
1 Post – 115 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

For me it's between refusing to use an umbrella because "it's gay" or refusing to sit in the middle seat of a work truck because of the same reason as the first.

12 more...

Preventing people from perpetuating clickbait "journalism" is so punk rock.

Feels like the crux of this whole thing is that housing shouldn't be an investment.

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The invisible hand of capitalism gropes us all, once again.

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You sound like you worship Andrew Tate.

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The economy is doing great. That means all the poors are getting poorer, just as intended.

This is villainous.

So if the state tries to stop the will of the people when they go through the "proper channels," what recourse do the people have left to get their voices heard?

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Every day is jerk day for me ^because ^I ^love ^well-seasoned ^food.

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Racism. I've been called racial slurs for not just my race, but other races. I've been profiled by police. I've watched my boss not only allow racist remarks made by my coworkers for no reason (eg: working like a hard-R) but laugh along to them. People judge Tarantino's movies for excessive use of racism but I think they're the most honest depictions of American culture.

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I swear every problem in the modern world is like two degrees separated from capitalism.

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I find "y'all" works pretty well, so does "folks" or even better "Fellow Workers."

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Hard disagree. Unions have taken political stances on numerous occasions throughout history. It's one of the most effective tools the working class has to fight imperialism. Imperialism is something the working class should fight against.

Heart healthy and a birth control? Harvey Kellogg eat your heart out.

It's African American Vernacular English. Calling it "uneducated and improper" can and will be perceived as racist as it's a legitimate dialect of the English language.

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It's the Fascistâ„¢ way!

"A hungry dog is an obedient dog" is an actual quote from one of these ghouls.

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Honestly. Avatars? Coins? Awards? I just wanted to stay up to date with the world and have conversations with people about it every once in a while.

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What is a consensual non-consent machine?

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A capitalist economic system will always lead to capitalists in power.

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That sounds like a setup to a deez nuts joke.

HOAs should be a thing of the past.

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You should've chosen a better birthday.

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Forgive my ignorance but how is Threads part of the fediverse? How did .ml defederate it?

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A lot of rapists too.

Holy hell.

Because capitalists have had an effective propaganda campaign to make them think "made in the USA" is good. It don't mean shit. We need the union label back.

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It's kind of a cycle with capitalism. There's no real way to control it other than to get rid of capitalism altogether.

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You almost got yeeted.

Not only is it boring, it's made in the shittiest way possible. It's the American way, after all. You want properly installed outlets? What are you, some sort of royalty or something? Properly sealed windows? Look at Mrs. Moneybags over here. The siding is falling off the house? What did you expect from a $350k home?

Controversial would be, "if the government won't stop corporations from buying up single family homes, we should do it ourselves by any means necessary." That's controversial.

If I remember correctly, hypersexuality is often a symptom of ADHD because the sweet release of dopamine that comes with sex and sex related activities often helps ease the other symptoms of ADHD.

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Call it an esoteric meme and you're good.

You underestimate just how propagandized we are over here. The State hardly needs to invest in propaganda when "grind/hustle" culture exists. Are you in a position where you have to choose between health or financial ruin? That's on you for not hustling hard enough.

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Some of us poors fold our clothes at the laundromat.

Good for him.

The reactionary in me thinks "life in solidarity confinement without the chance of parole."

The me in me says he needs a long time in some sort of rehabilitation program. As much of a monster as he is, he's a bit of a victim. May he be studied so that we can pinpoint and prevent others from following his path.

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I wish that was enough.

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I'll start writing that play. We won't even have to splurge on the stage as the wasteland will provide a natural setting.