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Joined 4 months ago

Basically a deer with a human face. Despite probably being some sort of magical nature spirit, his interests are primarily in technology and politics and science fiction.

Spent many years on Reddit and then some time on kbin.social.

And under copyleft licensing, they're allowed to do that. Both to GitHub repositories and Wikipedia.

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Why would that matter? You can fork such projects too.

That's because this isn't something coming from the AI itself. All the people blaming the AI or calling this a "hallucination" are misunderstanding the cause of the glue pizza thing.

The search result included a web page that suggested using glue. The AI was then told "write a summary of this search result", which it then correctly did.

Gemini operating on its own doesn't have that search result to go on, so no mention of glue.

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This really just shines a light on a more significant underlying problem with scientific publication in general, that being that there's just way too much of it. "Publish or perish" is resulting in enormous pressure to churn out papers whether they're good or not.

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With work-from-home as a non-negotiable condition.

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I guess he was getting too close to finally agreeing that Ukraine needs some more support.

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Reddit already has your comments. So does everyone else who might want to train an LLM, for that matter, there are archive dumps that anyone can torrent and those aren't updated "live" every time you vandalize your old comments. The only people that are inconvenienced by replacing your comments with gibberish are humans that may find that thread later on looking for information.

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Sounds a bit unusual, but not unfair - Google just preemptively paid all of the damages that the government was seeking in this particular case, which is the only thing the jury would have been needed to determine. So having a jury would be a complete waste of the jury's time. The rest of the case would be up to the judge anyway.

If the prosecutor thinks they could get more now maybe they should have asked for more earlier. I think this may have been a miscalculation on the prosecution's side.

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And let's not pretend that the US isn't a two-party system.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. Your choices are Trump or Biden.

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So, Microsoft recognized and responded to all the complaints by removing the feature that people were objecting to.

Resulting headline: "Microsoft is trying to hide the evidence that they were thinking of doing that thing we hated! Hate them harder!"

Do people want companies to just ignore complaints completely because there's no way to satisfy anyone anyway?

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Evidently most of the fandom needs to have it beaten over their heads a bit more blatantly than that.

Another thing that would have been helpful is if it was made clearer just how monstrous the Ewoks actually are. There wouldn't be as much shame to the Imperials for losing against them if people had only internalized a bit better that:

  • Ewoks are strong enough that they can haul Redwood-sized logs up into the canopy to build deadfalls, using only crude vine ropes and muscles, and do it quietly enough that the nearby Imperial garrison didn't notice.
  • They are stealthy enough that an ordinary hunting party can sneak up on an elite Rebel strike force (including a Jedi).
  • That hunting party was hunting a 3-meter-tall boar-wolf, by the way. Ewoks hunt these routinely.
  • Endor is full of predators like that, and despite that the Ewoks let their children wander the forest on their own. Upon being confronted with an armor-clad alien wielding a blaster weapon and riding a flying machine, one of those lone children thought to himself: "guess I'd better kill him." Leia helped, of course, but the Ewok couldn't have known she would.
  • One of their literal gods, personified in the form of a physical avatar before them, ordered the Ewoks not to burn some people alive and devour their flesh. The Ewoks hesitated for half a second and then resumed piling the firewood with a jaunty song. Gods are spiffy and all, but don't get in between Ewoks and their cannibalism.
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And then that growth promptly blew its budget because it's using expensive cloud AI services from Vercel and it has no means of monetization whatsoever to bring money in.

People can do whatever they want, of course. But they have to pay for the resources they consume while doing that, and it seems Cara didn't really consider that aspect of this.

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I started Googling "Rob Schneider" and Google autocompleted "herp de derp" after that.

Israel's cries of victimhood were already starting to wear thin when it was focused on the Holocaust. Yes, it was a terrible tragedy, but it's 80 years ago at this point - very, very few people are left that were directly involved and the circumstances have changed significantly since then. But going back over five hundred years to try to find "gotchas" is just sad and counterproductive.

People are suffering right now and being persecuted right now, and it has nothing to do with the Inquisition or the Nazis.

It sounds like things are going well for this guy and that is great and all, but how much would we honestly expect to hear if it wasn't going well?

Given how eager people are to pounce on negative news about anything Elon Musk-related, I expect we would be hearing way, way more about this if it wasn't going well. "Elon Musk's Neuralink Damages a Man's Brain!" and "Elon Musk's Neuralink Fails!" Headlines and such from every rooftop.

