"Stand where he tells you to stand": Why the GOP is doubling down on misogyny in 2024

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 147 points –
"Stand where he tells you to stand": Why the GOP is doubling down on misogyny in 2024

Republicans placate an evangelical base that's getting nastier with sexism — even if costs the party women's votes

"Stand where he tells you to stand, wear what he tells you to wear, and do what he tells you to do."

This is the wedding night advice offered to brides by Josh Howerton, a senior pastor at Lakepointe Church in Dallas, Texas. Lakepointe, according to the Dallas Morning News, is one of the biggest megachurches in Texas, with over 13,000 people a week attending its main location. The church itself cites a number over 40,000 a week, between its six campuses and online services. Howerton opened Sunday morning services on February 25 with this paean to sexual coercion.

It's not just the assault on abortion rights, which they can't seem to hold back from, despite the resounding unpopularity of the anti-choice stance. It's that the MAGA base is getting ever more vitriolic with its misogyny. Part of that is due to the more secular dirtbags of the Joe Rogan/Elon Musk variety, who have become such a loud part of the Republican coalition under Trump. But this escalation of boldly misogynist rhetoric is also coming from the evangelicals. Republicans can't win without keeping those people happy, since the Christian right is where the GOP's organizing power still mainly resides.


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"doubling down on misogyny", you mean AFTER they successfully killed ROE by installing their christofascist SCOTUS justices, who will remain in charge for decades?

man, spoonfeeding this shit to the masses, with pablum headlines is just ..... so dystopian.

the water is already at full fucking boil, and the media wants to keep your attention as if this is a progressive disaster unfolding, the disaster is already here. the media offers no solution to this, like, fuck these white born again christian cunts, but continue to offer their destruction of egalitarian secular democracy as a "reasonable alternative" to the dying frogs with all the power to shut the fucking heat off.

the white supremacist christofacists already control the supreme court and are adjudicating. this isn't "doubling down" it's fucking status quo at this point. the house is on fire, right now, right now.