Republicans Want To Make It Harder to Vote and Easier to Cheat to politics – 564 points –
Republicans Want To Make It Harder to Vote and Easier to Cheat

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They're trying to prevent the oncoming wave of minority and young people that vote overwhelming blue. If motivated enough they'll swing states like Georgia and Arizona.

From AZ, I never vote red. But I still try to research my candidates. We just swung blue I hope we don't go back. But we very possibly could. The constant feed of brain rot on the TVs at the office I work at is insane and its a primary source of this polarization we see today. They just listen to heads all day that spew nothing but hate. I turn the TVs off with my flipper zero as I pass by.

i was happy to see az do something right for a change; but being born and raised in az i know that the stake holders in gov't are going to copy some texas legal tricks to force all future elections to go their way.