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Joined 12 months ago

Sapient liberation now.

He can do it in a bikini, for all I care. Let’s not pretend Congress stands on decorum now.

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This is deeply insulting to mushroom users, particularly given that people tend to be more empathetic because of those experiences, not less.

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That’s a civics lesson. That you think it’s about the math is on you.

“People want to live where they know their neighbors don’t want to wipe them from the face of the earth. More at 11.”

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No. Stupid isn’t something you choose. As an adult, bigotry absolutely is.

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I actually think a lot is the opposite. If you think an event like this, attended by the likes of Bezos and Musk, is countercultural, or even “brings positivity into the world”, I have a beautiful bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Of course most Burners have jobs, it’s a techbro’s dream. Plus, tickets are more expensive than they were in the old days, so real hippies can’t go. If people want to laugh at the suffering of rich people who cosplay as revolutionary, I’m generally ok with that. One big caveat: I’m very sorry someone died, and I don’t think mocking that’s cool, especially if we don’t know anything about them.

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Women can be conservatives too. Still gross.

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Eh, sometimes it means another thing, namely that they know their conservatism is off-putting to most women and they’re lying to get you into bed.

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The constitution only applies when the billionaires giving them huge bribes say it does. Couldn’t be simpler.

This, like cancel culture, is a direct result of a justice system that pretty much never delivers justice to the victims of the rich and the powerful. Fixing that is the only thing that can stop this escalating cultural phenomenon.

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Why does this feel all Fugitive Slave Act…?

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Blibk blink blink blink blink!!!!!!

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Simulation sickness is real, and more common than most gamers (a population that tends to self-select for people without that trait) think. This prevalence doesn’t surprise me at all. It’s not severe for everyone. You might not notice if a friend had it, except that they might play fewer video games with you. (They might not, some people are fine unless in full VR.) People aren’t generally keen on going “You know that thing that you like doing and that I’ve seen 5-year-olds do on the internet? I can’t do it, it makes me vom.” It doesn’t exactly feel cool.

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You don’t realize that there’s an ongoing global movement for queer rights, and an ongoing backlash that often plays out in the realm of politics.

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At least a hot pocket can effectively burn you.

You wouldn’t usually know where people are being silenced, since that’s kind of the point of silencing people. And if you’re in environments that celebrates sex workers, that’s your bubble, not the world.

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More like 2 mines in a field

And how many people in your country have medical debt, which can stretch into hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars? As someone who’s got extensive experience with a decent tier of US healthcare, it blows, and this system is perfectly capable of fucking up and killing people. People with national healthcare who don’t appreciate it) like British Conservatives, which I’d guess from spelling and syntax is what you are) have no fucking idea. You have never seen someone coughing up blood not go to the doctor because of what it would cost, only for you to make her go to the emergency room, which you know coukd ruin her life, because you thought she might die. I have, with a friend in college. She turned out ok, but plenty don’t. Obamacare marginally improved things, but if you haven’t dealt with a for-profit health system, then you should be spending more time listening before assuming it’s better than yours.

Jealousy isn’t the only reason to feel that way. I don’t trust most rich people, not because I grew up poor, but because I didn’t. And the last thing I want is to watch them cosplay as radical artists, because I know actual radical artists.

Please check first and accept their answer if it’s a no! Do not dump your 1991 NatGeos without asking. Love, Librarians

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At a point where we ignore people who set themselves on fire in protest, it’s hard to argue that nonviolent protest by itself accomplishes much anymore, soo…🤷🏼‍♀️

You could start with the assumption that infinite growth on a finite planet is possible.

Wait…do you think the idea that Americans are moving based on politics is propaganda? The Big Sort, as it’s sometimes called, has been an established thing in social science since before most Americans were aware of the concept of Russian propaganda bots, so I have no idea where you’d get such an idea.

Chess and rifle shooting are sex segregated for the same reason: Men are afraid women will beat them on an equal playing field in public.

This has been a big problem in beauty products particularly, I know. People having sudden reactions to a cream they’ve used for years, because it’s actually a counterfeit.

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The fact that South Park discussed a point isn’t itself an argument against that point.

Pro Gestational Slavery. Let’s not pretend it’s less grotesque than it is.

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Only like 5 countries have a GDP bigger than California, it’s where the world’s dominant media comes from, and is home to many of the US’s big tech companies. If companies are that stupid, competitors should step in to offer alternatives pretty quickly. (Probably California companies, creating new California jobs.)

I don’t see a problem.

Not if we don’t deal with climate change pronto, no.

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Oh look, MORE enshittification.

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I’d care a lot more about that if I didn’t think the right would try to take power either way, by force if chicanery fails. Why sacrifice your family’s life for a pipe dream when you can shore up blue areas in case we need to secede instead? Your life will be better short-term, and the only way it won’t be better long term is if the fascism you’d have had to fight anyway wins.

People know that and still make the choice. Plus, your schadenfreude at the prospect of future suffering for former sex workers is fucking gross. You just want see people (women, specifically, I’d bet) who have sex you don’t like get harmed. That’s fucked up.

I think that if the Republicans don’t manage to turn the US into a one-party state, Federman’s got a bright future, and his plain-speaking nature is part of that.

Silence is not the only way to be complicit. Cheap talk without action will do the job.

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“Super power” is obviously an oversimplification, but there are plenty of people with ADHD, like myself, who wouldn’t change it if we could. My justice sensitivity is part of my ADHD, and it’s central to who I am.

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Because more people are coerced into motherhood and it makes you uncomfortable?

Practically speaking? Everything.

Every right-wing accusation is a confession.

The two American parties are basically the Far Right Nutter Party and the Coalition of Everyone Else Who Bothers to Go to the Polls. While there are a few leftists in the latter, it’s not a “left party” unless compared to people who want to shoot unhoused people for sport.

Don’t. Frankly, I’ve stayed on top of the news for 20 years. The ideal of an informed citizenry comes from a time without a 24-hour news cycle, and a time before the US (if you’re here) was downgraded from a democracy to an enocracy. The only thing you’ll get from being informed 24-7 is unneeded stress. Look at a news website once or twice a week, that’s plenty informed for most purposes. (Within 6 months of a national election, maybe bump it up a little.) Don’t discuss controversial news online unless that’s fun for you. If I could follow my own advice, my mental health would be improved, honestly.