Pandantic [they/them]

@Pandantic [they/them]
3 Post – 470 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

It has been a dumping ground for immigrants for a long time. The British used to send their convicts, that didn’t make the cut for hanging but they surely didn’t want in “their” country, here to be slaves.

Not many people know that between 1718 and 1775 over 52,000 convicts were transported from the British Isles to America, mainly to Maryland and Virginia, to be sold as slaves to the highest bidder. —The History Press

I was told that they discovered her father was white.

It’s birther nonsense, just some crazy conspiracy theory they can spread. Next they will say she was born in India.

My latest game:

vampire survivors

3.08 -Good

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I’ve put at least 10 pieces of furniture out on the curb in the last 4 months and they’ve all been taken. It makes me glad that someone can use it.

If you see anyone online show the search results and pricing on Amazon, then try to replicate those search results and product price on a device that is totally partitioned from your viewing of the item/price elsewhere, you're likely to find it is not possible. If you then go back to the original device and do the same, you'll magically find the same product and lower price.

I noticed this on Walmarts website when asking chat GPT to find items for me. I was wondering why it was happening. Some of the price differences were extreme too.

No ads unless you want to “pay” for a free revive. No micro transactions that I’ve seen.

I didn’t know there was a non-mobile.

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As an educator, I’m shocked … that they have the backup subs and/or a replacement teacher to justify losing a teacher over this.

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For someone who is worried about the sanctity of marriage when gay people wanna do it, she sure is publicly stepping out on her husband before their divorce is finalized.

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I’m sorry, I might still be confused… did he get arrested and tazed for just continuing to conduct the band? Why were the police even stopping him? This seems insane.

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I remember this one commandment that said “thou shalt not kill.” Oh wait, I forgot that Christianity makes exceptions for their enemies.

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Did I miss it? Was there a reason given or is it just the new “conservative coalition” doesn’t like it?

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I liked this at the end of the article:

The Washington Post estimated that during his presidency, Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements.

However, he is crossing 3 state lines in the process, breaking federal law.

7 more... is turning vanilla. They closed the shrooms community too!

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When I was in 8th grade, I ended up separated from most of my elementary friends. I had one friend that I knew, and she had the same problem the previous year, and introduced me to some of her new friends. One was this boy who had a deformed arm. He opened my eyes to a whole new world of interests, musical tastes, style, anime, books (including one of my favorite authors to this day), and just generally made me look at life differently. We talked on the phone every night, to the point where my parents got me a second phone line because I was on the phone so much. He introduced me to his friends, one of which became my first boyfriend. And he was one of the first people I’d met that was as smart as me and I could have real conversations about the world with. He pretty much changed my outlook on life, and I would say the trajectory too. And he was my best friend.

The next part gets sad, though. I met him the first day of 8th grade. Fast forward to summer break, we’re about to go into high school, and I went on a vacation with my family. My mom gets a call a day before we go back, she is visibly distressed but says it’s nothing. When I get home, three of my friends and my grandma are waiting for us. My grandma breaks the news: my best friend died. He had a heart defect - his heart gave out. I knew him for a year, and I still think about him all the time. It’s surreal sometimes. I have like two photos of him. I don’t talk to anyone who knew him anymore. It was so long ago and I know I’ve forgotten so much about him, it’s hard to think about sometimes. But none of that takes away the changes he made in my life. Also, ironically, he brought me to Christianity, but I could never forgive god for taking him away.

I find it funny that the first lemmy meme obsession was beans and now it’s jeans.

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"People who are barely surviving have extremely limited freedom," he writes.

"All their time and energy go into earning enough money to pay for groceries, shelter, and transportation to jobs … a good society would do something about the deprivations, or reductions in freedom, for people with low incomes.

She was delighted to put it in for us.

She is paid to be delighted.

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Walters said at Thursday’s meeting that Boismier violated rules that prohibit instruction on topics related to race and gender. He told reporters that she “broke the law.”

Oh? I didn't realize providing a link to an online resource was considered teaching or had anything to do with race or gender. 🤔

"Well believe our approach is the most sustainable and scalable moderation model that exists online today. We are continually investing in and iterating on new tools and policies to improve our internal capabilities," the Reddit spokesperson said.

That’s not what mods say.

It’s so weird to me seeing Squdward as the rebel teen when everything he is screams “curmudgeon middle aged childless introvert”.

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These problems don’t just hit the poorest individuals, although the poorest are most badly affected. Even affluent people would enjoy a better quality of life if they lived in a country with a more equal distribution of wealth, similar to a Scandinavian nation. They might see improvements in their mental health and have a reduced chance of becoming victims of violence; their children might do better at school and be less likely to take dangerous drugs.

