to no oversight over curriculum (which I'm sure is not the case in Sweden). That's what happens in the US. We're broken.

Are you kidding? Lemmy itself is 100% public and easily scrapable. It's likely easier to get data on users.

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They're likely not using amphetamines, but rather (ar)modafinil or something else in that class. Which have very few side effects.

There is no titrating off a single dose, what do you mean? Titration would require taking the drug regularly for a period of time and then stopping.

I think you misunderstood what I said. I take one on the super rare occasion that I feel I need it, which probably averages out to like 3 times a year or less. There is nothing dangerous about that, and if you think there is then you're misinformed.

It seems like everyone is forgetting that time exists, and corporations will learn from their mistakes and evolve.

Email was developed, standardized and freely distributed long before the internet became what it is today.

If email were created in this day and age it would look very different and probably fail because of corporate mismanagement (while CEOs take their golden parachutes).

They can’t, because no drug is available that both pumps you up, and helps the symptoms of dementia for a short burst of time.

This is what you said. You were wrong. To be clear, this isn't a "hurr durr Biden has dementia" comment. I think they're both likely taking it or something like it. And, again, I am not making a judgement about it, I think that the President of the United States should be able to use every medical tool available to them if it helps them perform their duties (traditional amphetamines absolutely would not do this).

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Modafinil, and other drugs in its class, aren't "dementia treatment drugs." That's what the study was attempting to establish, and there seem to be promising results. But for now they're still just "wakefulness promoting agents" (or according to wiki, the class is now called: "eugeroic") that are used for narcolepsy and shift sleep disorder. Also maybe off-label for "excessive daytime sleepiness" due to... Whatever can make people excessively sleepy I guess.

They are given to fighter jet pilots who need to stay awake for very long missions (source:

I won't speculate too much on Trump's mental health situation, dude probably has tertiary syphilis at this point. He is clearly sundowning and showing the hallmarks of actual dementia (e.g. the stench, etc.). Huh, guess I speculated a bit after all.

Biden, on the other hand, is just old and facing the normal level of cognitive decline that anyone at his age with such a stressful job would face. Not to mention that he's openly struggled with a speech impairment all his life, which can certainly make him appear more deficient than he actually is. I think his decline has been greatly exaggerated and meme-ified by the left and the right, and is really no comparison to the actual legitimate mental health clusterfuck that is Donald Trump's brain.

In Biden's case, modafinil (or probably armodafinil or some new shit that's better) could for sure appear to do exactly as you say. That is, make him more coherent, alert, with increased memory and general cognitive abilities. In about 30 minutes. And it would last prob 8-10 hours or so.

These drugs really are fascinating, you should do some more research before assuming they're like any amphetamine, coming with all of that baggage. But there is a reason they are specifically not called "stimulants."

I understand the urge to make comparisons to what you already know, but this class of drugs really is very uniquely different and have nearly zero recreational value.

How long ago did those things happen, and what makes you think the uber wealthy capitalist owner-class hasn't learned from their past "shortcomings"?

Why would multi-billion dollar corporations allow things like that to happen to them again?

Why would it not be profitable, it's still user data?

The people in these comments talking like this is "just another day in a US city" have no fucking idea what they're talking about. This is not the kind of violence that randomly happens. This person was clearly targeted.

They also fail to grasp the concept of "per capita" crime/murder statistics.

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The disease then spread to three other people at CHOP, two of whom were already hospitalized there for other reasons.

Two of those infected at the hospital were a parent and child. The child had not been vaccinated and the parent was offered medication usually given to unvaccinated people that can prevent infection after exposure to measles, but refused it, the Philadelphia Inquirer first reported.

Despite quarantine instructions, the child was sent to day care on Dec. 20 and 21, the health department said.v

It's shocking how far backwards we've gone with respect to basic science... When I was a kid, vaccines were a given. Nobody ever batted an eye.

Fuck Andrew Wakefield.

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These people simply believe that the rules do not apply to them... And I guess why would they since reality has proven them correct time and time again.

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Fucking insanity. Nobody but this woman and her fucking doctor should even know about this shit. Unbelievable.

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And here I was told that the government doesn't need to take care of these things because churches and charities will pick up the slack...

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Even if it were a policy against serving cops, didn't the Supreme Court literally just rule that a business can deny any group?

If you can refuse to serve gay people, you can refuse to serve cops. This shit goes both ways.

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Plot twist: Elon and James are the same person. Like in Fight Club.

James is the personality that comes out during particularly extreme manic episodes.

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This is what conservatives around the world want.

US District Judge Mark T. Pittman, an appointee of former President Donald Trump

This is where we share reaping what we sowed with the long term secondary and tertiary damage from electing Donald Trump (and by extension, giving the Federalist Society carte blanche to re-form the judiciary in their hateful, spiteful image). They will continue to happen for decades to come (and will often be blamed on the liberals/progressive currently in power because they'll be the only ones trying to do anything to fix it).

The future's looking bright, guys

They don't like it when real life counters their narrative, and this shows that corporations can pay reasonable salaries to their executives.

ITT: People who haven't been on the internet long enough to know what BoingBoing is.

I'm old.

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Wow, imagine living in a functioning society... And that's just a taste.

Christians are immune to irony.

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Thank the Lord that Christianity allows this man to enter paradise since he was able to "repent" before he died. That's the most important thing here.

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It is so goddamn depressing how far we've backslid on LGBTQ+ issues since 2016.

For a few years now, I've purposely sought out movies and TV shows on RT and Metacritic with very high critic ratings, and super low user ratings.

The only time this really happens is if reviews are brigaded. If the user reviews were honest, it's pretty rare that you'd see more than 20-30% difference between critic and user score (MAX). So when you see a critic score of 95%, and user score of 1.8/10, then I know I'm in for a good time. Same with games to a lesser degree.

I'm not even kidding, this is almost always a sure way to find a film or show I enjoy. In fact, I wish they'd introduce a "Controversial" category with things that have a big gap between critic and user scores (though when it goes the other way, that is high user score to super poor critic reviews, it's almost always PureFlix-style Christian propaganda garbage).

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$100k is nothing to these people. It's like your or I paying $0.25 a day. They see it as the cost of doing business.

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He's trying to get a bag selling off the company his two smart buddies made.

Or how about just circumcision? How is that ok?

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Against all odds

lol someone hasn't been paying attention to how this stuff generally works...

Wait, we were allowed to import these cars??

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The classics never go out of style


I was told that the free market would naturally remove any bad actors... I guess we just have to deal with half a century of collateral damage before that happens.

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Godot has just recently began to gain steam. I don't think it was a viable option when StS was in development.

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Can't wait for this to become a systemic issue with Lemmy. Why does everything have to be ruined by tankies and conservatives? They know that nobody wants to talk to them, but they will evade and disrespect the rules just to make other people miserable.

What a sad hobby.

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Yeah, these people just can't adjust to the real world of (checks notes) being inappropriately touched by coworkers and being silenced and threatened when speaking up about it.

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Christians love to play the victim, when you literally run the country.

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