
1 Post – 296 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

What he doesn’t realise (which most middle aged men don’t realise, myself included) is how far the culture has moved since 2001. The values, the mores, the basic morality has shifted. It isn’t tight jeans past 40 that make you look old, it’s your outmoded relationship with the world that does that.

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Human beings creating hell on earth. Still.

I’m fucking convinced you guys are going to vote that chud in again. Or let him be voted in again. There is nuance but it’s the same outcome.

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So you accidentally learned the greatest lesson the church has to offer. Salvation for a profit.

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I mean, at this stage you can tell that by the name.

These deplorables love children so much that they don’t even bat an eye at using child sexual abuse as a political tool while simultaneously turning a blind eye to 300,000 children raped by clergy.

Not sure if there are any ex Redditors old enough to remember the Sydrah debacle?

In which a Reddit user and mod of several communities advertised on LinkedIn that they were ‘a social community manager who had pull in several online communities’ (“has pull” is a direct quote the rest is paraphrased) and that they could be paid to influence the narrative in these communities.

Someone doxxed them and leaked the LinkedIn profile and a vast swathe of the community cried out in horror and revulsion. Oh how the bacon narwhaled on that day!

She’s still a mod of 2xC and at least a few dozen other subs.

Looks like Reddit just legitimised her now ancient play really. It’ll be a website full of Sydrahs after this.

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For an 11 year old to be so full of hate someone must be pushing an agenda on them pretty hard and in this case at the very least it ain’t the drag queens.

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Eh I don’t mind a schmooze.

More than once a month? No. Weekends? No. Mandatory? Hell no, but I think that a bit of camaraderie goes a long, long way when dealing with iffy clients or just generally.

I don’t think work is “family” but it should definitely be a team. That’s just good for everyone. Raising a pint every so often definitely helps that along.

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Reddit is a dogshow but Lenny has issues too.

Maybe it’s my instance or some other config but when I open lennmy it’s just wall to wall communist/anti capitalist, open source wanking and musk hate.

Look, people, musk is a cunt, capitalism is ruining not only the planet but yes also the hearts and minds of people and proprietary software probably should be a little less pervasive than what it is but can we, just for one fucking nano second discuss literally anythingbg else?

In my experience (and again perhaps just with whatever I’ve been able to set up) lemmy is tiresome, parochial and very much a one-dimensional experience.

Can any of us remember when Reddit was actually fun? A little of the silliness that made it endearing? Dumb stories about Kevin, incessant nonsense about bacon, when AMA was a fucking legendary little nook of the internet? Surely some of those are the things this community would want to foster, a little light heartedness? Look at the popularity of the Trekkie stuff, nothing to learn there?

It’s cool though, I don’t have to come here and this has all helped me realise that. I’m literally only on here typing this because I’m taking a dump rn.

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You’re totally forgetting the part where from the very top down that company is run by total fuckwads.

They’ve fucked up at every single step and remained utterly self righteous throughout.

The article, that begins with the word: “How” does not explain how.

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There was speculation that the algo takes several features into account not just time. Things like battery life, distance from frequent locations, etc. So for instance: profile is a young lady, she is on 10% battery and is several miles from home at an entertainment hub like a nightclub/concert so jack the fare up cos she’ll take it regardless, type stuff.

I used to have a very unreliable Jeep that would break down for weeks at a time. I bit the bullet and ubered to work. I have screenshots showing the fare climbing over the course of a week to six times the original price for the same trip as the algo learned that I needed to work and did not have a car.

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“Jewish” is an ethnicity as well as a religion so one can be ‘of Jewish descent’ without practicing Judaism.

I think that’s the short answer.

Please correct me if I got any terminology muddled up.

This has got to be this most pathetic chapter in the American saga.

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It is absolutely ghastly to realise that something like this was inevitable.

Thank you for being willing to deal with this. Godspeed.

I have no idea what “skeet” is and at this point I’m too afraid to ask.

