55 Post – 348 Comments
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I mean, did he rip those off from places where they were active? Cause that would be dangerous.

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I won't get my hopes up until after the seizure/liquidation order is executed, and he's got to start selling shit, everything about and around Trump shows the rich in the United States live by different rules when it comes to the courts, and there's always another delay or stay or appeal, that the normal citizen wouldn't be granted or have access to, especially Trump since he and the Republican party control over half the sitting judges which decide these things

It's a little fun watching him squirm, but only so much, because then there's the inevitable let down of the stay, or appeal, or case falling apart, or supreme court review, or prosecutor disqualification, or some other fucking infuriating bullshit

Justice delayed is justice denied

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after a million americans dead, and a violent insurrection, the fact this man is the presumptive nominee for the republican party for president of the united states of america AGAIN is so terribly shameful, there are few words to describe just how far we've fallen as a nation, and just how much our light has dimmed

now do demanding a microsoft account to set up windows

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If it's worth anything at all at the time he can sell, he's made money, likely Billions, Hundreds of Millions, Tens of Millions? I dunno, more than I'll ever see. Money funneled to him for the express purpose of racial hatred, and to destroy American secular egalitarian Democracy. That he was able to do this, at all, is an indictment of how corrupt our institutions are.

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"Trump has built his entire business career on the premise that laws are merely suggestions. The method has generally succeeded. When the government tried to make him allow Black people to live in his father’s apartment buildings, he defied the law and repeated Justice Department efforts to force compliance. He and his father funneled millions of dollars into his pockets illegally via a tax-fraud scheme of shell companies and phony paperwork. He repeatedly and habitually refuses to pay contractors for services rendered. He boasted that he could buy off public officials, a belief that, correct or not, explained his brazen willingness to cheat and steal."

muah chefs kiss

wish the article would have mentioned Trump being born the scion of a white supremacist new york construction company owner he was brought up in both the kkk and mafia

You Wouldn't Download An Entire Caribbean Island, Would You?

Texas under Republicans is a disaster as an ongoing concern

yet, russia uses iranian, chinese, and north korean weapon inside of ukraine? alrighty then. push gonna come to shove though, putin isn't going to simply retreat, lol. shit is getting every closer to hitting the fan (as if all the dead, injured, displaced, and terrified ukrainians isn't already the shit hitting the fan). we're playing chicken with a "staid" russian megalomaniac. god only knows where this is going to end up. pray for sanity, vote for joe.

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Some suspect Dell's suddenly stringent office policy is an attempt to force people to quit so that the company can avoid layoffs. In 2023, Dell laid off 13,000 people, per regulatory filings [PDF].

It may show the Republican voters base is declining, or it may show that those who vote Republican are refusing to answer the pollsters questions honestly.

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It worked for Hulk Hogan, that man ended up owning Gawker, shut that whole corporation down

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I see people blaming "Victorian England" for modesty, as if Full Female only Body and Face veiling hasn't been prevalent since before the Byzantine Empire

all the dino dust was ejected into space and settled around saturn

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this. guy. packed. scotus. to. kill. roe.

It's not the data the CCP wants, it's the influence in what is served to American eyeballs by their algorithm. Data you can buy anywhere.

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There's a very specific reason Trump keeps repeating the number 88 over and over again

Trump is an immediate existential threat, as he was for the Million Americans who perished from COVID over two years due to a purposefully sandbagged and almost entirely useless pandemic response. Climate it really important, but there are more important things, and climate is not a winner trying to get the Christofascists to NOT vote for the Orange Hitler

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Add it to the pile, the likelihood Trump is ever going to pay this, is just about nil, he'll pay some lawyer to tie this up in litigation for years, he's about to come into Billions from the sale of his Truth social stock, I hate this timeline

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"how bout that" lol

..... and now this MAGAt gets to go to jail, because she's a criminal, who tried to prove that Democrats were doing criminal shit, which they weren't.

it's the chef's kiss of fuck around and find out. it's like orgasm ice cream.

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all shrimp purchased in stores that aren't dockside are frozen. all shrimp purchased in restaurants that aren't dockside are frozen. shrimp are iced on the boats when they're caught, which .... wait for it .... freezes them. every single last one.

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good. fuck that guy forever. also: whenever there's an article about this absolute horrorshow, it reminds me to trim my nosehairs.

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never mistake evil for stupid

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Biz Stone, who allowed Nazis to run rampant on Twitter, so he could monetize it and sell it to Elon Musk? That motherfucker? Man, Mastodon first selling out to META in a closed door non disclosure pow wow, now this. The Mastodon folks wanna get paid. Alas, and so it goes.........

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his mother. he hasn't called in a week, he doesn't write.

and this traitorous cunt immediately threw his wife under the bus and thought nothing of it

FOX News will be foaming at the mouth about it being a Tuesday, or the month of March. The only catch 22 for NBC was having to pay $300,000 to not be on their air, and they made the right call.

fuckin brilliant

control via direct in person oversight and corporate real estate investment, that's it, that's the reason

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If Japan wasn't so inherently racist to foreigners, it would be a target rich environment for people looking to invest in the culture, the country and starting a family

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Just because no ones ever done it before, doesn't mean you're doing it wrong.

fuckin europeans. safer and more free from the prying eyes of the data whores, whowouldathunkit. were gettin shafted over here.

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"doubling down on misogyny", you mean AFTER they successfully killed ROE by installing their christofascist SCOTUS justices, who will remain in charge for decades?

man, spoonfeeding this shit to the masses, with pablum headlines is just ..... so dystopian.

the water is already at full fucking boil, and the media wants to keep your attention as if this is a progressive disaster unfolding, the disaster is already here. the media offers no solution to this, like, fuck these white born again christian cunts, but continue to offer their destruction of egalitarian secular democracy as a "reasonable alternative" to the dying frogs with all the power to shut the fucking heat off.

the white supremacist christofacists already control the supreme court and are adjudicating. this isn't "doubling down" it's fucking status quo at this point. the house is on fire, right now, right now.

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Elon Musk is a full of shit cunt. That's it. That's the post.

I feel better already

KOOK, Your mother and I are getting divorced.

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It's not that Musk ever thought Tesla could design "better" components, it's that Musk knew Tesla could design proprietary components, and in there lies the grift.

the value you see, is in the corruption

yeah yeah yeah i'll believe it when i see it, this is lucy with the football, it's nonsense until it's done

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