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There's a reason that artists in training often practice by drawing nudes, even if they don't intend for that to be the main subject of their art. If you don't know what's going on under the clothing you're going to have a hard time drawing humans in general.

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Those holes look open to me.

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I don't see humidity mentioned in the article, that's the real killer once the temperature gets up above body temperature. If humidity is high then evaporating water isn't going to effectively cool a person and the only way to survive is to get into air conditioning or other artificially low-temperature safe zones. Temperatures like this are more often seen in arid places, I dread the time something like this hits a major tropical urban area when it's humid. We could see megadeaths.

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Image-generating AI is capable of generating images that are not like anything that was in its training set.

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Gumroad, an e-commerce company for creators, updated its rules to more strictly limit NSFW content, citing restrictions from payment processors like Stripe and PayPal.

And people continue to mock cryptocurrencies.

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Camera-makers, too. And people who make pencils. Lock the whole lot up, the sickos.

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Indeed, which is why I'm furious at the Internet Archive's leadership for merrily dancing out into a minefield completely unbidden.

the trial judge improperly allowed women to testify about allegations against the ex-movie mogul that weren’t part of the case.

Well, yeah, that's a pretty major problem. If they're bringing in allegations that aren't part of the case how is the defendant supposed to defend himself against that?

Everyone getting angry about this as a miscarriage of justice, I agree, but direct that anger at the judge and prosecutors who screwed it up so badly. Echoes of Cosby getting off due to a prosecutor making a stupid deal, or OJ getting off because the police apparently tried to frame a guilty man.

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None of this is AI-specific. Youtube wants you to label your videos if you use "altered or synthetic content" that could mislead people about real people or events. 99% of what Corridor Crew puts out would probably need to be labeled, for example, and they mostly use traditional digital effects.

I think a major factor was also that the police apparently tried to frame him. It's unfortunate that this resulted in the jury not believing the actual evidence, but the blame lies with the police for that.

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Of course, because music belongs to the Record Labels. How dare it be made without their consent (and a cut being paid).

The only way I can imagine this working is by twisting the definition of the words "search engine" enough that you can claim that there aren't search engines, but really there are still, just under a different name.

Search engines aren't actually the "problem" that OP is wanting to address, here, though. He just doesn't like the specific search engines that actually exist right now. What he should really be asking is how a search engine could be implemented that doesn't have the particular flaws that he's bothered by.

Netanyahu doing scummy things to cling to power no matter what is indeed a widely expected move.

I wouldn't be surprised if someday when we've fully figured out how our own brains work we go "oh, is that all? I guess we just seem a lot more complicated than we actually are."

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Did you read literally the next sentences I wrote after that one? Here they are:

Just not by Internet Archive. Let someone else who's purpose is fighting those fights take it on and stick to preserving those precious archives out of harm's way.

The Internet Archive is like someone carrying around a precious baby. The baby is an irreplaceable archive of historical data being preserved for posterity. I do not want them to go and fight with a bear, even if the bear is awful and needs to be fought. I want them to run away from the bear to protect the baby, while someone else fights the bear. Someone better equipped for bear-fighting, and who won't get that precious cargo destroyed in the process of fighting it.

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There's already Conservapedia.

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If you want to get away from the Lemmy codebase entirely I can vouch that mBin works quite nicely. I've been on fedia.io for months now and only once or twice hit some kind of technical problem, which was resolved quickly.

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Could we throw some folding chairs into the ring with them, at least?

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Your kid is also AI-generated, in that case.

I know this is a popular thing to be angry about, but this time there was an actual fine. The consequences are being ratcheted up. The judge is just taking as much care as possible to make sure that all the "t"s are crossed and "i"s dotted along the way, otherwise he risks the whole trial being thrown out in the end. Look at some of the other high-profile "this rich guy's guilty as sin but got off anyway" cases, they often boil down to some screw-up that doesn't disprove the overall case but still invalidates the trial. Harvey Weinstein and Bill Cosby pop to mind.

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OP asked "how can I accomplish goal X?"

You responded "Goal X sucks, you should accomplish goal Y instead!"

That's not exactly useful.

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I would imagine that if an admin is doing this the modlog could simply be faked, you wouldn't be able to trust anything that the instance is reporting to the outside world.

You'd think a literal Princess wouldn't be so keen on revolutionary communism. Doesn't typically go so well for the royalty.

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You realize that thunderstorms are unrelated to tsunamis?

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I think you may have missed a significant chunk of what I wrote. The prof told me that they couldn't know who was going to try to hurt others. Often the patients themselves didn't know whether they were going to hurt others.

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