2 Post – 41 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Let's not forget that this is because Meta gave away Facebook messages that they thought were private. Do not use Facebook messenger! Or SMS!!

15 more...

It just confirms that conservatives are only afraid of everything. It was race, it was gays, it's now trans. Their entire platform is fear of everything. I saw a guy with a bumper sticker that said "Fuck Biden" and I assumed he was a scared little boy.

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Best part... "Even in our party" That's the separation from reality...

Any dipshits involved in Jan 6 should be treated as 9/11 criminals. As they are.

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Americans are falling behind on all payments. Surprised pichachu face...

She's gunning to be his next wife.

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MAGA is the largest terrorist threat this country has faced since the 1860s

Wild that this person claims to be antifa (the Boogeyman) but can't keep it up as they can only spout the garbage right wing messages.

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We're all very much hoping so.

Crimes. Literally crimes.

Yep. Taking away women's health options will do that...

They're a proctologist.

Hilarious how in the information age these troglodytes seem to think their shit thoughts are valid

I'm not sure why he still has a voice while being investigated for underage trafficking...

They're trying to prevent the oncoming wave of minority and young people that vote overwhelming blue. If motivated enough they'll swing states like Georgia and Arizona.

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I'm wondering when he's going to go after handicapped people....

Meh... I'm fairly sure it's because he's weak and was against ISIS in Syria where he wants to keep a warm water naval base...

All gop narratives are dog whistles for the old and stupid.

You could say they're building a wall of sorts..

Because they know there's nothing there that hasn't already been said and they want their base to fill in the blanks that a private hearing would have.

This is trash. These people are voting for this. "I didn't know isn't an excuse."

Classic. What countries have insecure men?

26 more...

Palan finally gets called out on how stupid she is!

Cemeteries are nonsense

Did you eat paint chips as a kid?

Fantastic. Where do I do any of that?

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Digging around... Here's to donate to the .world federation.

She's hoping to get in on the rush of precedent

Maybe a few less votes as there are a fair amount of trump voters who can't spell his name on the write in?

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That's great! What camera did you use?

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That's not bad at all! I like it!

That's awesome!!

That's was the Church of Satan. The Satanic Temple is a very different organization.

Can you confirm that?


One of the really interesting things I like is the shadows through tree leaves!

Ooh! If you haven't listened to something you're both into from a blind person... It's amazing! Turn the damn lights off and listen!

OMG! That's hilarious!! Thank you for that.

My father in law explained...

Thank you for the response! What is the important stuff passing over everyone's head?

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