Do you think that there may be random internet posts from today that in the future may be seen on the same level as the writings of Plato or other great philosophers?

🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️ to No Stupid – 65 points –

Maybe it's even already happened and I'm simply not aware of it.


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Not if we don’t deal with climate change pronto, no.

Climate change is a threat to humanity but it's not an existential threat. I don't get why this kind of extremist thinking is so common here..

Could you explain more?

No credible scientist is claiming it's going go wipe out entire humanity. The estimates for excess yearly deaths in 2050 - 2100 vary from some hundreds of thousands to few million.

It's bad but it's not "we're all going go die" -bad

Prepare to be downvoted to hell for stating a fact.