Opinion | The Supreme Court Has Already Botched the Trump Immunity Case

FenrirIII@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 208 points –
Opinion | The Supreme Court Has Already Botched the Trump Immunity Case

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If they rule Trump does then that means Biden does too. It would basically be giving Biden a license to ship them all to Guantanamo. Might be the only thing that holds back such a decision.

Ship them to Guantanamo ? You’re too nice. If presidents have immunity, Biden could strangle him to death with his own bare hands on live television if he wanted to 💀

Live on Pay-per-view & you've got a deal.

I wouldn't even illegally stream that. I'd pay full fucking price.

Well Senate could convict him after being impeached.

He could just ignore all that shit, claim immunity, and refuse to leave office.

Biden would never do that because him and the Dems in power still worship the status quo and see Trumpism as a minor hiccup in their peaceful balance with the Republicans. The left will continue to get steamrolled by the right because of ineffective leadership.

Euh, for you, Biden is Left? You should check out what left and right mean in politics IMO.

Also, I don't think "the dems" do everything to keep some sort of imaginary balance, but because they are less terrible people, is all.

European here.

what is subjectivism?

Biden is the de facto ideologue of the only meaningful, most-left-leaning political body in the U.S. Calling him "right" (which he is globally) within the context of intra-American discussion would be unnecessarily confusing. Everyone relevant in this comment section understood my message.

The Overton window in the US it’s absurdly far right. So not actively working toward fascism is the left.

If they rule Trump does then that means Biden does too.

No it doesn't. I guarantee they will do all the Olympic-level mental gymnastics necessary to craft the bullshit opinion in such a way that it applies to Trump but not Biden.