
7 Post – 909 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

Religion isn't about moralilty. It is about power & control.

I don't know who downvoted you because you are exactly fucking right.

Hug you parents. Show them that you love them. Nothing is so important that you should forget how much they have meant to your life. My mom died suddenly this week, and far too young. The time is never long enough...

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Thank you man, I really appreciate your reply.

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It's basically a cognitive dissonance conference.

You have also managed to successfully describe attending religious services.

No, I'm Riccosuave 🫡

Username checks out.

You didn't even do it right.

I prefer to think of it as a visual meme collage that shows a before and after shot.

FYI: I'm stealing your slang. Piss baby is, for some reason, a hilariously accurate description.

They used a mask rather than the more appropriate method which would be to use a sealed chamber that was forcefully evacuated of oxygen and replaced by nitrogen the way the suicide pods are supposed to function.

The problem with a mask is it can't be a perfectly sealed system. The issue with the execution from a logistical standpoint was the redneck engineering they employed and not the actual science behind nitrogen hypoxia.

Please don't come at me, I'm not making a value judgment about the use of the death penalty, I'm just explaining the issue with their shoddy ass methodology.

Edit: accidentally a word.

Edit #2 (YouTube Link): Here is some additional information about why a gas mask is an ineffective and dangerous way to conduct an execution via nitrogen hypoxia from Dr. Philip Nitschke, a leading advocate of the right to die movement and an expert in the field of voluntary euthanasia. He personally examined the execution method being used in Alabama, and told them he felt it would be ineffective for many of the same reasons stated above.

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"When you talk to god, that's prayer. When god talks to you that's schizophrenia."

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Seattle PD is fucking garbage.

  • They threw a bitch fit when the citizens got pissed they were tear gassing random people (including children) who were walking on the sidewalk and had nothing to do with the George Floyd protests or CHOP.

  • They were under federal observation for over a decade because they were responsible for multiple questionable deaths.

  • A ton of the force quit because they didn't want to get vaccinated during COVID.

  • Recently they had a Trump flag with a Nazi symbol on it in one of their breakrooms that nobody took down.

The list goes on and on. They need to dissolve the police union in Seattle entirely, and set a precedent. I'm not anti-police, but I am over their whiney bullshit and completely unethical behavior. Seriously, fuck Seattle PD.

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I've never played a Baldur's Gate game before, but I feel compelled to buy this one just to send a message to other developers that it pays to treat your fans with respect.

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We already know from Pudding Rob's actions in Florida that these kind of laws are going to be used to:

  • Allow the executive or legislative branches to override the judiciary, thereby functionally eliminating the separation of powers

  • Override democracy by removing duly elected officials at the sole discretion of one person (Florida), or by another unelected body (Georgia)

  • Create a legal fiefdom where the executive or legislative branches can determine the outcome of judicial matters through sheer fiat by removing prosecutors who do not align with their intended outcomes, and then hand selecting those who do

Party of "Law and Order" my fucking ass.....

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Great, now criminally charge him.

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Trump will continue to play grab ass with the fuck-around gang until he finds the exact line in the sand that guarantees he gets held in pre-trial detention. If he gets thrown in the slammer while awaiting trial he will claim he is a political prisoner, and if they don't stick him there he will do everything in his power to commit soft-treason through his cult. Everything surrounding Trump is, and always has been a lose/lose situation for this country.

Until he is made to suffer serious consequences for his violent petulence and penchant for authoritarianism things will never move forward in any meaningful way. He is a distraction that, when all is said and done, will have stagnated the progress of this country for a decade at minimum.

Edit: Accidentally a word

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Lemmy users talking to Reddit users.

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Big surprise, she gets laughed at for .05 seconds and instantly gets triggered. Typical bully behavior. She has no problem dishing it out, but the minute it starts to come back at her she wants to be a fucking martyr. This permanent victim mentality is the textbook exemplification of 21st century conservatism.

