4 Post – 378 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

There are 3 leaks in circulation:

4.3 gigs, src only

17 gigs, src + partial assets

1 TB, src + full assets

17 more...

All the code, commit history, build scripts, used assets, unused assets, modified assets, random extra stuff.

First video: He woke up speaking only Spanish, a language he'd never spoken fluently before. They didn't say he was speaking it fluently then either, only that he couldn't speak English when he first woke up.

Second: Guy woke up speaking Swedish thinking he was someone else. Was found unconscious with 4 forms of false identification on him, with a cell phone with several phone numbers, all of which were Chinese phone numbers. Lived in Sweden for some time, so he knew the language. Sounds like he may have been a spy who wanted out and faked it Walter White style.

Third: Kid spoke fluent Mandarin in High School, woke up speaking Mandarin after his accident.

So different from foreign accent syndrome, but not all that different. There's no good record of anyone ever waking up sensically speaking a language they never learned (by sensically, I mean being able to speak even a cohesive sentence).

Your question is based on a false premise. There is no 'foreign language syndrome,' that's a myth based on the very real foreign accent syndrome which is where after a stroke or some other neurological issue, people start talking as if they're from a foreign land. When you learn to speak a language, you've trained your tongue muscles in a very specific way and it's hard to do, think of how long some foreign people you know have been living where you live, and they still don't have perfect English or whatever your 'native tongue' is.

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I would leave my laptop on 24/7 for years to make sure I seeded as much as possible on IPT. Then I wasn't able to login or seed for a couple months and they locked my account. I went into their IRC to get it unlocked, and they said I should have logged in and could pay like $200 to get it unlocked. At the time I didn't even have that much money in my account. I tried to reason with them, about how much I've uploaded and loved the site, and without a second response they just muted me and after a PM trying to talk to the guy they kicked and banned me from the IRC.

FUCK IPTorrents.

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Good chance it's for OPSEC reasons and is a small, highly skilled team, not a single woman.

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Exactly. I pay for Spotify premium, I purchased 3/5 books in this series, and maybe it's because 2 of the books were free with premium (incl this last book) that it's time limiting me. But if that's the case it's also counting time listened during my paid-for eBooks. Absolutely crazy to me.

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I have the solution because I too have been in this exact situation, but you can't eat much or you'll be extremely uncomfortable.

The day before you go, drink a full bottle of magnesium citrate. This will cause liquid diarrhea and completely empty you out. This is used before Colonoscopies to give the doctor a clear view.

Then for the next 3 days eat very little while taking 3 immodium each day.

You're welcome.

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Nope, that's literally what onion routing is about in case you aren't being facetious. It's in the whitepaper and in the code. It's also in the Snowden leaks.

Edit: Lemmy doesn't allow direct image posting anymore?



Of course that was a long time ago, and hidden services may be much more easily compromised now. And they'll always have their precious 0days. Don't traffick kids, terrorism, or ounces of pure fentanyl and tor will work just fine for you.

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As a way for spies to communicate anonymously and securely.

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nah, the payload executes at the exact same time as the bound keygen. by the time you hear the music it's done the dirty work.

This is me when I'm trying to be helpful after a full day of coding and my 2nd dose of Adderall has worn off. props for still telling him a brief overview along with where to find the info

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you know what they say, it's exactly the type of people that don't want to that should.

I wonder if this isn't a different cause and effect scenario. If everyone in the company knew about the deer horns and believed them to work, they likely wouldn't be taking the precautions they normally did.

Of course they don't work, but I'm wondering if the placebo effect is what caused the accident rate to go up. Or an increase in deer populations that year, or land development, or etc.

But yes, they don't work.

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Sure it's possible he's making a bullshit excuse.

But dude you have no idea what was going on in his trip. He could have eaten a 5g chocolate bar and started freaking out trying to make it stop, thinking "I need to get out NOW" and being on autopilot (himself, not the plane) since he's flown so many times, turned the engines off. I'm sure the FAA audio will collaborate his freaking out.

You apparently haven't had a bad trip on a megadose. Don't go all "weed has zero bad side effects, man" about mushrooms just because you like them. This isn't a hit piece on shrooms. It's a piece against dosing before you fly a plane full of people which I'm totally good with.

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You reminded me I do have major regional library card access, if they don't expire after a couple years.

Open source means anyone able to read the code can find and fix vulnerabilities to prevent them from being exploited in the future. It's just as easy to exploit closed source software through fuzzing and other means, but the only people doing that are the devs and hackers, not the thousands of other people invested in the project.

It's much easier to slip backdoors into closed source software too.

The OG HHGTTG is, the prequel and subsequent books in the series are not unfortunately. But I got used to the other guys voice quickly.

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"What the CEO wants, the CEO gets" - head of IT doing nothing for 300k/yr

They didn't move them, they're just building new fabrication plants here so we don't have to depend on threatened foreign land for the production.

Also SMIC (China's chip manufacturer) is now also producing 7nm chips, even though they were sanctioned in 2020. That means they either had a breakthrough in the process or they obtained and were able to repair and operate/reverse engineer the incredibly complex TSMC fabs.

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Except that many large companies share large payment processors, and too many chargebacks (keep in mind "too many" is not a set number, it's a changing variable depending on many factors) can get you banned from the using the entire payment processor and any companies that use them.

