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Not always. Both Trump's NY fraud conviction, and election interference (hush money) felonies came out of the Michael Cohen hearing, specifically from AOC questions.

Your overall point is absolutely correct, though. It's even more frustrating when it's easy to see how powerful these hearings can be.

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I wouldn't say so. She asked direct, pointed questions about how the Trump org had over valued properties and other assets in order to get more favorable loans. She knew exactly what she was doing during that hearing.

Every single consecrated Catholic altar contains a relic of a saint. Usually they're pretty small, maybe a piece of a fingerbone or something. You're right that a good one like this would bring in lots of pilgrims (tourist dollars,) but it's a tradition that way predates capitalism.

I'm not in the business of defending the Catholic Church or capitalism, just wanted to clarify.

You should probably not be asking smug rhetorical questions when you don't actually understand how the federal government works.

Use a search engine, educate yourself.

This was another case by the conservative law network where the facts were either made up, or so badly misrepresented that they might as well have been made up. This mayor basically walked into the company's office and said, "I got you those contracts. Give me money if you want any more in the future."

But of course, police are given 3 months of training tops, so they just fire them wherever.

I don't think they fire them wherever. I think they aim at people's faces because they think it's funny.

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She really did launder a ton of both mis and disinformation through her show over the years.

Gotta put the trucks somewhere, too.

The Trump tax cut expires next year. Biden has promised not to renew it if he's reelected.

Get informed.

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Yeah, Stein was funded by Putin and his buddies.

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I'm the flip side, Go back and watch Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Once you're done cringing at the racism, think about the fact that Harrison Ford went on an intense weightlifting program for that movie, and was considered the most shredded leading man in Hollywood at the time. Actors using steroids has become so common that it has also skewed our perception of a normal fit guy's body.

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We can excuse the racism, the transphobia, and the antisemitism, but we draw the line at drugs!

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It's my opinion that every single person in the upper levels is this organization is a maniac. They are all a bunch of so-called "rationalist" tech-right AnCaps that justify their immense incomes through the lens of Effective Altruism, the same ideology that Sam Bankman-fried used to justify his theft of billions from his customers.

Anybody with the urge to pick a "side" here ought to think about taking a step back and reconsider; they are all bad people.

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She even got the inflection the way you would if you were using air quotes around a word. Verbal italics, if you will.

I'm with the commies on this one. We need to nationalize utilities like energy distribution. No reason to have a profit seeking entity in charge of necessities like electricity.

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I know it can be difficult to search for answers when you have questions. I did a deep dive into the subject matter, and found the following info hidden within the first sentence:

Overtime pay for cops in New York's subway system increased from $4 million in 2022 to $155 million over the same period in 2023, according to an analysis by Gothamist.

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Number one cause of death of pregnant people in the US is murder. I wonder what the rates are like in these states versus others.

Vaughn’s confession contradicted the facts of the crime, but the judge sentenced him to life in prison anyway, commenting, “I’m sure that some governor somewhere down the road will reduce the sentence or commute it to a term of years.”

It's awful at every step.

Back in the day I worked in a restaurant that closed down, and the owner tried to steal all of our last two weeks' pay.

It had been announced ahead of time that the place was going to close at the end of the month, and we were actually a very popular place, so the last two weeks were completely sold out, crazy busy, and there should have been lots of tips. After we closed, they kept dragging out the date we could get out last paychecks, then finally just tried saying, "there won't be any last paychecks."

All of us employees got together with a lawyer and they sent a letter saying that they needed to give us our last paychecks or we would file a class action lawsuit for all the tips they'd been stealing out of the tip pool. He then relented and agreed to pay us our last checks, but refused to mail them. When I went to pick up the check, dude really had the balls to try to shake my hand and say, "Hey Turtle Joe, how's the summer going? Take any vacations or anything?"

I left him hanging and said, "No I've been out of work for months now. I'm not here to talk to you, I just need my check."

P.S. we sued him for wage theft anyway and ended up taking him for almost $200k.

If he wins, we're done. No doubt about it. However, if we hold back the fascists this election (this includes the House and Senate,) there is a real chance at landing a huge defeat to maga extremism in '26 and '28.

Yes, you should be paying attention to your local politics: right wing extremism is on the rise everywhere.

