4 Post – 102 Comments
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Moved from @pingveno

We all know what "Make America Great Again" means.

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Quite literally. It's a shared project between Belgium and France.

America has always had racism, but America has never been a racist country

I'm really quite stunned by this claim. She seems to be parsing words to dodge reality. The US wrote slavery into its Constitution, engaged in a series of racist genocides of the indigenous people, and excluded immigrants of various ethnicities throughout its history. We've certainly improved, but to say we've never been governed by racism is either ignorant, revisionist, or pandering to some of the worst people.

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Good for the community, too. It takes a village to get rid of that astroturf group.

Regardless, I'm glad they are being open about this. I use 1password, so I want to know absolutely anything that could be a threat, especially after the debacle with LastPass.

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Reminder that Roger Stone coordinated timing with WikiLeaks to drop the emails that Russia had hacked and passed off to WikiLeaks. The low point of Trump's campaign - the release of the Access Hollywood tape - had WikiLeaks dripping emails within hours. Julian Assange's outfit had fallen from a champion of press freedom to a facilitator of the Russian dictatorship interfering in elections.

To paraphrase someone else, it has enough should clauses to drive several favorable RV loans through.

Philip Wallach of the American Enterprise Institute called the visioning effort an “authoritarian fantasy.”

When the center-right is like "slow down, too far crazy right", you know it's bad.

Seems like moderate Republicans weren't objecting to an extremist (ala Jim Jordan). They were objecting to an extremist who had too much of a public profile. They just needed someone obscure enough that they wouldn't catch too much flak for choosing them.

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One issue the IDF has been working with for a while is the sheer amount of tunneling by Hamas. There is dense housing right on top of the tunnels. Destroying the tunnels can lead to the above buildings collapsing, as well as the damage caused by any explosives.

Will they annex and depopulate Gaza? I hope not. That's just going to create another generation of fighters itching for revenge. Grievances outlast Hamas, and they will likely find a form. That said, maybe a single state solution will be the best form of government, as long as Palestinians, Jewish Israelis, and other groups are guaranteed equal rights. The half-ass "two state" attempt right now isn't working.

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Don't forget posting small excerpts of larger works that completely miss the larger meaning in favor of a modern political agenda.

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And if they didn't want Hakeem Jeffries specifically, they could have bargained for someone else. If they were in the mood to cross the aisle, they would be holding all the cards.

check relevant state and local laws

Nice of them to include this. It varies so widely by state. If you're in San Francisco, you're going to be just fine. If you're out in the sticks in Texas, you might find yourself watching your back.

There are plenty of veterans out there that don't advertise it because it's not a core piece of their identity. Of course the 'Murica veterans are going to be more frequently Trumpers. My uncle was in the Vietnam War, but he's only talked about it a handful of times when asked. He despises Trump, not because he's a vet, but because of who Trump is.

I just call them good doggos. Is that okay?

There's a quote from P.J. O'Rourke that illustrates the point well:

The Democrats are the party that says government will make you smarter, taller, richer, and remove the crabgrass on your lawn. The Republicans are the party that says government doesn't work and then they get elected and prove it.

A central tenant of the Democratic Party is that government can be a force for good and should be run well. Republicans try to tear the government down, especially at the federal level. The party as a whole doesn't care nearly as much about good governance principles, though there are of course exceptions.

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A class at a university is peanuts to someone like Clinton. She's already written multiple books. The speaking circuit pays millions for keynote speeches from people like Clinton. This whole "the Clinton's are just after money" only feeds the right wing hate machine.

Haley and Christie are bad but survivable. I usually try to keep my claims measured, but Desantis and Ramaswamy are every bit as fascist as Trump. I would genuinely fear for the country under the last three.

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What really kills me is how even people who don't particularly like him are backing him. My husband's uncle doesn't like the man, but in a discussion with me replied to the number of charges with "if that's not an abuse of power I don't know what is". It's like he hadn't even considered that Trump could well be guilty enough to warrant multiple indictments.

Oh, sure he did. Hand picked experts like John Eastman and Rudy Guiliani who tell him what he wants to hear. They are also known as "co-conspirators".

Yes, he is pushing the envelope now. And in the past. And in the future. Asking Donald Trump to not be a trash fire is like asking gravity to suddenly reverse. It ain't happening.

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That's the population of urban areas only. The population of Gaza Strip is a little over 2 million. Obviously that doesn't make the casualties any better, but I always like to work with accurate facts.

My understanding is this lie was used by Hamas to isolate Israel from Arab nations where much of the public was frankly horrified by the brutal violence Hamas had aimed specifically at civilians. So no, it wasn't just "the one relatively inconsequential thing," it is a lie that has had serious consequences.

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Judge, jury, and executioner, apparently.

There is a breed of pug, retro pugs, that is a Jack Russell terrier mix. They have elongated snouts, leading to a happier life. Most of the health problems that are unique to pugs, poof, gone.

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It sounds like it was the bomber, Serhiy Batryn, that was reported as dead. Conflicting reports as to whether he has actually died. This was not related to Russia from what I could gather. He had a long standing feud with members of the local council.

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Ugh, this stuff over height is so silly. None of it matters because they're just variations of shorter than me.

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Russia landed on the moon, too. They just had a few more pieces.

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"I could solve the Ukraine-Russia war! All I need to do is force Ukraine to cede any territory that Russia claims, even if Russia doesn't occupy it. Putin surely will not come back for more after that!"

When he's being actively undermined by Republicans the whole way, just cleaning up Trump's mess can be an accomplishment. The Inflation Reduction Act went against heavily entrenched interests to restart the US federal government's response to climate change. It took real finesse to get that through Congress.

Freaks deserve better than to be associated with these... entities.

It's paid off sometimes in the Senate, like with the bipartisan infrastructure bill. That was passed in the Democrat-controlled House and then negotiated in the Senate. The problem is the current Republican-controlled House, where extreme right wingers hold much greater sway.

Huh, wonder why the IDF is there. Oh yeah, it's because Hamas stormed out of Gaza and specifically targeted civilians as nice soft targets.

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I get the point you're trying to make, but it wouldn't be at all out of character.

There's certainly no need to tussle over it in California. Trump wouldn't win in California anyway and it would just feed into the persecution narrative among his fan base.

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I can't help but think that's why Putin invaded Ukraine. He needed something to keep the masses distracted. He's afraid that he'll get assassinated if he ever leaves power, whether voluntarily or by violent overthrow.

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For Crimea, it makes a bit more sense. It was a popular vacation spot in the Soviet Era. Just... maybe a bit less right now given that it's an active war zone?

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Holy crap, I was just reading his Wikipedia page. He is such a piece of shit. His wife died of cancer in May 1968. Her doctor had told him, not her, of the diagnosis in 1961 and he kept it secret from her. I knew about the segregation stuff, but that is just the shit frosting on the shit cake.

No, no, that's a godly incestuous drugged rape scene.