Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Russian republic of Bashkortostan to World – 176 points –
Hundreds of protesters clash with police in Russian republic of Bashkortostan

Hundreds – and possibly thousands – of Alsynov’s supporters initially gathered in front of the courthouse on Monday when closing arguments were delivered in the case. The Russian independent news outlet Agentstvo reported that it was one of the biggest protests in Russia since the invasion of Ukraine, which has brought about more restrictive laws and an intensified crackdown on dissent.


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I can't help but think that's why Putin invaded Ukraine. He needed something to keep the masses distracted. He's afraid that he'll get assassinated if he ever leaves power, whether voluntarily or by violent overthrow.

Additionally, Ukraine is an example of protests working. A dangerous precedent to set for a country whose national myth claims that “Ukrainians are weird Russians”.

Definitely agreed. I don't see how he can leave power alive. And war does buoy support for a leader (Bush Jr, Nixon,etc). Putin has a lot to answer for domestically.