This is where the rats start bailing off the sinking ship. What is going to happen here is a controlled demolition of every single person that touched Trump politically during the 2020 election. There is going to be a scramble to make deals, and attempt to avoid prison by so many people in this equation that it is going to be complete chaos optically.

Nobody is going to know exactly what has happened until the dust settles, but mark my words there is no honor amongst thieves. This is going to be Trump's Julius Caesar moment, and anyone involved in this who doesn't understand that is going to lose the next 5-10 years of their life to Georgia State Prison.

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Wait, doesn't he know the Whitehouse is in Washington DC? He literally tried to overthrow the government in order to stay in that - "filthy, dirty, falling apart, and very unsafe" - town.

Make. It. Make. Sense.

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There's also a 1:1 probability that you're a sociopath, mentally unstable, brainwashed, legitimately stupid, or willfully ignorant.

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And better than every Republican president in your fucking lifetime.

Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good...

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Wheres all his defenders now?

Screaming the n-word into the voice chat of their Call of Duty lobbies, while eating pizza rolls, and watching Adin Ross on Kick.

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Prichard, who has previously called on conservative states to "put into code that Jesus Christ is King and dedicate their state to Him,"

That's all you really need to know right there. Just another Christian Nationalist fuckhead trying to rally the heard herd* of angry rubes.

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The world is watching. No justice, no peace.

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"Action over anxiety."

My mom has told me this since I was a kid, and it is still something I am trying to put into practice effectively when met with challenging situations. It is the most forgiving way I can think of to get yourself in the mental headspace you are talking about without the "time to nut up" connotation.

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Violence that results from citizens being doxxed for engaging with their civic duties should carry harsh mandatory minimum sentences. This is not the same as "protesting" against government officials. They are literally engaging in stochastic terrorism, and attempting to foment domestic terrorism in the process.

What the fuck is wrong with these people, and how do we deal with this in any other way than removing them from society so they cannot harm their fellow citizens.

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One can only hope...

Edit: I feel compelled to make it clear that I don't want anyone to die due to political violence. However, if someone has to die I would prefer it be those who seem hell-bent on undermining the democratic process.

Look, here's the deal. There are more Republican controlled states than Democrat controlled states. If they intelligently target the voting systems in the available swings states, and manipulate the legal system to purge voter rolls or toss ballots in a more organized fashion than in 2020 we are in serious fucking trouble.

Then there is the threat of armed militia members showing up at polling stations, and you can see where things are going to get crazy in November. I feel bad for anyone that has to put up with that bullshit instead of being able to cast a ballot by mail in 5 minutes, but we are counting on you to help save this country. You are the real heroes, and you deserve maximum respect in my book.

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Correct, which is exactly the same thing the Zionist Federation of Germany did during WWII. They sold out their own people in order to keep much of their assets while beginning the process of annexing British Mandatory Palestine.

Make no mistake, these same Zionists went on to form Lehi, among other terrorist/militant organizations that share a direct link to modern day Likud. Every policy the modern right wing Israeli government has employed they borrowed directly from the Third Reich's playbook.

They are literally genocidal, ethno-supremacist, crypto-fascist psycopaths. In no way is that hyperbole. They are essentially Israeli Nazi's.

Haavara Agreement

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That would have led to a mistrial, and further served to delay justice. What Judge Kaplan did was absolutely the right thing, and in the best interest of all parties involved.

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Since when can a minor legally consent to mutual combat?

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The only way Republicans would consider gun control is if the mass shooting was done by Taylor Swift and Joe Biden whilst holding hands and wearing pride flag t-shirts...

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He is a fucking traitor. We have literally executed people in this country for the same crimes he is alleged to have committed. Ignoring that really serves to undermine the severity of the situation.

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I hate to be that guy, but you can't appeal on ineffective assistance of counsel in a civil proceeding.

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All jokes aside, you're quite a good writer 👏

Everybody can do something by boycotting companies who are supporting the Israeli occupation. Any economic impact, no matter how small, adds up over time. Whatever you can do to negatively impact Israel's economic viability is worth your time.


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