8 Post – 442 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Noooo, you don’t get it, bro. Just one more lane, please. I promise, it will be better than last time. One more lane, that’s all we need. I’m begging you, please.

I’m on my knees here. One more lane, just one more! This time it will be different, I swear. We won’t have traffic jams, I promise! Just one more lane and we’ll be free.

Come on, man, think of the children. Just one more lane. I’m begging you. For the love of liberty, just one more lane!

I work at a big EU company, MS top partner / strategic account etc. We wanted to implement MS Dynamics CRM in one of our newer business lines, we barely got a reply to our official emails.

After some informal discussions, we were told that salespeople are now only incentivized to sell Copilot, so they don’t really bother with the rest.

If MS is overinvesting to ride the AI hype as a middle man, while letting their core business capabilities (Windows and Office) decline, they will be in trouble in the long term.

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Boeing turned to shit after acquiring another company (not sure of the name), and it changed the culture and leadership

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Yeah, the soldering is outrageous. I miss the time when Apple was a (more) customer friendly company. I could open my Mac mini 2009 and just add more RAM, which I did.

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A Russian civil war is not out of the question.

What many of us don’t know, is that the majority of people sent to the meat grinder in Ukraine is from peripheral regions like Dagestan, and not from central Russia (e.g. Moscow). These are different cultures and ethnicities subjugated by the Russian “empire”. And some of them are sick of being killed for the “emperor”, which can lead to unrest and maybe a civil war, like it did in many similar situations in history.

Absolutely disgusting that someone would sell out like that. Not me, my integrity is strong like the legal protection I get from, where you can sign up for a free consultation today, if you use my referral code #loveads2024

Not a very good accuracy, shooting ranges need to offer child discounts, so they could practice more

The key thing indeed is to only buy what you need right now. This philosophy is also very helpful in other areas of lives to avoid wasting money on discounts (elg buying clothes you’ll never wear).

I’d rather pay full price for a game I start laying immediately, than to put something 90% off in my backlg, with no guarante I’ll ever play it.

“If she don’t hawk tuah, I’m not gonna talk tuha”

The most depressing thing I’ve seen related to this topic. A small team that worked incredibly hard were lucky enough to achieve the impossible, and now they watch without any control as it is taken from them, for no other reason than greed.

Due to unchecked neoliberal capitalism, big companies like Sony already cover so much of the developed markets, that they have no way to naturally grow more. So they are forced to squeeze more out of what they already have, as stagnation is not accepted in this hellish system.

The line must go up, whatever the cost!

Edit: damn, Sony actually listened

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“Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell”

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Holy shit, the crypto bros are really triggered by this, out in full force in the comments. If the only argument you can bring for crypto is that you make/made money on it, that sounds a lot like a Ponzi scheme

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That’s it, they need to roll out ads in BIOS

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I don’t know, I’ve been reading his blog about 20+ years, and the bait haven’t worked on me

Breaking news: big budget media product that was developed by a competent and hard working team who understood and respected the source material turned out susccessful

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Holy F, what a smooth brain move. They had an IP with incredible goodwill that would have been printing money forever (think about DLCs and merchandise, maybe even a TV series), and they chose to destroy all that to increase the active PSN account numbers by <1%. Which doesn’t even have a direct financial benefit, just something they can peacock in their quarterly reports, trying to boost the stock price.

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Brutal numbers. Let’s not forget that Russia can’t just move all its troops west, they still need to protect other borders and regions.

I really hope the US passes a proper aid, and even more so that EU gets themselves together and continues support. Infuriating to see that while Ukrainians are fighting for their lives (and unintentionally also for the safety of Europe), the politicians are haggling over fucking pocket change.

The only way Russia can win if the west stops Ukraine’s support, and they grind them up over the next years. This would be a catastrophic strategic failure, and would mean the end of global US/NATO influence, motivating the start of many more annexations (definitely Taiwan as a start).

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Wonder how this isn’t bigger news. The story is shocking, but absolutely confirms my gut feeling that google search has gone to shit in the last few years, and was fine before

The biggest red flag is the up-front payment for a year, gives the indication that they are in actual financial trouble, meaning short in cash right now.

Fucking idiots could have been just increasing the price yearly without any resistance, it’s unlikely a big casino would care about an extra 50-100 per month.

