1 Post – 147 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

How awesome if the sandy hook parents took possession of infowars.

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Yes! That’s exactly what you should say to Christians when they start spouting off on their racist, homophobic, or otherwise prejudiced beliefs. You’re a great role model.

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I’m so happy to see a sane comment at the top here. So many of these are just stupid and border on alpha male don’t take not shit or admit fault crap.

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Yes, he personally made that money for Tesla….

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Spent too much time overhauling and perfecting game design and put the interns on story and narration.

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Next you’ll tell me cognito mode isn’t keeping my browsing completely private! /s

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I’ve got some bad news for you…

Why do they need to be armed when there are actual cops, the bailiff, and other people who actually have the job of protecting people in the public building? You are delusional. Judges don’t get assaulted on the reg in court. How can he be seen as impartial after showing this kind of behavior?

Because warmongering republicans love to say Carter was terrible when actually he was at worst run of the mill. But since Reagan followed him they have a rage boner against him. Literally one of the greatest humans with all the work he’s done with his charitable organizations.

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An important detail from your story is how much money you started with and gained during your corporate life. Living the way you do now can absolutely be a privilege even if it is simpler. Your core message about being yourself and not what society or specific people want you to be is still good, also assuming what you want to be is ethical in nature.

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This is a bad shooting no matter what. HE approached the kids. He instigated the confrontation. He murdered a child. There is no room for any other narrative here.

I think the problem is Bentleys association with old rich. They aren’t terribly exciting cars and have stuck to largely the same styling just slightly evolved. People want new things.

Libertarians in America are just republicans who smoke weed, change my mind.

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That’s because it’s not an unpopular opinion. It’s you completely missing the point of the whole bear in the woods thing.

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Easier is questionable. Some of the older games can be tough as hell. Especially with outdated control schemes.

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How about no, and you should really be fucking ashamed of your pandering ass. Imagine one of your loved ones was murdered by a cop who was just being brave….you’d be fine with that? Don’t answer, just gtfo.

Only if they are the underage beauty queen pageant participants. That’s just wholesome Christian activities ya know.

This is some I’m 16 and this is deep bullshit. The point is we have a process in place to convict and sentence people charged with crimes. Once he was found guilty do his friends need to abandon him? No. But do they need to actually have him show a change BEFORE they show “leniency”. Yes. Your whole argument is so dumb it borders if not crosses over into making you a rape apologist.

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lol, fucking please. The buck stops with them? So when they over hire and fuck up profits do they get fired or is it all the staff? And when they do get fired do they get packages for fucking up? What about regular employees? Get outta here with that ignorant nonsense.

Hamas is terrible, Palestine is not. Hamas and Israel are in a symbiotic relationship to keep each other in power ruining the lives of all Palestinians. Hamas is in control because of work Israel did against the Palestinian Authority. That’s an important distinction you need to make. While also stating that Israel is an apartheid state committing genocide.

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We have a bell on our cats collar precisely for this reason. It’s impossible to know where they are unless they want you to know otherwise.

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lol, wut? How much do you think the average actor makes? Not everyone is Adam Driver…..

That’s an odd comparison. It’s more like “is there anyone in that family who isn’t like every other Trump?” They are all pieces of shit. No need to go outside their family to find worse examples.

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It’s racism. Racism is the thing that you’re looking for. Are you saying there’s no racism? Anywhere? You’re not arguing in good faith at all. This whole economic aspect is just a straw man distraction.

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That’s not an open ecosystem, that’s just a yet to be closed and monetized system.

I wanna know why Obama hired this person to give a bad name to good ol country boy Jim! /s

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That was like 40 years ago.

Why would you jump to that conclusion based o. The article and their comment?

You had me going in the first half, not gonna lie…

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Why is this a thing? I like iMessage but is there a reason people are trying to force their way into the protocol or whatever? Just to show blue or is there something unique to iMessage that no one else has?

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Tech company….pleasant and safe environment. You sound like one of the tech Zionists. Tech companies are not typically safe or pleasant. Not for 15 years at least.

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Maybe we shouldn’t have the idea of a dead end job in the first place. Almost all work should be valid and provide livable wages. There shouldn’t be a class of jobs “just for kids”. As if their time is less valuable anyways. This is a super late stage capitalist viewpoint.

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Sorry, the glue sniffing department in that case

Lol, ok. Your anecdotal experience can totally be believed over all the data gathered over years. Great. Thanks.

About what exactly?

A. Why is this a generational thing? I guess you’re a boomer or xer? B. 1 or two satellites or space stations are neat. Your story was from a time when not every company in the world could get something up there with little regulation. C. Yeah, nature is always more beautiful than our creations. Imagine many years from now when there may be so many visible satellites in the sky it’s not a novelty like it was to you as a child. D. This kind of apathy is how we got into the climate crisis today.

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Are there any privacy or security concerns using chiaki?

Anthony Weiner is a shitbag who sent photos of his dick to an underage girl if I remember correctly. That is not the same as Al Franken. Even Jon Stewart, his old college roommate, rebuked him harshly.

Did he get the death penalty? What are you proposing his sentence be then? Couple weeks and some knitting classes? Rehabilitation takes time, and I’m all for that. But that’s not what Ashton and Mila were asking for. They were asking for a lighter sentence because he’s a good guy. You aren’t even arguing about the original topic though so none of this is relevant anyways.

Why is this an excuse? I don’t even know what my grandparents did for a living. Just because they may have been tailors doesn’t mean I would have any special knowledge passion or feeling on fashion or the clothing industry.

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