5 Post – 797 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Exploring diverse perspectives on contentious subjects.

Sharing my honest beliefs, welcoming constructive debates, and embracing the potential for evolving viewpoints. Independent thinker navigating through conversations without allegiance to any particular side.

We don't need more pronouns. We need less of them.

In my native language there is no even he/she pronouns. The word is “hän” and it’s gender neutral. You can be male, female, FTM, MTF, non-binary or what ever and you’re still called “hän”. You can identify as anything you like and "hän" already includes you.

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AI DRIVR made an interesting analysis about the v12 on YouTube. Apparently it's completely different from the previous versions and instead of understanding traffic rules it learns from a videos of people driving which means it does things like doesn't fully stop at stop signs and drives over the speedlimit - like people do too.

It's interesting because by strictly following traffic rules you might infact be a danger to others but by driving like humans you're also breaking the law. Good example of a situation where the "right" thing to do might not be the most intuitive one though in this case it's still up for a debate.

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I usually downvote not because I disagree but because I think the comment is low effort or written in bad faith.

Their crypto autofill scandal is all one needs to know about this company. If you're marketing your browser as privacy focused and then pull stunts like that you lose all credibility in my eyes. Forever.

Firefox or go bust

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For a person everyone seemingly hates you guys sure do talk about him a lot. I'd much rather have my feed filled with content that's not about Spez, Elon, Twitter, Reddit etc. Just move on already..

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I'm not sure if this works anymore but I saved this message a while back. If you get this pop-up then put this into your adblock custom rules and it should sort it out:, yt.config_.openPopupConfig.supportedPopups.adBlockMessageViewModel, false), Object.prototype.adBlocksFound, 0), ytplayer.config.args.raw_player_response.adPlacements, []), Object.prototype.hasAllowedInstreamAd, true)

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Mind linking the study you're refering here?

Majority of pedofiles never offend and most of the people in jail for child abuse are plain old rapists with no particular interest in kids per se, they're just an easy target.

This is the same old "violent games makes people violent" -argument all over again.

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You can take a sharpie and draw a sad face on a rock and then you'll feel sad for it. We're gullable.

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Yep. The popularity of iPhones in US doesn't represent the rest of the world. iPhone users are the minority in Finland. No one is complaining about green chat bubbles because iPhone users have to use WhatsApp aswell.

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Statistically they're still less prone to accidents than human drivers.

I never quite undestood why so many people seem to be against autonomous vehicles. Especially on Lemmy. It's unreasonable to demand perfection before any of these is used on the public roads. In my view the bar to reach is human level driving and after that it seems quite obvious that from safety's point of view it's the better choice.

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Wouldn't be surprised if the (mostly) political right that seems all these new pronouns as stupid would also ironically be against giving up on their own gender specific pronoun for a gender neutral one.

"Pay us and we'll give you all this junk you never wanted in the first place"

I don't want more stuff - I want less of it. That's why I used RiF and that's why I'm now leaving.

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I didn't choose. Literally every single person with a smartphone in my country uses whatsapp so that's what I use too.

Unfortunelately I will not tell that to strangers on the internet either

To retire. I'm not even 40 yet but I dread going to work every morning. I don't even hate my work - I just don't feel like even the relatively good salary I get is enough to compensate for the lost time.

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It's a steaming pile of garbage. When I click "maps" I'm expecting a map to open up. With google maps I'm faced with all kinds of menus and shit I never asked for that I need to start clicking away to uncover the map underneath.

Thanks for keeping me up with the latest on Twitter and Elon Musk. I don't know how I even managed to live back when I went for months without thinking about either of these two.

I dated a 5 year younger woman in my twenties for 5 years and while the age gap itself wasn't an issue to us or anyone else, what turned out to be an issue, was that she changed quite dramatically during those 5 years and we ended up growing apart. That's a feature of a young age though, not the age difference.

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My current device and the two before that all have had removable batteries. I've always thought built in batteries are stupid and it's nice to finally notice that other people agree. Hopefully they next mandate that it has to be able to be taken apart with a screwdriver and spare parts must be able to be purchased straight from the manufacturer.

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For dead tech they sure do sell a shit ton of dongles

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This has been the case for atleast the last few years and for perfectly understandable reasons

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Maybe we don't need to round every sharp corner we can find. I doubt anyone is traumatized for life because there was a closet in the room as a child.

I prefer ip68 to easily accessible battery

You can have both. My Galaxy XCover 6Pro is ip68 rated.

The another benefit with removable batteries is that if you have two you can go from 0 to 100% charge in about a minute.

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I know.. I get sad just thinking about the sad rock :(

If you throw cigarette butts on the ground you're probably shittier than average person in many other ways too

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When adjusting bicycle derailleur, use the second smallest and second largest cogs to adjust the shifting and the biggest and smallest ones only to adjust the limit screws. There's no point adjusting the cable tension if your derailleur is resting against the limit screw.

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Those prices are about what I'd expect to pay at a restaurant here in Finland too, maybe a little more here but somehow they're able to pay a living wage to the staff from that without extra "service charge" or tips.

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it cannot be the only source of heat in a lot of cold climates.

I live in Finland. Heat pump is the only source of heat in my house.

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It's kind of amazing that with a radiator you turn 1kW of electricity into 1kW of heat energy but with a heat pump depending on the efficiency you might get 2kW of heat or even more with the same amount of electricity.

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This is hilarious. Not only are they only shutting down all but four of their biggest Twitter accounts it's also not even the company people are thinking about. This is literally news about nothing happening and people are still riled up. Well done OP. I love it.

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It never dissapeared - you just started buying devices without one

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You mind quoting the part where it talks about the role of adult pornography and how fueling this "addiction" makes it worse?

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Good. As it should be. This isn't fixing any issue per se but atleast it's a step into right direction. A paid service where the users are the customer, not the product, is the way to go. Obviously in Facebook's case it doesn't really matter because it's not like you're also paying to stop them tracking you.

Maybe I should give it a try. I've been on instragram for like 10 years and I'm quite proud of the quality of content on my page (smartphone nature photography) but I only have like 23 followers and posting there seems like talking to trees. Why even bother if people rather watch short videos instead of photos.

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One thing I've started doing more than ever is blocking a ton of people. For example if I see someone making a post about twitter/elon/trump etc. I go to their profile and see if it's just one time occurance or a patter and in the latter case I block them. If I see someone posting fuck this and fuck that and I hope this person dies etc. I block them without even viewing their post history.

There's just so many users on a platform like this that I simply can't pay attention to everything so by blocking the people commenting in bad faith is the least I can do. Some might say I'm creating an echo chamber and maybe so but this really isn't about wether I agree with them or not but wether your comments bring any value to the conversations.

Reddit basically doesn't exist to me anymore. Lemmy is hardly a substitute but it's the best there is (because reddit doesn't exist) so it'll have to do. Every now and then I manage to bait someone debate me here but unless that happens I go thru the content pretty quick and then just have to come up with something else to do. It's not what I would have wanted but it's probably good for me. Social media is just entertainment. It's in no way essential and probably has net-negative effect on society.

It's safer to back into a spot than back out of it and personally I find it easier especially if it's a narrow spot. Also means that my car is then straight in the middle of the it.

In all honesty it's something I do mostly because it's what I've always done. I also like to paraller park into tight spots because I like the challenge.

The women on the community in question don't even look "barely legal" but well over 20 in most cases. People are losing their minds over nothing.


Yes. Our tap water is among the cleanest on earth

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12 million? I'd do that if she earned 200k a year. The outfit and everything