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I really hope this is true. The delay in US funding gave a huge advantage to Russia

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Glorious Victory ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

My take on what happened (we are now at step 8):

  1. Sam wants to push for more & quicker profit with MS and VC backing, but board resists, constant conflicts
  2. Sam aligns with MS, hatch a plan on how to gut OpenAI for its know-how, ppl, and tech, leaving the non-profit part bleeding out in the gutter
  3. Sam & MS set a trap: Sam crosses some red lines, maybe taking commercial decisions without board approval. Potentially there was also some whispering in key ears (e.g, Ilya) by seemingly helpful advisors/VCs to push & pull at the same time on both sides
  4. Board has enough after Sam doesn’t back down, fires him & other co-founder guy
  5. MS and VCs go full attack to discredit board. After some info gathering, they realize they have been utterly fucked
  6. Some chaos, quick decision of appointing/replacing ppl, trying to manage the fire, even talking to Sam (btw this might have been a fallback option for MS, that the board reinstates him with more control and guardrails, weakening the power of the non-profit)
  7. Sam joins MS, masks are off
  8. Employees on the sinking ship revolt, even Ilya realizes he was manipulated/fucked
  9. OpenAI dead, key ppl join MS, tech and rest of the company bought for scraps. Non-profit part dead. Capitalist victory

Source: subjective interpretation/deduction based on the available info and my experience working as a management consultant for 10 years (dealing with lot of exec politics, though nothing this serious)

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Spez expressed in interviews that he views Musk’s rampage with twitter as a positive example, so no surprises there

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“At long last, we have created the Torment Nexus from classic sci-fi novel Don't Create The Torment Nexus”

Not sure what happened, but the pro-Russia trolls seem to be out of the woods in the last few days under Ukraine news posts. They must be really desperate to even try their astroturfing on lemmy

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As according to pro-Russia trolls here on Lemmy, Ukraine is losing the war, I wonder how much damage they would do to the Russian fleet, if they were actually winning

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Things like these make might heart warm. They remind me of a time when video most games where about making a good experience for the users, not about endless MTX and soulless always online games that all try to be the same thing. Good to see that there are still some people in the industry, who carry own these principles.

Ad-free facebook has nothing to do with privacy. Nowhere they say they would not collect your data, they will just not show you ads.

It’s extremely annoying how media seems to confuse the two. Many of us would be happy to pay money for real guaranteed privacy, but this is not the option for that.

9 women can’t deliver a baby in 1 month

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“Never go full Elon”

My uncle works for the Federal School Admissions Board, I can ask him to check for you.

Edit: just talked to him, he is out of mobile data, can’t access their server now from the road. If you venmo me 25 USD, we can buy some mobile data for him.

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Baffled why someone would work for a profit oriented corporation for free

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We use MS Teams, and even if there’s so much shit you can throw at it for valid reasons (e.g. not working with AirPods Pro 2, wtf?) this could never happen, as our single MS Office account is linked throughout all the software/services we use (and of course you can’t change your name).

I don’t undertsand why a corporation would give up this kind of central account control and use a service, where - based on the article - most likely a poor IT admin guy has to manually search for the username of a leaving employee.

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Uhm, ok?

The way the girl’s post is written, it’s like she found out Apple made camera lenses from orphans’ retinas (“almost made me vomit on the street”). I assumed it was well known that iPhone takes many photos and stitches the pic together (hence the usually great quality). Now the software made a mistake, resulting in a definitely cool/interesting pic, but that’s it.

Also, maybe stop flailing your arms around when you want your pic taken in your wedding dress.

Is there an AI technology that would help me not roll my eyes every time I hear AI? Can’t wait to add this to the garbage pile of popped bubbles next to NFT, blockchain and metaverse.

And I’m saying that as somebody who uses LLMs for work regularly, it is a useful tool, but the absolute delusional bullshit hype that imagines uses beyond its capabilities is exhausting.

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Weird Al Yankovich has recently published a manifesto about the optimal parameters of modern computers, which are informally referred to as “AI requirements”

The title is strong, but article itself is brutal

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Welcome to Europe

Item #: SCP-███

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-███ is to be contained within a secure research facility located in ████████ National Park. Access points to SCP-███ are to be monitored, and unauthorized entry is prohibited. Exploration of SCP-███ is restricted to Level 3 personnel or higher, equipped with GPS tracking devices and standard exploration gear. Psychological evaluation is mandatory for all personnel before and after exploration.

Description: SCP-███ is a cave located within ████████ National Park, with an entrance disguised as a natural rock formation. The interior of SCP-███ exhibits anomalous properties, including the presence of a WiFi network with fluctuating signal strength.

The WiFi network is broadcasting from within the cave and has no identifiable source. The signal strength increases the further one ventures into the cave, peaking at approximately 200 meters below the surface. GPS devices and compasses can malfunction within SCP-███, and individuals may experience disorientation and temporal distortion.

SCP-███ was discovered by a hiker (Subject-███-Alpha) who became lost approximately 1 hour after entering the cave. The Subject utilized a smartphone equipped with a signal strength tracking application to navigate SCP-███. They failed to return, prompting Foundation intervention.

Efforts to locate Subject-███-Alpha within SCP-███ have been unsuccessful. Further exploration and research into SCP-███ are ongoing to understand its anomalous properties and potential hazards.

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I also don’t understand this.

Even if somebody is pro-Israel, come on: they have a powerful military, a working economy, and some nukes for back-up. Let them sort their own fucking shit out.