You see, “upper-middle class”, you can benefit too, stop voting against it!

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And he said, 'No, I ain't scared, but if anything happens to me, it's not suicide.'

He pretty much said “I think something may happen to me and they will make it look like a suicide.”

Unless she's got a recording or document, the article's title could have been, "Family friend tells reporter a story"

Yeah, it won’t hold up in court, and neither would it if she had recorded this casual, intimate conversation between two old friends.

Maybe, though, it’s enough to get the coroner to take another look at his death.

I'm not any defender of corporations, by any means, but I'm not sure that I'm willing to take the word of a "close family friend" who "needed help one day" any more than some corporate HR;

You sure have a lot more faith in corporations than I do…

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So these are the equivalent of blonde jokes?

His handlers told him to talk about more kitchen table issues, so he brought a kitchen table.

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FlyingSquid, BonesoftheMoon, jeffw, and thePicardManeuver are the ones I recognize because I see them so often.

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Cool cool what’s the right answer then?

Pretty sure that’s what republicans want - private schools for the rich, and whatever the poor can afford. And hey, if you’re schools too shitty, you could always start working at 14.

Poling added that “the guys” who may have been dragged to look at the miniature displays “got to enjoy a build that was meant specifically for them, in an area they might not otherwise be entertained.”

I mean.. he isn’t wrong..

The school already had single stall bathrooms for fuck sake! I use a non-gender conforming bathroom at work all the time even though it’s labeled “men” and “women” because I can close the door and no one can see me and it’s exactly the same as the other! And using kids pronouns? You use kids pronouns all the time, just this time you use the one they want.

Close-minded people trying to ruin literal children’s education because they are too fragile of snowflakes to take the signs off of bathrooms and use a different pronoun than they feel is “right”. Honestly, it’s good this came out, because the kids would have probably been bullied anyway from the kids with shitty parents. Now the parent can pick a more appropriate school.

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The fact she had to say it twice. Piers Morgan is a twat.

Meyer, the Marion County Record's publisher, said local restaurateur Kari Newell accused the paper of illegally obtaining drunk-driving records about her.

But the paper, Meyer said, received this information about Newell from a separate source, independently verified it on the Kansas Department of Revenue's Division of Vehicles website — and decided not to publish it. The paper instead opted to notify local police.

Here’s their justification - they found out about a business owner’s drunk driving records, and told the police. The police decided this was “identity theft”.

“Let’s say I was the governor, I had a willing legislature, we could pass a bill saying you can’t have an abortion in North Carolina for any reason,” he says in one clip. In another, Robinson says, “For me there is no compromise on abortion, it makes no difference to me why or how that child ended up in that womb.” Elsewhere, he says: “Abortion in this country is not about protecting the lives of mothers. It’s about killing a child because you weren’t responsible enough to keep your skirt down.”

He said that “if I’m a person who is seen as an individual who’s standing on a stage pointing down at a young woman saying, ‘You can’t have an abortion,’ that is not the right approach.” Instead, he said, “The right approach is to come down off the stage, embrace that young woman, and tell them about the reasons why I believe she should choose life, and then ultimately leaving it up to her based on the laws that we have on the books. That’s the reason why we put that commercial out, and the reason why I was willing to do it. Because we feel like that this is an issue of the heart. And if we’re going to ‘win on this issue,’ we’re going to win people over on this issue, we’ve got to show people that we care. Because we’ve got to show them how deeply it affects people.”

How can I trust that you’ve changed your view and not just your campaign strategy? Because this dude has previously stated he wants no abortion for any reason. Watch out for the wolf in sheep’s clothing!

And how do you feel about that?

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Thanks for saving me the time reading this.

Yes, it’s like she took notes from her husband, but isn’t Smooth Willy enough to pull it off. I think it’s because deep down, she is just a bitch.

They all blow up the first time! You can do it Japan!

devon giehl&ratmaker
“swifties, now is your chance to destroy trump and Al in one fell swoop. you were made for this. you are the army we need”
“Pop Crave
“Donald Trump shares Al-generated images of Taylor Swift and her fans, falsely implying her endorsement.”
“Donald J. Trump
@realDonald Trump
I accept!”
AI generated image with Taylor Swift dressed as Uncle Sam reading: “TAYLOR WANTS YOU” and some AI generated and one real image of young women wearing “Swifties for Trump” shirts””
11:16 AM • Aug 19, 2024