Chaos and division erupt at Washington Republican convention in Spokane to politics – 223 points –
Chaos and division erupt at Washington Republican convention in Spokane

““Civility has kind of disappeared,” she said. “Even in our party, and that’s sad.””

Lady, you realize your party did a fucking coup? Fuck off.

Best part... "Even in our party" That's the separation from reality...

I didn't think the leopards would eat my face!

Every. Time.

Division among the state’s Republican Party was evident earlier in the day, when Jaime Herrera Beutler spoke as a candidate for public lands commissioner, a position that runs Washington’s Department of Natural Resources. Members of the crowd booed the candidate. Some stood up and turned their backs on her.

A former representative for Washington’s 3rd Congressional District, Herrera Beutler notably voted to impeach President Donald Trump. It was a move that split GOP voters in her district. She lost the following primary in 2022, and in turn, her elected position in Congress.

The coupers bouped.

The party’s candidate committee announced Bird was disqualified from the endorsement process Friday — prompting the room to roar with boos and cries of “bullshit.” The delegates then voted to overturn the committee’s disqualification.

You hate to see it. /s

Spokane will always be the city that voted to allow domestic terrorist Matt Shea into the government.

If you're not familiar with Domestic Terrorist Matt Shea, you should absolutely read about him.

I'm quite well aware of Matt Shea and his ilk. I first heard about him on Aron Ra's YouTube channel because he was organizing counter-protests against the Satanic Temple at the Idaho and Washington State capitols. There were some other things I was less aware of though, so that was definitely an enlightening read.

I especially liked the part about his jihad..."document, consisting of 14 sections" which I can only assume is a thinly veiled callback to the 14 words from David Eden Lane. There are some seriously deranged Nazi mother fuckers across Eastern Washington and Idaho. I don't want them getting anymore emboldened than they already are, and it is good to have a reminder of what we are dealing with in this country.

Not to defend Spokane but that was Spokane Valley. If you know the difference that’s all that needs to be said. Still part of the metro but technically not Spokane city proper.

If this, after everything, the monsters beginning to eat themselves in earnest, or still not yet

I hope so, I've been edging on that idea since the Lincoln Project was born. Split the cons so we can pull the dems left without having a fucking knife to our throats.

Milwaukee is gonna burn this year.

It must be invisible Jewish space lasers causing disruptions . . .