Explosive device thrown onto porch of Satanic Temple in Massachusetts. No injuries were reported

K7d@r.nf to News@lemmy.world – 341 points –
Explosive device thrown onto porch of Satanic Temple in Massachusetts. No injuries were reported

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I remember this one commandment that said “thou shalt not kill.” Oh wait, I forgot that Christianity makes exceptions for their enemies.

I mean, the Old Testament is like 80% murder and 5% incest.

The Old Testament is the Hebrew Bible. The New Testament is the book where Jesus says, "f those first five books. Turn the other cheek."

The all-powerful creator of mankind and the cosmos apparently can't figure out how to release an update patch for the one book he wrote and get the people who are the most adamant about following his rules to apply it cleanly.

Must have outsourced tech writing to the lowest bidder