I worked with someone who takes care of their older brother.

I don’t use the word “ret*rd” as a dig at someone anymore.

I honestly never used it as anything but playful banter but that word invokes a lot more meaning than I ever intended.

I know that now.

For those unfamiliar with website/app analytics: a hugely successful, modern advanced analytics campaign (say AI or Machine Learning based) might move the needle on a a key KPI for a huge business like Twitter to the tune of say 3%-5%.

Over 11% would be huge numbers for a highly advanced, highly focused team to achieve in terms of measurable impact on a higher platform like that.

This moral imperative humping dolt achieved that number in negative effects to his company without even trying.

I just wanna say I think this hairstyle is beautiful!

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Fucking YouTube my people.

I am South African. Considering a move to another country so we were watching expat videos from that country. Fuck me if YT didn’t take two searches to start serving up content about white slums and the impact of Affirmative Action on the whites of SA.

To be clear I want to move for an adventure and to further my career. I’m mixed race and have no beef with AA, YouTube wants name to be a frustrated white person who wants to leave due to politics. Get fucked.

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But the town square!!!!!111

Why does this tool have an opinion about absolutely everything?

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Pretty cunty website innit tho.

SQL would like a little chat with you.

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Which is as it should be. There is an obvious level of responsibility that any adult can and should exercise. I don’t disagree that the government shouldn’t mandate this, in fact I believe they shouldn’t have to.

I am a complete idiot and I would also like to know.

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I can totally believe the crazy conflict this must cause for someone. Read this letter, imagine someone you feel this way about was convicted of two rapes and accused of three. It would do your head in.

Piling on Mastersons friends and colleagues isn’t going to help the victims.

This is the “didn’t inhale” of nazi advertising platforms.

Hey have you guys heard about ChatGPT 7? It makes chatGPT 6 look like ChatGPT 5!

Who ever thought the AI awakening would this fucking banal?

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This sounds an awful lot like a the old ‘both sides’ boogaloo.

Fuck that.

America under the democrats is a vile bully that pokes its nose in where it doesn’t belong and causes a great deal of suffering across the planet.

I grant you that, but America under MAGA unleashes the true evil in the hearts of men. The malady caused by four years under Trump lingers on in so many aspects of life.

Comparing the two is a massive mistake.

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Impossible. The weed in your pocket reeks even before it is smoked. I can home once after a trip and I could immediately smell the weed in my drawer in the next room.

Weed absolutely reeks. Period.

No. They pretend that acknowledging trans women erases womanhood itself and is the ultimate mysogyny.

Found the round-earther.

I need to start checking the instance when someone posts something stinky.

I’d honestly noticed it a lot over the last few weeks and thought oh well, eternal September.

There was a nice little period there where’s there wasn’t much discussion around and those actually poking their heads out were really kind of wholesome. Now I see so many people still coming across in that friendly, inclusive way and I realise it’s just a vocal minority ruining it.

Let’s hold each other to a higher standard.

One love.

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I’m pretty gullible and I believe a lot of stuff. So I’m asking this sincerely.

Are you saying that in America people are tapping their widow with a Glock and giving you the stink eye to get into your lane? Like, instead of indicating and then waiting for a safe gap?

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“The X community” can go FUCK ITSELF! Is that clear? I hope so.

They were not censored, they are undoubtedly still active and able to say what they want. We just can’t hear it. You can choose to hear it by joining a instant federated with them.

Dafuq are you on about censorship?

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Sounds like we need to align on triple underscoring the double-bottom line for all stakeholders. Let’s hammer a steak in the ground here and craft a narrative that drives contingency through the process space for F24 while synthesising synergy from a cloudshaping standooint in a parallel tranche. This journey is really all about the art of the possible after all so lift and shift a fit for purpose best practice and hit the ground running on our BHAG.

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This article should actually be about hack journalism that uses hot button issues to make clicks out of pointless nonsense.

Space socialists who are always right are less woke than Wookiees?