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"I thought things would get worse," Ocasio-Cortez wrote in another text cited in the book. "I thought a lot of my misery was due to leadership more broadly having a thing against me. But … my life has completely transformed. It's crazy. And it's that that made me realise it was kind of just [Pelosi] the whole time."

"Senior members talk to me, [committee] chairs are nice to me, people want to work together," the congresswoman added. "I'm shocked. I couldn't even get floor time before."

Very interesting. Like AOC, I thought that she'd be in trouble under Jeffries, who has a reputation in NYC as someone who is really confrontational with the left, whereas Pelosi is seen as at least sort of progressive. I wonder if the difference has something to do with age - Pelosi is probably more progressive for her age cohort than Jeffries is for his, but she's just so ancient.

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Ironically it would be so much easier to do that if they actually implemented the law they're suing over, which demands they record the ID of everyone who uses the site.

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I think there's a lot of vague support for keeping porn away from children that evaporates in the context of the actual issue at hand where porn sites are being mandated to collect and store the IDs of every visitor.

This article came out in February and seems to have been pretty dead on, down to Musk reviving the ridiculous branding.

Hey that's great, good job! I'm so unused to any disappointing decision being reversed, this really is an amazing site.

I assumed the piracy sub would be a safe space for this sort of thing

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This is why companies should be run by their workers. Even places that start out with a good culture get taken over by the business school blob whose only job is to get promoted and loot the company.

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Yeah it was a pretty dumb business move by Elon to become such a loud right-wing shithead when his core demographic of customers are people who are concerned about climate change.

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I think that's more the media's fault than the administration's.

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Yeah exactly - the proposal here is to have a driver-owned worker cooperative run the app.

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Swimming around in a spent nuclear fuel pool:

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Good job EU, screw you Apple

The key to understanding it is they're pro-war, and in Ukraine pro-war means supporting the Russian invasion.

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If accountability for the powerful means the end of America as we know it I'm excited for the new America that we're about to meet.

Fantastic. Remember guys, we're all on the same side on this one. This should be a signal for the US to get its ass in gear to do the same, but it's not like China expanding its renewable energy capacity is anything but great for everyone.

The OLIGARCH Act specifically establishes four tax brackets:

· 2% for all wealth between 1,000 and 10,000 times median household wealth;

· 4% for all wealth between 10,000 and 100,000 times median household wealth;

· 6% for all wealth between 100,000 and 1,000,000 times median household wealth;

· 8% for all wealth over 1,000,000 times median household wealth

For reference, current median household wealth is around $120k:

So a the current rate would be

· 2% for all wealth between $120 million and $1.2 billion

· 4% for all wealth between $1.2 billion and $12 billion

· 6% for all wealth between $12 billion and $120 billion

· 8% for all wealth over $120 billion

That top tax rate would apply to only two people, Bill Gates and Elon Musk, with a few more just barely below the $120 billion line:

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You've got to go through them? How so?

No points to farm on Lemmy, it doesn't even keep track of your totals. I just like spreading labor news.

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Hard to imagine how anyone who's concerned about climate change could see shutting down a carbon-free energy source as a "green win".

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Your question avoids the biggest issue with that sort of dictatorship - the fact that it replaces peaceful electoral competition for power with force, that can as easily result in chaos and civil war as a stable dictatorship.

With that off the table, the big issue is that kind of benevolent dictatorship has a tendency to start off strong and then decay as the original ruling clique who actually had some ideals die off and are replaced by their subordinates who got into working in an autocratic government for the power. Too bad Bernie is so old, we wouldn't get that many years of him on top. Not worth it in the long run even if you do get some policy benefits in the short run. Unless you think the odds of Trump becoming a dictator instead are high enough that it's better to take a chance on a better dictator, which is the kind of calculation that results in the civil wars and such I mentioned above.

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I appreciate the call for democracy, but I think this totally misses the point of federation with it's complaint that not everybody is going to host their own server. The benefit of federation is not that every individual or small group will run their own server, it's that there will be multiple server options to choose from so if the one you're using goes bad you can just switch to another one. Even just getting to an email like system with a few major players and many smaller ones would be a big improvement over a single centralized server, but what makes Mastodon style federation even better than that is that you can move your account from one server to another in a way you really can't for email.

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Haha probably meant to write "miles" the second time

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The issue with the song and with right wing populism generally is that it gets some of the complaints right, but points people in exactly the wrong direction in terms of looking for solutions. So it can be really maddening for people on the left because it's substituting for a correct analysis in a way that sabotages bringing the working class together.

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I was getting a little choked up just thinking about it while reading the description of a day in the life at prison in this article and imagining Trump being subjected to it.

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Yeah the only problem with bluesky is that it still has such strict limits on who can join, and even who can see the content. Can't exactly make it your online home for announcements and such if most people can't see them there even if they wanted to.

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Awful, we really need some kind of federal fast track for these sorts of badly needed projects that cuts through the NIMBY bullshit.

Amanda Marcotte is the author, a reasonably distinguished and well known figure:

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I think lemmy skews a lot older than reddit, we are reliving our internet youth

High schoolers should all get free public transit access anyway.

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It's frustrating how the rich and powerful end up not having to leave their cushy mansions even when doing prison time.

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I think the big thing is not having any requirements to join, you just make an account and you're in. I started out trying to join a different instance and the second I saw a list of questions to answer I noped out and came here.

That's great, what happened in the last week or so to produce a boost?

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This is the real problem with these Silicon Valley fads like crypto and AI - they cause idiot tech executives to disinvest in their worthwhile products in an attempt to get on the bandwagon.

The whole thing with mysterious producers approaching him out of nowhere when he's at his lowest point to get him to record a faux-populist song that really reinforces conservative power is very Black Mirror.

That's kind of what the whole article is spent laying out.

I thought this distinction between left and right populism from the article was useful:

As the political analyst John Judis has argued, this is more or less what distinguishes right populism from the left variety: Whereas left populism posits a binary between the people and the elites, right populism conjures a three-part division of society between “the people,” the elites, and the undeserving others whom the elites coddle at the people’s expense.

The song's complaints about working class life ring true, but then whenever it gets close to a political statement, whether about taxes, politicians, or welfare it never says anything a wealthy conservative would argue with.

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It's such insanity that supposed liberals are giving any credence to these totally insane and bad faith allegations conservatives are trotting out. These presidents didn't even say anything sympathetic to Palestine, much less anything antisemitic, they just didn't crack down on student free speech as much as the right wing wants to.

The breakup this is referring to is splitting off the Android operating system from the rest of Google.

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Not cool, reverse this

What do you mean the results of the election won't matter? They'll determine whether a deranged and vengeance minded Trump becomes president...

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It has already been done, that's what the article is about:

Currently based in NYC, but getting ready for a big launch in Minneapolis in response to the incumbent rideshare companies pulling out of the city in protest of increased rideshare regulation. Big opportunity to seize some marketshare without needing that much startup capital if your better financed competitors are removing themselves from that part of the market.

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Meaning Jack Dorsey? He had some involvement in starting bluesky but is more pushing his own "nostr" site, and has had a hilarious arc of being ever more hostile to bluesky and its left-leaning userbase.

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