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Joined 1 years ago

Maybe they are dropping the first and last letters from MAGA.

"America Great!!!"

Getting a dog has helped me in ways I never expected. I just figured "cute, cuddle, good for brain chemicals". But they HAVE to be walked at a certain time. They HAVE to be fed at a certain time. Regardless of any of your internal issues, you love them and you have to provide for their needs.

So when you are in the kitchen filling their bowl, you make yourself some toast or grab a banana. When you are taking them for a walk, maybe you go a little farther because they like it and it's good for you. If you struggle to get up in the morning, they look to you pleading to be taken out to pee and you get yourself up and dressed. They need training and that requires being consistent, so you do it for them. It's so much easier to do it for them than for yourself.

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Holy fuck! As if Citizens United wasn't bad enough. Our government is fully for sale now.

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YOLO court strikes again

Most countries have a functional mental health system. The US does not. We fail on both accounts.

If Trump loses the 2024 election because Texas temporarily secedes, taking its 38 Republican electoral votes with it, I might die from the schadenfreude.

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Even if you don't think it was murder, it's repulsive that he is trying to make a career out of killing two people.

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Cut the both-sides shit. Trump is a convicted sex criminal and fraud who wants to end democracy. There is objectively a better choice between the two.

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Let's just build a big congressional dorm with furnished studio apartments and make them all live there when Congress is in session. It would save the government a fortune in cost of living reimbursements and security costs.

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Since I've never heard of him, here are some of Mike Johnson's political stances. In favor of:

A nationwide abortion ban.

A nationwide ban on gay marriage.

Heavy restrictions on medical marijuana prescriptions and a ban on recreational marijuana.

Ending military aid to Ukraine.

Gay conversion therapy.

Federal law against gender affirming care for those under 18.

Eliminating funding for immigration and refugee assistance.

Trump's Muslim ban.

A federal version of Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill.

Prayer in public schools.

Laws making divorce more difficult.

Johnson does not believe in climate change or that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election. He is a young earth creationist believing the Earth was created between 6-10k years ago. He regularly takes his family hunting or to the gun range. He basically checks every box of a christofascist.

The only good thing I can see about him is that Johnson adopted a black 14 year old boy and raised him. Of course he used this adoption as justification for being against reparations and the adopted son can it be found in any public family photos with Johnson. Any speculation that the adopted boy doesn't exist or was Johnson's sexual plaything is completely unfounded.

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You know how you turn on an electric heater and the filament begins to glow? That is energy being converted to light, so not 100% efficient.

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Somehow I doubt Alito would have any qualms about striking atheist jurors from a case involving a Christian pastor.

which in turn allows for the organizer or organizers of a protest to “be held liable for the illegal actions of someone else who attended the protest.”

The DOJ: Holds Donald Trump liable for the illegal actions of all Jan 6 protestors.

Conservatives: "Wait, not like that!"

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It happens whenever Republicans control one house of Congress and there is a Democrat President. It's an obstruction tactic based on the lie that they care about increasing the national debt. That concern disappears when a Republican is President (Trump increased debt by $7 trillion).

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We need to expel House Republicans from the country. They are a far greater threat to America than Palestinians.

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Something needs to be done about the 5th circuit. They routinely make decisions that are directly counter to established law and the Constitution itself.

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Wonder Woman grew up on an island populated by only women. She would not be surprised.

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It's selling hypothetical water that is not there and will never be there. It's a total scam that is going to bite drought-prone areas in the ass big time.

Gun registration is tyranny, but THIS is totally okay.

At the same time, $150 million could fund a shitload of free or discounted rides for poor people if it was administered as a social program with the same decrease in fare skipping.

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Let's end the Koch family fortune while we are at it.

If they rule Trump does then that means Biden does too. It would basically be giving Biden a license to ship them all to Guantanamo. Might be the only thing that holds back such a decision.

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Her students aren't old enough to view OnlyFans, so why would it make any difference?

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Prosecutors said there is no legal basis for Judge Carl Nichols to continue the stay on Bannon serving his sentence

Appointed by Trump as if you even needed to ask.

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To paraphrase Sun Tzu, always leave an enemy an exit. A trapped enemy will fight harder if they can't flee.

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Lynching was named after Charles Lynch, John's brother who was a judge who punished British loyalists without due process. It's a much closer association than you portray.

Amazing that they will do this and then turn around and complain about the destruction of western culture.

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"Man, don't you know? The law ain't made to help earthy cats like us. Here on our planet, back in the old days - back in the real old days - it was just every man for himself, scrooblin' and scrat-scroblin' for the good stuff, the greenest valleys. And the strongest, meanest men got the best stuff. They got the green valleys and were like 'The rest of you, y'all scrats get sand.' And that's when they made the laws, you see? Once the strong guys got it how they liked it, they said 'This is fair now, this is the law.' Once they were winning, they changed the rules up." —Jake the Dog, Adventure Time, "Ocarina"

There is a rule for gas stations that prices can only be changed once a day. Sounds like that would be a good start.

This guy is nuttier than squirrel shit. Total christofascist.

Besides banning porn, he wants to ban no-fault divorce, and ban abortion with no exceptions. He called COVID vaccines a"mark of the beast", called for the jailing of Fauci, and the virus was engineering by Bill Gates to decrease population.

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There are a whole lot of dead Native Americans who sure as hell thought we were at war with them.

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I cannot recommend this organization highly enough. They provide nonpartisan information on candidates in every state for every election.

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I'm all for believing victims but from the person who claimed Jewish space lasers were starting forest fires, I'm going to need to see some more evidence than just her word

When people complained about the BLM protests blocking traffic, I liked to reply with pictures of MLK leading massive marches down the street.

In the lead-up to the 2016 election, in men's online spaces, there was a concerted and organized recruiting effort by white supremacists. They used legitimate men's issues like circumcision, suicide, or child custody as gateways to gradually expose men to increasingly outlandish propaganda. Conservative media was more than willing to give these people a soapbox to spread their propaganda further. Trump further normalized it. It's nearly identical to the tactics used to build support for authoritarian dictatorships through history. I'm afraid that we are far past the point where there can be any peaceful resolution.

At the same time, whenever there is a mass shooting where the killer posted their intent online, people always say "why weren't the authorities paying attention".

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There are tens of thousands of towns that have no reason to exist anymore. The railroads don't stop there anymore, coal isn't in demand, or the factory where everyone used to work closed long ago. It's a death spiral. Nobody who lives there can admit they need to cut bait and start over elsewhere. They cling to the past and the delusion that the world will go back to the way it used to be.

Biden already did the best thing that could be done for these people which is funding a massive expansion of rural internet. If corporations continue to be pushed into allowing remote work, these rural towns would see the new economic infusion they need to survive.

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Unpaid. That's what the government being unfunded means.

What do you expect him to do with Republicans blocking him through Congress and the courts?

What the fuck are you talking about? Biden and the Democrats are the only politicians trying to tax the rich, get people healthcare, and keep Medicare funded. Blame the Republicans that stop them every time. It has nothing to do with not being able to afford it.

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