Reddit: Don't like us anymore? Pay us $50/year! to Mildly – 911 points –

I'm not sure if this is new, but when I clicked on the /r/pics protest post link from the frontpage here, I was redirected to this:

I'm not sure if this is well-known or not that they're pushing it now, but it's the first time I've seen it, especially on old.reddit.


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"Pay us and we'll give you all this junk you never wanted in the first place"

I don't want more stuff - I want less of it. That's why I used RiF and that's why I'm now leaving.

Honestly. Avatars? Coins? Awards? I just wanted to stay up to date with the world and have conversations with people about it every once in a while.

Exactly. They have zero awareness of their own product, I doubt they even use it anymore