Plus, slow steady growth means eventual success. Burnout is very real if you never take a break.

Part of the point of a VPN is there's not a dedicated IP tied to you (or at least tying all of your activity together). That doesn't provide any benefit besides a corporate/government firewall bypass unless a mass of people are using your server.

I did for a bit but the years went by and sure she's happy, but am I?

It's been 5 years and we're still together.

I think we both know it's time.

It's rough, man. Kids.

My dreams are screaming at me.

Am I supposed to 'follow my dreams'? Is it literal?

I'm not sure what I want anymore, whether I'd be happier single. My subconscious yawps but I ignore it.

Last night I was cheating with 3 of my ex's, at once, in my sleep. She said I was sleep screaming again, but I only remember the spice I felt for life. It's been so long.

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I'm confused. This kid was arrested for hacking Rockstar and downloading and sharing 90 video clips of the unreleased GTA6, but this source code leak is GTA5, and the full leak is 1TB in size. He was in police custody in a hotel during the time of his 90 clip GTA6 hack. That's a lot of space for a smartphone and fire stick.

There are 3 leaks in circulation:

3.3 gigs, src only

17 gigs, src + partial assets

1 TB, src + full assets

How are we certain this kid was behind the GTA5 source leak, because these sources don't claim that. It's possible that he passed the info on to Lapsu$ members but unless you have another source, this kid wasn't the leaker of the GTA5 leak.

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I only ask because it's highly relevant.

Are you overweight, or obese?

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I don't have time to sit down and read books. I have the disease of modernity. Will you read to me when I call?

Yup. As someone that has been on Reddit since like 2007, when it was purely a tech news site and I don't even think had comments yet, I don't really understand these "just stop talking about it" posts. No. This guy took something that held immense value for a large percentage of our lives, and turned it into something near-worthless (at least a shell of it's former glory) over a few years time. I think we should talk about it until it's dead. I want to hear about it's death knell.

There are a ton of obfuscating protocols that a VPN can run. obfs is one of the most popular. You can configure your VPN to appear as basically any traffic. HTTPS, DNS, QUIK.

I wish people would remember that Random Russian Conscripts != Putin and Gang. Imagine living in a fucked up oligarchic kleptocracy and it's your 16th birthday and you're thinking about your girlfriend the test tomorrow and maybe moving to America to get away from it all when you graduate and suddenly you find out it's your turn to get fed to the meat grinder. There are standing orders to shoot you if you attempt to flee to the safety of enemy hands.

Young Gregorvitch, why did you choose to be born in this place at this time, you piece of teenage garbage? You should have made better pre-life decisions.

I hope we never become truly FTL space-capable unless we breed this seemingly necessary hate of "the other" out of ourselves. Imagine the havoc we would wreck on the universe with all the "others" out there.

To add the opposite of this, cats do cover up their feces in the wild very well, and housecats will in a litterbox too instinctually. To hide their scent so they don't get eaten.

It's all about needs. Humans became the top of the food chain and stopped needing as much, so we started doing other things. Also in the wild if there's wind then there won't be as much on things, dust really only starts to gather once walls are built (or in caves I suppose.)

I almost never trust any site that advertises any kind of VPN service (it's always ranked by the best paying referrals) but this mirrors what I've seen in discussions.


Preferred VPN Choice: The general consensus among VPN users in China is that Astrill VPN is the most reliable option. However, it’s an incredibly expensive VPN, so it’s worth trying other cheaper options first. Surfshark is our top choice for best VPN for China as it has a solid reputation for working in the country while also offering affordable plans.

Alternative VPN Options: Other good options for China include CyberGhost, Proton VPN, Widscribe and Mullvad. NordVPN is also an option, but it’s not as reliable in China as the other six, so we only recommend it if you already have an account.

Censorship Evasion Strategy: Since VPNs are in a running battle with censorship, we recommend subscribing to multiple VPNs to ensure you have coverage at all times. No matter which VPNs you use, make sure you download them before going to China, as the download pages are often blocked.

for snuggling it's not the being on the ship that's the hard part, it's what happens at the port before it's loaded and after at the port it's unloading at.

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Seriously. Lemmy is a house made of patchwork quilt, with a bit of pine sap here and there to steady the few boards.

You can only make so many martyrs before anyone with a conscience is willing to become one as well.

They're both extremely similar words so it's no surprise people get them mixed up, like psychologist vs psychiatrist. However I don't see a sociopath ever becoming the CEO of a successful (at any point) company.

I don't even know that spez is a psychopath, but he's absolutely panicking and in way over his head.

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The backdoors the NSA uses are known vulnerabilities, 0days, USB drops, all the normal hacker tools... and if it's a target of sensitive enough in nature, maybe a warrant requiring Apple Update/Windows Update/whoever or whatever device needs spied on, to deliver a payload to that specific machine.

Alex is an unhinged junkie grifter, but Tucker is an evil arrogant pseudochristian grifter propagandist with a much larger fan base.

If you act towards everyone else how you act towards your siblings (or parents if you're an only child) and they don't take you to meet up and play often with other homeschooled kids, then yes you're going to be weird.

It's a very accurate stereotype. Have you ever seen an unsocialized dog around other dogs who have been properly socialized? And it takes so many more years to learn human socialization.

  • Former homeschooled kid