This was a case where you needed the sarcasm tag. Up to then, it was a totally "reasonable" comment from an AI bro.

BTW, plug "crypto" in to your comment for AI, and it's a totally normal statement from 2020/21. It's such a similar VC grift.

Russian State TV ran celebratory pieces when the House elected Johnson as speaker. He's been in their pocket for a while.

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A term created in order to vacuum up VC funding for spurious use cases.

Sandy Hook families holding about $1.5 billion in defamation judgments [...] a competing plan submitted by Jones that would allow him to reorganize by preserving parts of his media empire and paying the group at least $5.5 million a year over 10 years

Why did you omit the part where they didn't accept that plan? Those ellipses did some heavy lifting.

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I'm pretty sure the plural is Johns Fetterman. It's like Attorneys General.

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He was living in a house his parents bought with money laundered from user deposits that he stole. His parents are paying his lawyers with that money, too.

It's great that you have found a church that works for you. However, it is Christian evangelicals that are driving the US headlong into authoritarian right wing politics age the demonization of LGBTQ+ groups and individuals.

You also don't get to say, "those people are not real Christians because they believe differently to me." They are real Christians.

I encourage you not to internalize something that doesn't apply to you. Instead maybe look to the behavior of your fellow believers as to why your religion gets criticized, and even call them out for their shitty beliefs and actions.

Musk raised $6 billion in a recent funding round for his would-be OpenAI competitor, xAI, whose first product, Grok, is meant to serve as a politically incorrect answer to ChatGPT. In addition to Tesla, SpaceX, and xAI, Musk is founder of brain interface startup Neuralink and tunneling venture Boring Company.

In case anybody is wondering why he's making a big deal out of it.

As to why emoji feels the need to make his own "anti-woke" AI, it's because he thinks that, at some point in the future, our AI overlords will decide to cull white people to meet "forced diversity quotas." I'm not kidding.


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This is every colonizer's playbook: you make constant small incursions, then when the people finally push back, you use it as an excuse to wipe them out and take the land.

I bartend. Bad neighborhood, no security. When I work, it's just me behind the bar. Same with my coworkers. There have been plenty of times over the years when shitheads have come into the bar looking to start problems, plus the usual nonsense that happens with a room fun of drunk people. I've never shot anybody over it. Neither have any of my coworkers.

You should just read what the Republicans will do if Trump is reelected.

They've published their plans, and I want exactly zero of any of the "policy" they plan on implementing.

That's the beauty of sado-populism

  • Enact policy that hurts your constituents

  • Blame out-group du jour for the problem

  • Run on "stopping" said out-group

  • Rinse and repeat, change out-group as necessary.

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This guy is a former (and current) crypto bro who just pivoted to the next tech buzzword. This shit was never gonna be a benefit to humanity.

Yeah, it's funny because they're all scared to go to cities because of the crime stories they see on winger media like newsmax, but then they also turn around and say things like this.

The minimum that will happen here is the $250 million fine. That's because he's already been found guilty of the top count. The current trial is to determine if he's guilty of the other counts, and how much more Trump will be fined. He could also lose his ability to operate any of his businesses in NYS (this may have already happened, I can't remember.)

This is also a bench trial, since his attorneys forgot to ask for a jury trial. That means the judge will decide if he's guilty of the further counts, and what the punishments will be. The same judge that he's been screaming at from the stand, threatening on social media, and whose staffers trump has also been threatening and doxxing.

This guy essentially founded modern "rationalism." He has millions of literal followers, not just the Twitter kind. His dumbass is the one that spawned the Effective Altruism cult that has become extremely popular with tech bros. Sam bankman-fried, Sam Altman, Elon musk all subscribe to this "philosophy." It's all batshit insane and incredibly stupid.

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It seems clear to me that he hates the people that are ruining the tech industry, ripping off customers, and pumping out shitty projects for short term stuck pumps, and he takes every opportunity to shit on those people and point out their idiosyncrasies. That's pretty much every tech CEO these days.

It's also pretty clear to me that he believes in the promise of the industry, and thinks that workers deserve better than the people that they work for.

Lol. OP never said anything about burning bibles.

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Just respond "nice meltdown."

Or they just all decide to do it, and you have no choice.