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I think it’s actually sedition. You have to conspire with an external enemy for it to be treason (I mean, he did that too, but this is mostly homegrown and easier to prove).

She really needs to meet new people.

A system of checks and money orders. And cash.

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Just like every other decent human being.

“We hear you, American consumer! You say you want a sub-$40k, small, basic EV. So here’s another luxury SUV/pickup truck/yacht crossover starting at $90,000.”

So… CEOs will cause job cuts in 2024, and have decided to use generative AI as an excuse.

You could argue pretty convincingly that it didn’t. We’re in a much worse place than we were, and the damage is far from over.

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He’s planning on stealing the election anyway through his acolytes in congress and various state governments, so he sees no point in spending campaign funds that he can use on himself later.

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They’ve made them unavailable to you, but if you think they’ve actually deleted them, you’re dreaming. Now you can’t delete them, but presumably they’ll sell them for as much as they can get. Spez was pretty clear that aggressive mometization of existing content was his business plan, and this is undoubtedly part of that.

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“Law and order” has always only meant “keep undesirables (minorities, leftists, workers) afraid and under constant threat of violence”. It has never meant “actually hold everyone equally accountable to the law”.

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It was FaceTime, not iMessage. The reason the developers were surprised was that they didn’t own the tech, and Apple lost a patent lawsuit about it and almost had to remove FaceTime entirely.

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Kills you painfully with a brain infection, I think. I don’t really see the appeal.

He’s perfectly capable of paying both. He doesn’t want to, and because he’s rich, he doesn’t have to. There is a reason billionaires end up with so much money, and fairly compensating other parties isn’t it.

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Oh no, absolutely they shouldn’t go! That would be so terrible for all of us progressives. Once they leave and take all their useful skills with them we absolutely will fail as a country and will cry tears of shame that we ever questioned them. That would show us so hard. We would be so owned!

To be fair, compared to Trump, nobody looks that problematic.

Worst so far. If another Republican gets into office, they’re likely to be just as evil but probably smarter.

They’re already violent, and getting more so. Appeasing them isn’t going to make them suddenly behave.

“We would have all stayed under our rocks if YOU hadn’t forced us to freak out by electing a black guy”.

Yes, absolutely. The Supreme Court that he appointed certainly won’t continue to give him immunity to get away with literally anything he does…

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The chances that a swashbuckling crew of rogue engineers organized a secret skunkworks project to implement their heartfelt, idealistic vision of an adblocker free web are… low.

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Trump has repeatedly demonstrated that he can and will do whatever the fuck he wants, consequences be damned.

There are never any consequences. Until there are, his whole circus will continue and get worse.

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She has political standing because the right wing media finds her constant insane shrieking useful, so they continue to platform her. It draws attention away from things they don’t want you talking about, like income inequality, looming fascism, environmental distraction… basically everything they are working so hard to achieve.

Any mental effort they can get people to waste responding to her is effort not being put towards making the world a better place for someone other than billionaires.

If this is confirmed, I don’t think the Secret Service would be able to protect him from Mossad.

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In this case, you have to develop an individual vaccine for every patient based on the DNA from their own cancer. That’s actually a lot of work. $10K a poke is very reasonable given that you could easily spend 10 or 100 times that on conventional treatment.

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“I already answered that in another query. Closed as duplicate.”

We look at the definition of treason in the Constitution, conclude that unless we can prove she’s acting on behalf of a foreign power, it isn’t treason, call it sedition, which it clearly IS, and go from there.

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Better to just call it “The site formerly known as Twitter” and don't mention X at all. That would piss him off more.

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Their intention has never been to run the country. It is to KEEP the adults (Democrats, sane Republicans, if there are any left) from running the country and paralyze the government. If nothing can get done, then the government isn't, for example, passing laws to restrict corporate power, or make anybody's life better. The rich and powerful have no counterweight.

Anyone with two functioning brain cells does see it. Unfortunately, there is an entire political party for people who don't.

So it all comes down to “do Republicans want to win badly enough that they can suppress their racism and misogyny and vote for a woman of color”. Republicans like winning, but NEVER bet against racism and misogyny with that crew.

Also, a large fraction of the base WILL vote for Trump, and only Trump, whether he’s on the ballot or not, which hurts Haley. And there’s no evidence that the R’s have won over a single new voter since 2020, when they lost.

This all turns on how badly Biden does with HIS base, and that is currently pretty worrying. Democratic voters like unproductive petulance at least as much as Republican voters like racism and misogyny.

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Not this one - it’s a civil case on the state of NY.

No, even those are the old talking points! Now it’s “EVs have batteries that are very heavy, so they generate lots of tire particulates, which is way worse than the tailpipe emissions of ICE cars, which somehow magically don’t also have tires or something, and aren’t also getting heavier every year.”

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That’s not even close to a valid excuse.

Unfortunately you can still be hit by cars that idiots let the AI drive.

"Yeah, he's a convicted felon, but we can't put him in jail because that would inconvenience the Secret Service."

Nope. Sorry it's a burden for them, but they can figure it out. Make a prison out of the brig on an abandoned military base in the middle of nowhere with him as the only prisoner. It worked for Rudolph Hess.

Are they going to give him his $60B bonus now?

Because it’s sedition, not treason. Just as bad, if not worse, but a different thing.

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That test happens all the time. And the justice system consistently fails it.

You make the batteries once, and the pollution due to production is spread over the 10-15 year lifetime of the battery. During that time gigawatt hours of clean power sloshes in and out of them. This in contrast to having to produce enough gas to make all of those gigawatt hours once, then throw the gas away as co2 and get more, along with the attendant pollution.

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It’s hard to say it’s “wasted”. That just means the sun will shine, and the wind will blow, and nobody will use some of the electricity it could generate.

By that metric, almost 100% of wind and solar power is currently “wasted”. By putting up all that capacity, the amount “wasted” goes way down.

And what becomes possible if you have huge amounts of no cost energy available for some of the day/year? Direct carbon capture? Widespread desalination to produce fresh water? These are things that would help a lot, but are currently infeasible for to energy cost. You don’t have to do them 24/7 - just turn them on to soak up the excess grid capacity. If the cost of electricity went way down, I guarantee you somebody would figure out what to do with the power.